If part of the US broke away...would you go to war with them?

Texas and California used to be part of Mexico.
Do you imagine that if Mexico was as strong as we are and we were as weak as they are that there's a strong probability they would take them back by force?

I do.
Say if New York City decided to impose its crap on rural Iowa and came in with weapons and military? Yup I am afraid I'd have to shoot back and fight for all I was worth against their take over.
Why would someone from NYC want to go to Iowa?
Y'all gotta forgive me cuz I have been bingeing The Last Kingdom on netflix. The OPs question reminded me of Alfred and his dream of Wessex be one big country of nothing but christians and those pesky Vikings (Danes) were in the way. Never mind Wales and Scotland. He forgot all about them I guess. So..war after war, deaths galore, all in the name of his dream which did eventually happen at the expense of those who wanted their own little countries within a country. So in answer to the OPs question...no. I would not fight to get anyone back if they wanted to be free in their own little world ruled by someone they nominated to lead it instead of cowering before a wannabe king and his elite elders getting richer off the backs of the peasants. I'm one of those peasants...and I have two pitchforks. I'll use 'em, by golly, to defend my own little hamlet I reside in.
Why would someone from NYC want to go to Iowa?
You really are dumber than a box of hammers. How do you give something back to something that no longer exists?

We, and other nuclear powers, didn't want Ukraine or any former members of the USSR to have nukes. It makes life simpler.
Simpler for you and Putin to invade them, comrade?

You're a Russian troll

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