If our friends on the left are so oppossed to a wall to protect Americans?

Then why, pray tell, are they erecting one to protect themselves from ordinary citizens???

PHOTOS: DNC erects four-mile eight-foot tall fence around Philly convention site - The American Mirror

Someday......when you graduate from elementary school.....you too may learn the difference between a TEMPORARY FENCE, and a PERMANENT BORDER WALL........................(just ask the old East Germans.)

So if it's temporary, it works and if it's permanent, it doesn't work? So far, none of you numskulls have explained why one works and the other doesn't.

The East German border wall was evil because its purpose was to keep people in, not to keep intruders out. Trying to equate the two is the sign of a lying douche bag.
after the dems high tail it out of town and get away from the unwashed masses

Not a very nice description of Philadelphia where american democracy was born......but, nonetheless expected from a clueless right winger......
So if it's temporary, it works and if it's permanent, it doesn't work? So far, none of you numskulls have explained why one works and the other doesn't.

With right wing idiots, the questions have to be simple.....So.....

1. Did the RNC erect a fence in Cleveland last week? ....Yes or No?
2. What were the reasons for the RNC's fence? Was it to keep "illegal aliens" out of Cleveland?
The East German border wall was evil because its purpose was to keep people in, not to keep intruders out. Trying to equate the two is the sign of a lying douche bag.

it's more of a cognitive disorder, or rather, a failure to grasp simple concepts...
Comparing a 1200 mile wall with an arena fense?

Hey, how about that GOP gun free zone ?

Too funny sissy, they are building a wall AND requiring a photo ID to get in. Priceless. You punks are simply hypocritical idiots.

You punks are simply hypocritical idiots.

of course they are plus dupes

who blindly accept what they are told to think

but everyone already knows that

Also around the stage too.
Im all for the wall...then american businesses will be paying twice the wage they are now. Lets build it and watch businesses pay a decent wage. If they fight it then i cheer for their shutdown.
There's no problem with that, because all of them will be paying the same wage. The screaming you'll hear is from the poor who will be paying more for everything. You can't raise labor costs without price increases.
yeah they in reality do not want to get close to the peoples

You desperate right wingers will soon come up with a rumor that speakers at the DNC did not wear deodorant to ward off anyone wanting to get close to them.........See, I'm always glad to "help" right wing nitwits.....LOL
You can't raise labor costs without price increases.

here's someone who bemoans the Emancipation Proclamation......Ah, does "good ol' days", right?
That's stupid.

Why don't you, instead of sounding stupid, tell us how you can increase labor costs without price increases? Then, while you're at it, explain how the poor will remain silent and be happy when they have to pay higher prices for stuff?
RNC is opposed to a fence for protection?

Is the Englsih langiagei
That's stupid.

Why don't you, instead of sounding stupid, tell us how you can increase labor costs without price increases? Then, while you're at it, explain how the poor will remain silent and be happy when they have to pay higher prices for stuff?

Moron.....Read about how Henry Ford raised his workers' wages so they could afford to buy the cars these workers manufactured.
RNC is opposed to a fence for protection?

Is the Englsih langiagei
That's stupid.

Why don't you, instead of sounding stupid, tell us how you can increase labor costs without price increases? Then, while you're at it, explain how the poor will remain silent and be happy when they have to pay higher prices for stuff?

Moron.....Read about how Henry Ford raised his workers' wages so they could afford to buy the cars these workers manufactured.

Economics blows your mind don't it?

One company raising it wages helps a few people.

Increasing across the board helps no one fool.
Economics blows your mind don't it?

One company raising it wages helps a few people.

Increasing across the board helps no one fool.

Actually, I think you "learned" your economics from the back of a cereal box.........

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