If our friends on the left are so oppossed to a wall to protect Americans?

I can see how a wall might staunch the flow of undocumented immigrants for a time. Until people figure out how to get over, around, or underneath of it. Mr. Trump's position on the issue seems to be focused on Mexico though, with no mention of Chinese or Indian immigrants, who are arriving at a faster pace than Mexicans. They come across the southern border because it is easy. Erecting an effective barrier there makes the Canadian border easier to cross. If a person can afford an airline ticket / berth from Mumbai or Guangzhou to Mexico City, why not to Vancouver or Toronto? Will we be discussing another wall and tripling of border guards in 4 years time. I also don't see much, if anything, on Mr. Trump's campaign site (someone misspelled wall) about changing the entry requirements into the US. Right now a BCC gets a Mexican citizen 55 miles into the US (farther in Arizona) while a passport (for most nationalities) allows them to come in anywhere for 90 days. Other than raising the fees on BCCs and a vaguely worded stance on "enhanced" and "criminal" penalties for people overstaying their visas, what is the proposed policy? A visa tracking system that has so far been a failure? I don't need the nuts and bolts but I do need more than just "Build a wall."
A visa tracking system that has so far been a failure? I don't need the nuts and bolts but I do need more than just "Build a wall."

Of course, you're correct.....But demagoguery works best when simple solutions are offered to not too bright minds, so building a beautiful wall "sounds" like an answer that nitwits readily swallow....

(BTW, don't forget that much of our drugs' importation is done by sea crafts......and we have over 96.000 miles of coastal areas..
I would expect that we understand the problem and know the stats before investing billions of dollars in building a wall.
And how many billions has illegal immigration cost us? And how many billions will it continue to cost us, especially every time Democrats are in power and want more voters?
Fucking hypocrites on everything.. Guns, Racism, Bigotry, Sexism, The Wall.. name it and these flakes are nothing but frauds.
Fucking hypocrites on everything.. Guns, Racism, Bigotry, Sexism, The Wall.. name it and these flakes are nothing but frauds.

Yep even that nobody should go hungry they are always whining about....

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor

I read that shit last night. They threw away perfectly good food that the homeless and Soup kitchens desperately needed..
Fucking hypocrites on everything.. Guns, Racism, Bigotry, Sexism, The Wall.. name it and these flakes are nothing but frauds.

Yep even that nobody should go hungry they are always whining about....

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor | New York Post
I read that shit last night. They threw away perfectly good food that the homeless and Soup kitchens desperately needed..

To be a leftist first you must be a hypocrite...fact
Fucking hypocrites on everything.. Guns, Racism, Bigotry, Sexism, The Wall.. name it and these flakes are nothing but frauds.

Yep even that nobody should go hungry they are always whining about....

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor | New York Post
I read that shit last night. They threw away perfectly good food that the homeless and Soup kitchens desperately needed..

To be a leftist first you must be a hypocrite...fact
Yes, and a LIAR.. Leftists create their narrative built upon a house of cards which are nothing but lies.. Their Kingdom of Sewage and rotted Trash is now crashing down before their very eyes... They deserve every fucking bit of it.
Fucking hypocrites on everything.. Guns, Racism, Bigotry, Sexism, The Wall.. name it and these flakes are nothing but frauds.

Yep even that nobody should go hungry they are always whining about....

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor | New York Post
I read that shit last night. They threw away perfectly good food that the homeless and Soup kitchens desperately needed..

To be a leftist first you must be a hypocrite...fact
Yes, and a LIAR.. Leftist create their narrative built upon a house of cards which are nothing but lies.. Their Kingdom of Sewage and rotted Trash is now crashing down before their very eyes... They deserve every fucking bit of it.

I see their Russian hacking the DNC email narrative just fell apart....fucking idiots
Hey, how about that GOP gun free zone ?
There's a big difference in having a gun free zone but having armed guards to protect the people there, and having a gun free zone WITHOUT armed guards, leaving everyone vulnerable, which is what Democrats believe makes sense.
Fucking hypocrites on everything.. Guns, Racism, Bigotry, Sexism, The Wall.. name it and these flakes are nothing but frauds.

Yep even that nobody should go hungry they are always whining about....

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor | New York Post
I read that shit last night. They threw away perfectly good food that the homeless and Soup kitchens desperately needed..

To be a leftist first you must be a hypocrite...fact
Yes, and a LIAR.. Leftist create their narrative built upon a house of cards which are nothing but lies.. Their Kingdom of Sewage and rotted Trash is now crashing down before their very eyes... They deserve every fucking bit of it.

I see their Russian hacking the DNC email narrative just fell apart....fucking idiots
Always pointing their fatass fingers trying to deflect blame - WEASELS
I can see how a wall might staunch the flow of undocumented immigrants for a time. Until people figure out how to get over, around, or underneath of it. Mr. Trump's position on the issue seems to be focused on Mexico though, with no mention of Chinese or Indian immigrants, who are arriving at a faster pace than Mexicans. They come across the southern border because it is easy. Erecting an effective barrier there makes the Canadian border easier to cross. If a person can afford an airline ticket / berth from Mumbai or Guangzhou to Mexico City, why not to Vancouver or Toronto? Will we be discussing another wall and tripling of border guards in 4 years time. I also don't see much, if anything, on Mr. Trump's campaign site (someone misspelled wall) about changing the entry requirements into the US. Right now a BCC gets a Mexican citizen 55 miles into the US (farther in Arizona) while a passport (for most nationalities) allows them to come in anywhere for 90 days. Other than raising the fees on BCCs and a vaguely worded stance on "enhanced" and "criminal" penalties for people overstaying their visas, what is the proposed policy? A visa tracking system that has so far been a failure? I don't need the nuts and bolts but I do need more than just "Build a wall."

If they go to Canada, why would they want to come here? Beside the point the border with Canada is like 5,500 miles long.
I would expect that we understand the problem and know the stats before investing billions of dollars in building a wall.
And how many billions has illegal immigration cost us? And how many billions will it continue to cost us, especially every time Democrats are in power and want more voters?
Immigration enforcement has cost billions. We also make billions off of immigrants. Building a wall is a waste of money. I'm fine with funding boarder security and better monitoring and making areas of legal immigration, deportation, and visa programs much more efficient.
Fucking hypocrites on everything.. Guns, Racism, Bigotry, Sexism, The Wall.. name it and these flakes are nothing but frauds.

Yep even that nobody should go hungry they are always whining about....

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor | New York Post
I read that shit last night. They threw away perfectly good food that the homeless and Soup kitchens desperately needed..

To be a leftist first you must be a hypocrite...fact
Yes, and a LIAR.. Leftists create their narrative built upon a house of cards which are nothing but lies.. Their Kingdom of Sewage and rotted Trash is now crashing down before their very eyes... They deserve every fucking bit of it.
Anybody that Blindly supports either party is a hypocrite as both are inherently corrupt and flawed.
Always pointing their fatass fingers trying to deflect blame - WEASELS
Aren't you doing that right now?
You're a braindead dope.. How am I deflecting blame from myself??? I am listing absolute FACTS as in the emails that the entire world has now seen.. You skunks on the left are a global fucking embarrassment. You own it.. now crawl back in your rat infested cardboard box freak.
Fucking hypocrites on everything.. Guns, Racism, Bigotry, Sexism, The Wall.. name it and these flakes are nothing but frauds.

Yep even that nobody should go hungry they are always whining about....

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor

I read that shit last night. They threw away perfectly good food that the homeless and Soup kitchens desperately needed..
That's the caterer's decision, not the DNC. Kentucky Fried Chicken throws out its food at the end of the night--company policy employees can't take it home or do anything else with it. Some donut shops allow their old donuts to go to soup kitchens. It's all up to the business making the food. I suppose this delegate throws a shit fit every time she's in a restaurant and someone doesn't clean their plate, too.
Fucking hypocrites on everything.. Guns, Racism, Bigotry, Sexism, The Wall.. name it and these flakes are nothing but frauds.

Yep even that nobody should go hungry they are always whining about....

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor

Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor | New York Post
I read that shit last night. They threw away perfectly good food that the homeless and Soup kitchens desperately needed..

To be a leftist first you must be a hypocrite...fact
Yes, and a LIAR.. Leftist create their narrative built upon a house of cards which are nothing but lies.. Their Kingdom of Sewage and rotted Trash is now crashing down before their very eyes... They deserve every fucking bit of it.

I see their Russian hacking the DNC email narrative just fell apart....fucking idiots
What happened?

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