If part of the US broke away...would you go to war with them?

I don’t want to see this nation break up but unfortunately we seem to be headed in that direction. A united nation is strong but a divided nation is weak. If we break apart we will eventually be taken over by China.

It seems the Democratic Party is actually trying to destroy our nation from within. Perhaps in the next two elections people who believe in our nation and its greatness can regain control of the White House and Congress and start to restore what the Democrats have damaged.
I'm more interested in discrediting and destroying the current incarnation of the Democratic Party.

Like so many have said, "this is not your father's Democratic Party".

There is no repairing what they've damaged. It would take a hundred years.

The best thing we can do is kick them OUT, and keep them out.

The more important effort is to make the regressive ideology very, very unpopular.

You can see the problem very clearly in these threads. Everyone assumes that if you're not a Democrat, you must be a Republican.

Well, I'm not a Republican. I calls em like I sees em. I look around, then I ask myself, who's in power?

There's only one answer. Democrats.
The problem is that your examples an analogies are incorrect. They are flatly. Dishonest.

In December of 1991 Ukraine voted to become independent. Shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union Russia recognized Ukraine as independent.

The UN recognized Ukraine as Independent.

For your examples and analogies to be accurate. Let’s do it this way. Texas declares independence. The United States recognizes Texas as an independent Nation. 30 years later the United States invades an independent nation.

Here is an even better analogy. A woman divorces a man. He agrees and they separate. The divorce is finalized. The woman remarries. The man shows up with guns demanding his wife back several years later.

Every time Ukraine had an opportunity to get closer ties with Russia the people voted to say no.

Putin wants the empire back. Those days ended more than a century ago. It was out of vogue in the 19th Century. It was the cause of wars in the 20th Century. Why should we stand back and shrug as we see a new age of Empires firing up in the 21st Century?

Make no mistake. Russia is the bad guy. There is no rational argument that can justify their actions. We must resist. We must strengthen NATO to the limit and beyond. Because Putin wants it all. And we must show him he can’t have it.
I'm sorry that you don't like the facts-----

Seth Rich was assassinated---who kills someone to rob them and then not rob them. And fyi, they now believe the weapon used was a "stolen" FBI weapon stolen just a few blocks away from the murder a few hours before the murder.

Not engaging in your fantasies
You're the fucking idiot if there was no Texas there would be no United States

It's in the God damn name

There is no Texas in the name of the Country.

Take Texas out and you still have the United States just as we had the United States before Texas was a state.
...to bring them back? Even if they elected their own government in free and fair election?

I've heard Democrats say for YEARS that they would. But since it is now politically detrimental to espouse that view...let's say the new country wants to join an alliance with China for protection. You still cool with that?

Ukraine was a part of Russia BEFORE it was the Soviet Union.

View attachment 615023

This is the 1914 Pre-WWI map of Russia.


Just think about it. I expect plenty of thoughtless responses..."If you think critically...the terrorists win!".

Let's see some thoughtful ones as well...
So we're going to let them invade Finland as well? Um... no.
There is no Texas in the name of the Country.

Take Texas out and you still have the United States just as we had the United States before Texas was a state.
There is no Texas in the name of the Country.

Take Texas out and you still have the United States just as we had the United States before Texas was a state.
There is no Texas in the name of the Country.

Take Texas out and you still have the United States just as we had the United States before Texas was a state.
No it's not it would be

Texas was part of Mexico before it was part of the US. I guess if they wish to go back to being part of Mexico I am good with that as long as they give back everything in the state that belongs to the Fed Govt of the US
You forgot about the Texas Republic before Texas joined the U.S. (1839-1845)

I would gladly go to war against Mexico if they think they have some sort of claim.
...to bring them back? Even if they elected their own government in free and fair election?

I've heard Democrats say for YEARS that they would. But since it is now politically detrimental to espouse that view...let's say the new country wants to join an alliance with China for protection. You still cool with that?

Ukraine was a part of Russia BEFORE it was the Soviet Union.

View attachment 615023

This is the 1914 Pre-WWI map of Russia.


Just think about it. I expect plenty of thoughtless responses..."If you think critically...the terrorists win!".

Let's see some thoughtful ones as well...
Ukriane never voluntarily joined Russia. They were conquered by the Tsarist Empire (and before that the mongols and Lithuranians ... WTF? LOL)es!!!!)

The US civil war was about whether a state - that ratified the US constitution - could simply secede, even though the fed govt did not threaten to take any private property (slaves).
Between 700,000 and 1.5 million Americans were killed during the effort to bring the Confederacy back into the Union and they didn't even have missiles and planes. The federal government has all the guns so it would be foolish to attempt it again.

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