If part of the US broke away...would you go to war with them?

The people in both Cali and NY pay more in Fed Taxes than they receive back from the Fed Govt. They are two of the 10 states that can make this claim
Actually California is the WELFARE queen of all the states.....
And NY had paid more in taxes do to the Banks and Stocks----but atlas NY is no longer needed nor is it wanted by even the big bankers.

The Big Banks are relocating-----NC, Tenn, and primarily here in Florida. NY is dying---libs have fucked it up so bad that it only serves for illegals and chinese spies to gain US citizenship now.
The people in both Cali and NY pay more in Fed Taxes than they receive back from the Fed Govt. They are two of the 10 states that can make this claim
Well, that's called progressive taxation. Something the democrats are always demanding more of.

States with higher average incomes pay more in income taxes and receive less in means-tested benefits.

If dems think this is unfair, they should advocate for a flat tax, yes?

To the OP, no. I would not support secession. It's been tried before, and it didn't work out very well.

To dems, I would say look at a map. You exist in blue bubbles surrounded by a sea of red. Be careful what you wish for.

There is a non-violent way out of this, and that is an Article V Convention. The States need to put the Federal Gov't back in it's rightful place.
I didn’t see Hillary launch an attack on the Capitol because she is too big a Crybaby Loser to admit she lost
No---she had bernie bro seth rich killed off for leaking that she and Donna Brazile cheated in the debates not realizing that Bernie was always the designated loser and then had her corrupt DOJ/FBI try to frame Trump and the people around him for crimes that they didn't commit.
No---she had bernie bro seth rich killed off for leaking that she and Donna Brazile cheated in the debates not realizing that Bernie was always the designated loser and then had her corrupt DOJ/FBI try to frame Trump and the people around him for crimes that they didn't commit.
But I’m not engaging in your crazy Hillary conspiracies
Indeed. Does a long past conquest make territory the property of a failed empire in perpetuity? Russia seems to think so.
In the Civil War...the United States considered the Confederate States their property.

And don't say "cuz slavery"...the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the former Confederate States...slavery was still federally legal in the Union AFTER the end of the war.
In the Civil War...the United States considered the Confederate States their property.

And don't say "cuz slavery"...the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the former Confederate States...slavery was still federally legal in the Union AFTER the end of the war.
The South withdrew….Cuz Slavery
I refer you to your own arguments against southern secession.
My own arguments against secession involve the reasons why someone would want to do it. Politicians, emperors and generals redraw the maps for all sorts of reasons. Most of the time it's not honorable in any way.
...to bring them back? Even if they elected their own government in free and fair election?

I've heard Democrats say for YEARS that they would. But since it is now politically detrimental to espouse that view...let's say the new country wants to join an alliance with China for protection. You still cool with that?

Ukraine was a part of Russia BEFORE it was the Soviet Union.

View attachment 615023

This is the 1914 Pre-WWI map of Russia.


Just think about it. I expect plenty of thoughtless responses..."If you think critically...the terrorists win!".

Let's see some thoughtful ones as well...

The events leading up to such an extreme move must be dire, so if war breaks out around or just after secession, THAT seems as reasonable as war ever gets. After the new nation is established, you don't keep going back and back and back to "get them back" because you once "had them"--cue every loser dude who got hung up on a girl and kept bugging her even after she was married and had kids. That's what Russia is doing with Ukraine.

You lost.

Get over it.
Texas was part of Mexico before it was part of the US. I guess if they wish to go back to being part of Mexico I am good with that as long as they give back everything in the state that belongs to the Fed Govt of the US

The whole country was once part of England.
Should we give it back along with our military hardware?

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