If part of the US broke away...would you go to war with them?

With you ya never know considering how stupid you are.

Texas was part of Mexico before it was part of the US. I guess if they wish to go back to being part of Mexico I am good with that as long as they give back everything in the state that belongs to the Fed Govt of the US
Texas would have no interest in rejoining Mexico and I doubt it would give everything back to the federal government. If the feds went to war with Texas they would feel like Putin invading Ukraine.
Texas would have no interest in rejoining Mexico and I doubt it would give everything back to the federal government. If the feds went to war with Texas they would feel like Putin invading Ukraine.

I am sure they would not want to give it back, doing the right and honorable thing is not really very popular down there
The case of Grant vs. Lee says you're wrong. Plus if you tried the Government was be knocking on your door shortly.
Yeah, I know.

Call me a contrarian. :p

No really, I totally appreciate all the good things my country does for me.

Secession is a very serious concept in my view. It's like telling a person to absolutely go away, that you never want to see them again. I can count on two fingers the people I've ever said that to in my life.

I wouldn't wish to secede over a silly political disagreement. But there does come a point sometimes, where you just can't live with someone, and in that case my feeling is, you shouldn't be forced to.

Like, let's say you were going through an acrimonious divorce, and both of you wanted to separate, but the law said you couldn't. You're going to spend the rest of your lives at each others' throats, aren't you?
Mr. Lincoln's war was starting by that newly minted Con-federacy firing on a Federal Installation that did not belong to them.
Ft Sumter was within the borders of South Carolina. Who owned the property is irrelevant.

Lincoln started the war when he invaded Virginia.
I read it, asshole. It doesn't explain a thing. Your comment is gibberish.

I guess there is not a 5th grader around. Sucks for you.

The discussion was about the property in the state of Texas that belongs to the US Fed Govt. If Texas left the union they would have to give it all back.
I guess there is not a 5th grader around. Sucks for you.

The discussion was about the property in the state of Texas that belongs to the US Fed Govt. If Texas left the union they would have to give it all back.
Why, is the US government Indian givers?
I guess there is not a 5th grader around. Sucks for you.

The discussion was about the property in the state of Texas that belongs to the US Fed Govt. If Texas left the union they would have to give it all back.
How could there be any federal property before it joined the union?

You fail to understand the distinction between "property" and territory. All the land within the borders of Texas is Texas territory. The federal government is free to maintain ownership of any property it has acquired. What it isn't free to do is maintain federal troops on that property.
Sorry to disappoint you but, I've been to Texas, nice place but I wouldn't want to live there if it secedes. If they leave Austin behind I might reconsider though, I thought Austin was superb.
Lol Austin is the one place I WANT Mexico to have.
How could there be any federal property before it joined the union?

Holy fuck, are you really this stupid. The discussion was if Texas left the union now, not before it joined.

If the discussion is too fucking complicated for you, find a thread with some pictures or something.
Holy fuck, are you really this stupid. The discussion was if Texas left the union now, not before it joined.

If the discussion is too fucking complicated for you, find a thread with some pictures or something.
The feds can keep there property so long at they take their troops with them when they go.

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