If part of the US broke away...would you go to war with them?

it is not about giving back, it is about them choosing to go back. Did none of you even bother to read the OP
Yes I read it, and California was also part of Mexico, if a REAL Republican wins in 2024 fruit and nut land won't be any happier than some in Texas with Thief in Chief BIden.
I got an idea!
I got an idea!

How about we let the people of Ukraine decide whether they want to belong to Russia
They don’t have a choice they decided to be corrupt and fund the Biden crime family. Now you join the king
...to bring them back? Even if they elected their own government in free and fair election?

I've heard Democrats say for YEARS that they would. But since it is now politically detrimental to espouse that view...let's say the new country wants to join an alliance with China for protection. You still cool with that?

Ukraine was a part of Russia BEFORE it was the Soviet Union.

View attachment 615023

This is the 1914 Pre-WWI map of Russia.


Just think about it. I expect plenty of thoughtless responses..."If you think critically...the terrorists win!".

Let's see some thoughtful ones as well...
Rootin' for Putin, eh?
Texas was part of Mexico before it was part of the US. I guess if they wish to go back to being part of Mexico I am good with that as long as they give back everything in the state that belongs to the Fed Govt of the US
I'm sure the OP would go along with that.
Lolololol the blue states love this country?!?! Hahaha

What red states “have threatened to leave every time they lose an election”?

I know Texas was talking about secession awhile ago but as far as I knew it didn’t have to do with election.
No, just some militia loonies. 99.9% think they are not right in the head.
I believe, personally, that secession is a natural right.

No one can force you to associate with people you don't want to associate with.

If they try, they're being a tyrant.
The case of Grant vs. Lee says you're wrong. Plus if you tried the Government was be knocking on your door shortly.

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