If President Trump Achieves the Historic Trumpslide - Will Democrats Accept the Result?

Will Democrats Accept the Results of the Election?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 21 91.3%

  • Total voters
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The only wackos I know who never accepted election results were Democrat...

WTF? Who didn't accept the result?

Trump is the only one that has had problem promissing to accept a loss.
Oh come on....here's a couple of clues....the first was the inventor of the internet....the second was the Cleanser of Hard Drives.....give up?

Bullshit, Clinton conceeded the electoral loss the very next day. She blamed Russian interference and Comey for it, but she never contested the results.

Democrats claimed for years that Trump is illegitimate president, propped up by Russia. Some still do...

He absolutely was propped up by Russia. That much is not in any serious dispute. But with their interference or not, unfit for office or not, he still won the election and no one disputed that.
Oh come on.....the illegal votes that put her ahead in the popular vote category was harped on and harped on. Geez you libbers are silly. And blaming a loss on Russia? The Muslim in Chief was Putin's bestest buddy

More crazy horseshit. There has never been any evidence to support these nutter claims, nor does it refute that Clinton did in fact promptly conceed the election.
Wow here's a tissue buddy, don't cry. Its okay that you libbers are such sore losers just wait a couple more months when your next loss gets really bitter

Sore losers?

This is from a Trump supporter who is looking the other way at Trump sounding like whiny loser bitch before every election.

Last election he thought he was going to get wiped out and was bitching non-stop about how supposedly he can't win because the election is RIGGED!!!. And this time around it's the same damn shit toppped off with floating ideas about moving the election and sabotaging the post service.

He puts on a lot of bluster but paranoid loser is who your Dear Leader is at heart.

President Trump sounds like a grown man. Try screeching less and you could become one too some day.

There is no reason to accept election results that are fraudulent.

The last election was rigged, but as Trump stated, Hillary's destiny was to lose while cheating. And so, despite all the cheating attempts democrats will most likely lose again.
The only wackos I know who never accepted election results were Democrat...

WTF? Who didn't accept the result?

Trump is the only one that has had problem promissing to accept a loss.
Oh come on....here's a couple of clues....the first was the inventor of the internet....the second was the Cleanser of Hard Drives.....give up?

Bullshit, Clinton conceeded the electoral loss the very next day. She blamed Russian interference and Comey for it, but she never contested the results.

Democrats claimed for years that Trump is illegitimate president, propped up by Russia. Some still do...

He absolutely was propped up by Russia. That much is not in any serious dispute. But with their interference or not, unfit for office or not, he still won the election and no one disputed that.
Oh come on.....the illegal votes that put her ahead in the popular vote category was harped on and harped on. Geez you libbers are silly. And blaming a loss on Russia? The Muslim in Chief was Putin's bestest buddy

More crazy horseshit. There has never been any evidence to support these nutter claims, nor does it refute that Clinton did in fact promptly conceed the election.
Wow here's a tissue buddy, don't cry. Its okay that you libbers are such sore losers just wait a couple more months when your next loss gets really bitter

Sore losers?

This is from a Trump supporter who is looking the other way at Trump sounding like whiny loser bitch before every election.

Last election he though he was going to get wiped out and was bitching non-stop about how supposedly he can't win because the election is RIGGED. And this time around is doing the same damn shit toppped off with floating ideas about moving the election and sabotaging the post service.
Wow....any whining the President did or is doing is nothing compared to you and your ilk. Waah, waah, waah.....and I recall all the news outlets making fun of the President and laughing at his being the candidate. Anyway, it could be that you goofs are so gullible that you buy everything he says
President Trump sounds like a grown man.

Nope he sounds like a sore loser bitch, already making excuses for a loss before even a single vote is cast. Already talking about how the only way he could possibly ever lose is by him being cheated.

Even conservatives are noticing it as they slammed him for his chicken shit suggestion that election should be prosponed.
You made up that anyone was claiming that Clinton did not concede the election.

.nobody in the Dem party has conceded least of all the Hildabeast

You can't make this shit up.

Ok, he did, I did not notice.

In any case, I was not claiming Clinton did not concede on the election night.
I was claiming she has not conceded yet.....just listen to any of her interviews. She admitted she lost the election, but still has not conceded.

In my book admitting a loss and moving on is good enough.

This is not what the democrat party did, they impeached Trump, believing he is an illegitimate president.
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President Trump sounds like a grown man.

Nope he sounds like a sore loser bitch, already making excuses for a loss before even a single vote is cast.

Even conservatives are noticing it as they slammed him for his chicken shit suggestion that election should be pushed back.

What suggestion? President Trump has not made such suggestion you idiot liar. But it sure beats the hell out the mail-in madness in any case.
President Trump sounds like a grown man.

Nope he sounds like loser bitch, already making excuses for a loss before even a single vote is cast.

Even conservatives are noticing it as they slammed him for his chicken shit suggestion that election should be pushed back.
How about you whiners not even willing to stand in line to vote? The election will be held on time and Biden will get slaughtered
If President Trump Achieves the Historic Trumpslide - Will Democrats Accept the Result?

No way, no how not in a million years will they accept it. Hell they never accepted his first win. It's pretty clear that the left no longer accept any election result unless their candidate wins. They don't care if their opponent wins fair and square, they simply refuse to accept it.
President Trump sounds like a grown man.

Nope he sounds like a sore loser bitch, already making excuses for a loss before even a single vote is cast.

Even conservatives are noticing it as they slammed him for his chicken shit suggestion that election should be pushed back.

What suggestion? President Trump has not made such suggestion you idiot liar. But it sure beats the hell out the mail-in madness in any case.

When you going to stop posting total bullshit?

He absolutely did make that suggestion and Republicans uniformly rejected that loser nonsense.

President Trump sounds like a grown man.

Nope he sounds like a sore loser bitch, already making excuses for a loss before even a single vote is cast.

Even conservatives are noticing it as they slammed him for his chicken shit suggestion that election should be pushed back.

What suggestion? President Trump has not made such suggestion you idiot liar. But it sure beats the hell out the mail-in madness in any case.

When you going to stop posting total bullshit?

He absolutely did make that suggestion and Republicans uniformly rejected that loser nonsense talk.

This is not a suggestion, it is a question:

'Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???' Trump tweeted

Even Trump's postulation contains better practices than democrat's fleshed out ideas.
President Trump sounds like a grown man.

Nope he sounds like loser bitch, already making excuses for a loss before even a single vote is cast.

Even conservatives are noticing it as they slammed him for his chicken shit suggestion that election should be pushed back.
How about you whiners not even willing to stand in line to vote? The election will be held on time and Biden will get slaughtered

How about our asshole POTUS stop claiming that the only way he can lose after half a year of nothing but blue dominance in the polling is by election being RIGGED ?

Wouldn't that be nice to have a president who is not a pathetic clown?
You made up that anyone was claiming that Clinton did not concede the election.

.nobody in the Dem party has conceded least of all the Hildabeast

You can't make this shit up.

Neither Hillary or fat Stacy Abrams has conceded anything. It was voter suppression doncha know.

Please stop opening your ignorant Trumpkin mouth and get some facts first.

President Trump sounds like a grown man.

Nope he sounds like loser bitch, already making excuses for a loss before even a single vote is cast.

Even conservatives are noticing it as they slammed him for his chicken shit suggestion that election should be pushed back.
How about you whiners not even willing to stand in line to vote? The election will be held on time and Biden will get slaughtered

How about our asshole POTUS stop claiming that the only way he can lose after half a year of nothing but blue dominance in the polling is by election being RIGGED ?

Wouldn't that be nice to have a president who is not a pathetic clown?
....says the whiner suggesting 50 year self-serving politician Sleepy Joe along with Knees Harris take over next. Sorry, Biden is the most pathetic of clowns
This is not a suggestion

you are so fucking crazy it's scary.

We have Republicans lining up to resoundly reject moving the election, but according to nutbag Norman, no one supposedly even suggested it.
You made up that anyone was claiming that Clinton did not concede the election.

.nobody in the Dem party has conceded least of all the Hildabeast

You can't make this shit up.

Neither Hillary or fat Stacy Abrams has conceded anything. It was voter suppression doncha know.

Please stop opening your ignorant Trumpkin mouth and get some facts first.

LOL. She is STILL claiming she "lost" because she was cheated. Time to grow up Jr.

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said she believes Wisconsin's voter ID law made a difference in last year's election.

The former Secretary of State, U.S. senator and first lady spoke Tuesday night in Milwaukee as part of an effort to promote her book, "What Happened," which looked at the 2016 presidential race.

Clinton told about 2,500 audience members at Milwaukee's Riverside Theater that the state's voter ID law suppressed turnout among students, minorities and the elderly.

"In an election, which I remember well, was decided by a razor-thin margin, that makes a difference. This issue hasn't gotten enough attention. It is a civil rights issue," she said.

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said she believes Wisconsin's voter ID law made a difference in last year's election.

The former Secretary of State, U.S. senator and first lady spoke Tuesday night in Milwaukee as part of an effort to promote her book, "What Happened," which looked at the 2016 presidential race.

Clinton told about 2,500 audience members at Milwaukee's Riverside Theater that the state's voter ID law suppressed turnout among students, minorities and the elderly.

"In an election, which I remember well, was decided by a razor-thin margin, that makes a difference. This issue hasn't gotten enough attention. It is a civil rights issue," she said.

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