If part of the US broke away...would you go to war with them?

You have it backwards

Blue States love this country. We have no intention of leaving.
It is Red States that threaten to leave every time they lose a national election.
Would you fight for a red state if the Russians tried to take it over?
But Hillary and her lackies doesn’t still talk about how she actually won, 6 years later, even tho the Russia collusion has been proven a hoax?

The voter fraud in 2020 has not actually been proven a hoax. Maybe in a couple states. But democrats get riled up when we talk about investigations. If you were so sure there was no fraud, why don’t they sit back and let it be investigated like Trump did in 2016. Instead, if we talk about voter fraud in 2020 we are censored.

I didn’t see Hillary launch an attack on the Capitol because she is too big a Crybaby Loser to admit she lost
How do you secede?
Do you reimburse the US for all federal land?
How do you allocate $30 trillion National Debt?
What about residents who receive SS, Federal and Military Pensions….who pays?
Who got us into $30 trillion national debt? Washington. Not Texas.
Who got us into $30 trillion national debt? Washington. Not Texas.
Texas contributed to the debt
They don’t get to just walk away.

If you get Divorced, you don’t just get to take the assets you want and not pay your marital debts
Texas contributed to the debt
They don’t get to just walk away.

If you get Divorced, you don’t just get to take the assets you want and not pay your marital debts

Pay the govt their Caesar coin and get the hell away from this tyrannical govt.
How do you secede?
Do you reimburse the US for all federal land?
Why should the federal government be entitled to compensation for land it never actually owned?
How do you allocate $30 trillion National Debt?

Divide it up by the population and assign it accordingly. Pretty simple, really

What about residents who receive SS, Federal and Military Pensions….who pays?

Terminate them, if you feel that's what is justified.
If they negotiated their withdrawal and division of assets and debt I would be OK with it
Let's say these states take the Ukraine route and just send a letter to DC announcing their independence...

"1991: Leonid Kravchuk, leader of the Soviet republic of Ukraine, declares independence from Moscow. In a referendum and presidential election, Ukrainians approve independence and elect Kravchuk president."

Let's say these states take the Ukraine route and just send a letter to DC announcing their independence...

"1991: Leonid Kravchuk, leader of the Soviet republic of Ukraine, declares independence from Moscow. In a referendum and presidential election, Ukrainians approve independence and elect Kravchuk president."

Didn’t all the ex Soviet states do the same thing?

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