If part of the US broke away...would you go to war with them?

Ukraine was a part of Russia BEFORE it was the Soviet Union.
And Ukraine was a very powerful princely state in its own right ages before the Tsars were ever born... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine#Early_history

Not to mention that the Soviets displaced hundreds of thousands of Cossacks and allowed more than a million Ukrainians to starve to death in the 1920s...

Phukking Russians...
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You have it backwards

Blue States love this country. We have no intention of leaving.
It is Red States that threaten to leave every time they lose a national election.

Yet dems wanted to secede when Trump won.
Throwing stones in glass houses and all.......
Come and take it limp wrist.

...to bring them back? Even if they elected their own government in free and fair election?

I've heard Democrats say for YEARS that they would. But since it is now politically detrimental to espouse that view...let's say the new country wants to join an alliance with China for protection. You still cool with that?

Ukraine was a part of Russia BEFORE it was the Soviet Union.

View attachment 615023

This is the 1914 Pre-WWI map of Russia.


Just think about it. I expect plenty of thoughtless responses..."If you think critically...the terrorists win!".

Let's see some thoughtful ones as well...

Depends on which parts........
Texas was part of Mexico before it was part of the US. I guess if they wish to go back to being part of Mexico I am good with that as long as they give back everything in the state that belongs to the Fed Govt of the U

California was part of Mexico too, want to give CA back as well?

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