If President Trump Achieves the Historic Trumpslide - Will Democrats Accept the Result?

Will Democrats Accept the Results of the Election?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 21 91.3%

  • Total voters
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The Democraps haven't accepted 2016 and have been reeeeing their heads off ever since.

Whining, crying and pissing their pants for peach mints..Then when that didn't work the Dems tried locking everyone down, while having their domestic terrorist groups Antifa and BLM destroy our country.

So yeah, I don't have much faith in these people behaving any better if Trump takes 2020.
President Trump's numbers are improving. Trump is even successfully dealing with the fraudulent mail-in possibility by making sure the post-office is secure, while sending Americans the message to stand for America.


If president Trump is victorious, will democrats claim that the results from mail-in voting they themselves demanded can't be trusted, and the election needs to be nullified? They are already sharing conspiracy theories that mail trucks are being stolen by Trump supporters.

Hell no they will impeach him for not equipping the post office to allow jfk to vote again
President Trump's numbers are improving. Trump is even successfully dealing with the fraudulent mail-in possibility by making sure the post-office is secure, while sending Americans the message to stand for America.


If president Trump is victorious, will democrats claim that the results from mail-in voting they themselves demanded can't be trusted, and the election needs to be nullified? They are already sharing conspiracy theories that mail trucks are being stolen by Trump supporters.

No they will not.

This whole mail in ballot issue is so they can say that it was illegitimate.. They are casting doubt and distrust without cause.
We will see the same shit we saw in 2016. Assholes in the streets protesting a legal election. We will also have another four years of the imbecilic Dems doing all they can to try and undermine Trump when they should be thinking about who they will run in 2024.
President Trump's numbers are improving. Trump is even successfully dealing with the fraudulent mail-in possibility by making sure the post-office is secure, while sending Americans the message to stand for America.


If president Trump is victorious, will democrats claim that the results from mail-in voting they themselves demanded can't be trusted, and the election needs to be nullified? They are already sharing conspiracy theories that mail trucks are being stolen by Trump supporters.

No they will not.

This whole mail in ballot issue is so they can say that it was illegitimate.. They are casting doubt and distrust without cause.
The Communist Democrats will also be screaming RUSSIA,RUSSIA,RUSSIA once again:puke3:
If Trump loses will Republicans accept the result?

Neither of you will accept the result. The groundwork is being laid so that no matter who wins there is going to be unrest and distrust in our system

when one side is prepared to use violence to achieve their goals, the choice is to let them or fight them.
If Trump loses will Republicans accept the result?

Neither of you will accept the result. The groundwork is being laid so that no matter who wins there is going to be unrest and distrust in our system

The "distrust" in our system is generated by the people who have been imported and/or brainwashed to believe in anti-American values. Americans are more content than ever that freedom is the only way forward - as it always was. The most prosperous civilization ever!

And so, it is not surprise that democrats are solely behind the fiasco, a fact it seems you have trouble admitting. President Trump had no problem whatsoever in having a standard American election, even with half the population being not Americans. Faucci has now stated that holding a secure election is absolutely safe as well, so this is just a other democratic scam.
President Trump's numbers are improving. Trump is even successfully dealing with the fraudulent mail-in possibility by making sure the post-office is secure, while sending Americans the message to stand for America.


If president Trump is victorious, will democrats claim that the results from mail-in voting they themselves demanded can't be trusted, and the election needs to be nullified? They are already sharing conspiracy theories that mail trucks are being stolen by Trump supporters.

No they will not.

This whole mail in ballot issue is so they can say that it was illegitimate.. They are casting doubt and distrust without cause.
The Communist Democrats will also be screaming RUSSIA,RUSSIA,RUSSIA once again:puke3:
I think that boat was torpedoed... Or it was the titanic hitting an Ice Burg.... That one cant float now as the conspirators are running for the hills to hide..
There is a difference between accepting the results and putting a crook out of office. And the message that would be sent to Rump would be that he can do anything he wants to do with no reprisals. If we think he's been bad now, wait until he goes into his full blown revenge mode.

What crime has Trump been convicted of?
President Trump's numbers are improving. Trump is even successfully dealing with the fraudulent mail-in possibility by making sure the post-office is secure, while sending Americans the message to stand for America.


If president Trump is victorious, will democrats claim that the results from mail-in voting they themselves demanded can't be trusted, and the election needs to be nullified? They are already sharing conspiracy theories that mail trucks are being stolen by Trump supporters.


Did Republicans impeach Barry over bullshit, made up charges? Nope?

Then STFU about not accepting the election, Moron.
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