If part of the US broke away...would you go to war with them?

Perhaps., but that doesn't give the federal government the right to station troops there.

Then Texas should close all those bases and kick out the 165,000 military members and their families. I am sure that would not hurt the economy of the state at all.
Texas would have no interest in rejoining Mexico and I doubt it would give everything back to the federal government. If the feds went to war with Texas they would feel like Putin invading Ukraine.
If Texas has to pay its share of the national debt and other government obligations, then it's entitled to keep its share of the military equipment and infrastructure it paid for.
LOL.....I'd be damn glad to see some of them leave......A "Mr. Lincoln's War" does not appeal to me.
Unfortunately, the Left can't exist unless they have an enemy to assail. It's deep in their political DNA to want to control, subjugate others to their will.
Unfortunately, the Left can't exist unless they have an enemy to assail. It's deep in their political DNA to want to control, subjugate others to their will.
Yep, and the gop neocons are no better and it's scary because they have found common cause over Ukraine. I just hope that what ever pile of rocks they crawl under Putin has something big enough to crack that nut.
Then Texas should close all those bases and kick out the 165,000 military members and their families. I am sure that would not hurt the economy of the state at all.
Are you also proposing that Texas give up its nukes on a promise that a Democrat President would defend her?
Gee whiz, another "I don't like Biden so I want to leave" thread.

Why do conservatives sound like 13 year old children?
ROFL! You think conservatives sound like children? Dims had a 4 year long infantil hissy fit after Trump won. Just consider all the abusive knick names they invented for him. No one on this planet is as childish as a prog.
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Ukraine was conquered by Catherine the Great. They are not Russians. The Hodomor killed millions of them.
Ukraine has been independent for 30 years and is willing to die to keep from belonging to Russia

Good enough for me
...to bring them back? Even if they elected their own government in free and fair election?

I've heard Democrats say for YEARS that they would. But since it is now politically detrimental to espouse that view...let's say the new country wants to join an alliance with China for protection. You still cool with that?

Ukraine was a part of Russia BEFORE it was the Soviet Union.

View attachment 615023

This is the 1914 Pre-WWI map of Russia.


Just think about it. I expect plenty of thoughtless responses..."If you think critically...the terrorists win!".

Let's see some thoughtful ones as well...
Texas and California used to be part of Mexico.

Don't be a special idiot.

I guess Putin has convinced you he's Peter the Great.
In the Civil War...the United States considered the Confederate States their property.

And don't say "cuz slavery"...the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the former Confederate States...slavery was still federally legal in the Union AFTER the end of the war.
Well, you are partially correct. The Emancipation freed slaves but only in the areas in rebellion.

"that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."

That did a lot of good for slaves such as in Texas who did not know they had been freed until June 1865, hence "Juneteenth".

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