If part of the US broke away...would you go to war with them?

I'm more interested in discrediting and destroying the current incarnation of the Democratic Party.

Like so many have said, "this is not your father's Democratic Party".

There is no repairing what they've damaged. It would take a hundred years.

The best thing we can do is kick them OUT, and keep them out.

The more important effort is to make the regressive ideology very, very unpopular.

You can see the problem very clearly in these threads. Everyone assumes that if you're not a Democrat, you must be a Republican.

Well, I'm not a Republican. I calls em like I sees em. I look around, then I ask myself, who's in power?

There's only one answer. Democrats.
I was a registered Democrat for about half a century although I didn’t always vote for a Democrat candidate. Three years ago I became a registered Republican and at this time it looks like it will be a cold day in Hell before I ever vote for another Democrat.

I actually voted for Obama for his first election but realized he was trying to hurt our nation more than improve it. That’s when my opinion of the Democratic Party started to change.
Texas was never loyal to our country anyway

Let them leave
Texas was never loyal to our country anyway

Let them leave
Speak for yourself. My grandfather died on Tarawa being loyal to our country. My other grandfather lost an eye in the Atlantic. My uncle lost his sanity in the Korean War being loyal.

We agree often on the board but you're painting the state based on a few wackjobs. Quit it.🤠
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Speak for yourself. My grandfather died on Tarawa being loyal to our country. My other grandfather lost an eye in the Atlantic. My uncle lost his sanity in the Korean War being loyal.

We agree often on the board but you're painting the state based on a few weekjobs. Quit it.🤠
And Texans who threaten to secede are soiling his memory
you truly might be the dumbest person I have ever ran across on the internet.
You won the honor a decade ago..

Once again fruit loop those were not Ukraine's Nukes they were Moscow's only a fucking moron would think there would be a huge difference between the Ukraine relationship with Moscow and Texas relationship with Washington D.C.
You won the honor a decade ago..

Once again fruit loop those were not Ukraine's Nukes they were Moscow's only a fucking moron would think there would be a huge difference between the Ukraine relationship with Moscow and Texas relationship with Washington D.C.
Ukraine was conquered by Russia Russobot. Texas permitted the US to join it.
Ukraine was conquered by Russia Russobot. Texas permitted the US to join it.
And liberal tranny troll?

All golfing gag is doing is trying to deflect from who would trust a Democrat president after he promised to defend a country if they give up there nukes.
The Texas National Guard has none of that shit

The US would withdraw its military equipment if Texas Secedes
And who is this US............It is made up of states............PEOPLE.......You talk as if Washington DC is the center of the universe................The Fed is out of control and has too much power.

And is destroying our nation..............If TEXAS went others would follow ...........Just like the other.............And that would be the US.....leaving from you clowns.
And is destroying our nation..............If TEXAS went others would follow ...........Just like the other.............And that would be the US.....leaving from you clowns.

If they hate this great country so much…..let them leave

Leave the United States to those who love it
If they hate this great country so much…..let them leave

Leave the United States to those who love it
I love my country just cant stand you fascist from the left.

Have you beaten down any old ladies today for not wearing abmask you poor thing
I love my country just cant stand you fascist from the left.

Have you beaten down any old ladies today for not wearing abmask you poor thing

Doesn‘t seem that way
Why don’t you move to a Blue State that loves America and doesn’t want to secede?
You won the honor a decade ago..

Once again fruit loop those were not Ukraine's Nukes they were Moscow's only a fucking moron would think there would be a huge difference between the Ukraine relationship with Moscow and Texas relationship with Washington D.C.
I'm sorry, but your statement is wrong. They did not belong to Moscow. They belonged to the USSR which ceased to exist.

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