If President Trump Achieves the Historic Trumpslide - Will Democrats Accept the Result?

Will Democrats Accept the Results of the Election?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 21 91.3%

  • Total voters
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President Trump's numbers are improving. Trump is even successfully dealing with the fraudulent mail-in possibility by making sure the post-office is secure, while sending Americans the message to stand for America.


If president Trump is victorious, will democrats claim that the results from mail-in voting they themselves demanded can't be trusted, and the election needs to be nullified? They are already sharing conspiracy theories that mail trucks are being stolen by Trump supporters.

Trump's approvals are not improving. Trump is not protecting the vote. He is doing everything he can to undermine it. He is not standing up for America. He is race baiting and talking about the suburbs as it was in the 50s. Trumpsters are full of conspiracy theories.

approve 43.2
disapprove 54.5
President Trump's numbers are improving. Trump is even successfully dealing with the fraudulent mail-in possibility by making sure the post-office is secure, while sending Americans the message to stand for America.


If president Trump is victorious, will democrats claim that the results from mail-in voting they themselves demanded can't be trusted, and the election needs to be nullified? They are already sharing conspiracy theories that mail trucks are being stolen by Trump supporters.

Trump's approvals are not improving. Trump is not protecting the vote. He is doing everything he can to undermine it. He is not standing up for America. He is race baiting and talking about the suburbs as it was in the 50s. Trumpsters are full of conspiracy theories.

approve 43.2
disapprove 54.5
The only race baiting is being done by you crazed Dems. The President doesnt have to protect any votes, he will win in a landslide because nobody will vote for Sniff and Suck
If the Orange Virus loses, will he eventually hang for treason?
Long line of Dems awaiting sentencing before the President goofus

Yes or no question, stupid.
Yes, you are a mindless moron.....no question

I'm much, much smarter than you. Are you going to answer, or are you a typical Cult45 pussy?
Shall I try typing s-l-o-w-e-r? Or maybe have mommy read my answer to you if the words are too big. Although she should wash out your nasty piehole with soap right snowflake??
If the Orange Virus loses, will he eventually hang for treason?

President Trump won't lose, and you will screech, as you are doing just now.

Yes or no question, you Cult45 retard.
Yes....yes....yes.....you are a brainless parrot of your propaganda

So, you're saying yes, he will hang?
No...what I said was yes, you are an idiot
If the Orange Virus loses, will he eventually hang for treason?

President Trump won't lose, and you will screech, as you are doing just now.

Yes or no question, you Cult45 retard.
Yes....yes....yes.....you are a brainless parrot of your propaganda

So, you're saying yes, he will hang?
No...what I said was yes, you are an idiot

Are you sure about that, stupid? I'll even give you another chance.
The only wackos I know who never accepted election results were Democrat...

WTF? Who didn't accept the result?

Trump is the only one that has had problem promissing to accept a loss.
Oh come on....here's a couple of clues....the first was the inventor of the internet....the second was the Cleanser of Hard Drives.....give up?

Bullshit, Clinton conceeded the electoral loss the very next day. She blamed Russian interference and Comey for it, but she never contested the results.
The only wackos I know who never accepted election results were Democrat...

WTF? Who didn't accept the result?

Trump is the only one that has had problem promissing to accept a loss.
Oh come on....here's a couple of clues....the first was the inventor of the internet....the second was the Cleanser of Hard Drives.....give up?

Bullshit, Clinton conceeded the electoral loss the very next day. She may have blamed Russian interference and Comey for it, but she never contested the results.
Baloney.....nobody in the Dem party has conceded least of all the Hildabeast
Democrats torched cars and smashed windows last inauguration day. Six months later a democrat activist picked up a gun and tried to assassinate every republican congressman practicing for a baseball game. I shudder to think about what might happen next term.
No defunding of police and throwing every one of these looney America haters in federal prison
Shooting them before they shoot you in the coming Civil War:Boom2:
If the Orange Virus loses, will he eventually hang for treason?

President Trump won't lose, and you will screech, as you are doing just now.

Yes or no question, you Cult45 retard.
Yes....yes....yes.....you are a brainless parrot of your propaganda

So, you're saying yes, he will hang?
No...what I said was yes, you are an idiot

Are you sure about that, stupid? I'll even give you another chance.
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