If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Good point

And if a family relies on two salaries to support themselves, losing the womans income or possibly her job due to pregnancy is a reason they may consider abortion

Now consider the options of a single mother

It's not society's responsibility to "consider the options of a single mother" or the pregnant but rather hers and her sperm donor.

Neither is it society's responsibility to pay for the actions, choices or mistakes of other adults.
Americans disagree.

Your wrong.
Poll says 66% say government is to big.
66% Believe U.S. Has Too Much Government Power, Too Little Freedom
66% Believe U.S. Has Too Much Government Power, Too Little Freedom - Rasmussen Reports™
We aren't even talking about Americans view on the size of government, we're talking about Americans supporting virtually every "welfare" program in majorities.

Smaller Government does mean smaller welfare programs.
All of Government programs needs to be scaled down.

Let them eat cake?
Why do you require even more govern"mental" :cuckoo: intervention.
Private industry is free to offer paid maternity leave anytime they feel like it. Some companies have already started the ball rolling.

Four words constantly need repeating for you thick-skulled dembulbs:


Why not let children work in factories, underpaid and over worked? Let the market decide, works for the third world.
Why do you think both parties want illegals?

Because this country has become so spoiled and entitled they won't even work anymore.

That's why companies are leaving America.

Rosa parks on a bill for sitting on a bus is lame. It's akin to giving Obama the peace prize.
Republican "family values" don't exist, unless it involves protecting zygotes.
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave
Several participants at the Republican debate last week spoke fervently about putting Rosa Parks’ image on the $10 bill. They also spoke fervently in support of a decision by Congress to defund Planned Parenthood—an organization that counted Rosa Parks among the members of its national board.

The contradiction would have been obvious and painful to Ms. Parks. Like many of us, she’d have been bewildered by the priorities of candidates who have held vote after vote on shutting down vital health services for women, but won’t even schedule a hearing on the FAMILY Act, a bill to provide affordable family and medical leave. It’s impossible to care about families and leave communities bereft of services for contraception, mammograms and other cancer screenings, and dozens more critical health services for women. It’s also impossible to call yourself “pro-life” and oppose a badly-needed, common sense program to make family and medical leave affordable to care for a new child or a seriously ill family member.

In 1993, the Family and Medical Leave Act passed Congress with bipartisan support. The FMLA provided up to 12 weeks unpaid leave for care of a new child or a serious personal illness or that of a child, spouse or parent. Republicans as well as Democrats saw that valuing family meant making sure people could care for family members without losing their jobs or health insurance. Many of the state and local campaigns within Family Values @ Work’s national network have leaders from both parties—including the numerous Republicans leading the charge for the Family Care Act in Georgia.

So what’s the problem in the nation’s capital today?

The FMLA is now 22 years old. While it constituted a major breakthrough and established the principle that having a family shouldn’t cost you your job, the leave remains out of reach for millions—some because they’re not covered by its protections (two-fifths of the nation’s workforce), and many who are eligible because they cannot afford to take unpaid leave. According to a study done for the Department of Labor (DOL), nearly one in four employed mothers who are pregnant go back to work within two weeks of giving birth—with disastrous results for maternal and infant health. Others who take the time they need to heal and bond with a child often face financial hardship.

So I take it you'll pay for it. :( Progtards......idiots always wanting to steal other people's money.
The Republican Party still isn't getting it. The angry greedy white guy thing is over. The People don't want it. Republicans are at a point where most see them only worthy of ridicule and scorn. It's an old lame Archie Bunker Party at this point.

Bunker was a dem, of course that was before you commies took over the party.

The angry greedy white guy thing is over. There just isn't enough of you left. Most are ether laughing at you, or cursing you at this point. You guys better start understanding that, or you won't be seeing the White House again for a very very long time.

Fuck off creep, I'm not your slave and I don't expect anyone else to be. You folks keep slinging your shit while the American people have voted you out of control of the US congress and most State houses. People are rejecting your bullshit by the millions and you're just too ignorant to realize it. So keep up the propaganda, in reality it's wearing thin with the voters.
The angry greedy white guy thing is over. There just isn't enough of you left. Most are ether laughing at you, or cursing you at this point. You guys better start understanding that, or you won't be seeing the White House again for a very very long time.

I love how people like this say 'you are for the 'greedy white guy' when almost every single politician in Washington, no matter what party or who your support, is a greedy millionaire who is only worried about getting re-elected and paying back the greedy rich people who got him/her there. Now THAT's funny right there!
The Republican Party still isn't getting it. The angry greedy white guy thing is over. The People don't want it. Republicans are at a point where most see them only worthy of ridicule and scorn. It's an old lame Archie Bunker Party at this point.

Bunker was a dem, of course that was before you commies took over the party.

The angry greedy white guy thing is over. There just isn't enough of you left. Most are ether laughing at you, or cursing you at this point. You guys better start understanding that, or you won't be seeing the White House again for a very very long time.

Fuck off creep, I'm not your slave and I don't expect anyone else to be. You folks keep slinging your shit while the American people have voted you out of control of the US congress and most State houses. People are rejecting your bullshit by the millions and you're just too ignorant to realize it. So keep up the propaganda, in reality it's wearing thin with the voters.

Boasting about ending paid maternity leave for American Mothers, is pretty hateful and unwise. The People will make you pay for that. So enjoy your control of Congress. It's gonna be a short stint. And forget about the White House.
The angry greedy white guy thing is over. There just isn't enough of you left. Most are ether laughing at you, or cursing you at this point. You guys better start understanding that, or you won't be seeing the White House again for a very very long time.

I love how people like this say 'you are for the 'greedy white guy' when almost every single politician in Washington, no matter what party or who your support, is a greedy millionaire who is only worried about getting re-elected and paying back the greedy rich people who got him/her there. Now THAT's funny right there!

The Republican Party is perceived as being the Party of angry greedy white dudes. And for good reason. That's who runs the Party. It's an outdated Archie Bunker Party at this point.
Many have been here for a decade....working jobs at substandard wages

I agree there have been illegals here for decades, but there are MILLIONS more because our government has made a CHOICE not only to NOT secure the border but to BRING them here, entice them, encourage them , REWARD them for coming here...to abandon our existing laws, to turn a blind eye while the worst of them kill and prey upon citizens, and even provide them with illegal sanctuary.

Sealing the border is a pipedream. Half cross the border legally and overstay their visa

If sealing the border is so impossible then how come other nations can do it? And the government has known the Visa program issue has been a problem for decades and again has CHOSEN not to address the issue. Don't tell me we can put a man on the moon but can't solve a problem like this...then again this government couldn't even create a working web site....

Want to seal the border? Arrest employers who profit off of illegal labor
Those jobs will dry up

THAT is what I am talking about! ENFORCE THE LAW, and HAMMER people who hire them...not give them the 'ok' to compete for jobs!

When Arizona passed its Immigration law declaring it was going to SERIOUSLY get tough on Illegal Immigration and enforce the law...before it had even been put into effect illegals were FLOODING out of the state and into surrounding states. Those states were complaining that Az was driving illegals into THEIR states.
1) Good for Az - the other states should have followed Az's lead
2) I am sick of Liberals telling us how we can't afford to deport illegals. Az didn't spend a dime and they produced a mass exodus of illegals from their state simply by passing a law and declaring they would enforce it. The Illegals fled the state on their own.
This is what happens when hate & greed consumes one. And I think many are still under the impression that angry greedy white Republican guy cares about anything but money. Well, guess what? He only cares about money.

He'd sell or Outsource his own Mother if he saw profit in it. And the worst thing about em is, most consider themselves 'Good Christians.' But Jesus is surely very disappointed in the average white Republican dude at this point.
The Republican Party is perceived as being the Party of angry greedy white dudes. And for good reason. That's who runs the Party. It's an outdated Archie Bunker Party at this point.

Yeah, that perception has been painted and pounded into 'sheep's brains by the greedy white dudes and dudettes on the other side of the aisle...
The Republican Party still isn't getting it. The angry greedy white guy thing is over. The People don't want it. Republicans are at a point where most see them only worthy of ridicule and scorn. It's an old lame Archie Bunker Party at this point.

Bunker was a dem, of course that was before you commies took over the party.

The angry greedy white guy thing is over. There just isn't enough of you left. Most are ether laughing at you, or cursing you at this point. You guys better start understanding that, or you won't be seeing the White House again for a very very long time.

Fuck off creep, I'm not your slave and I don't expect anyone else to be. You folks keep slinging your shit while the American people have voted you out of control of the US congress and most State houses. People are rejecting your bullshit by the millions and you're just too ignorant to realize it. So keep up the propaganda, in reality it's wearing thin with the voters.

Boasting about ending paid maternity leave for American Mothers, is pretty hateful and unwise. The People will make you pay for that. So enjoy your control of Congress. It's gonna be a short stint. And forget about the White House.

Tell me, how do you end something that doesn't exist except in companies that offer it?
The Republican Party is perceived as being the Party of angry greedy white dudes. And for good reason. That's who runs the Party. It's an outdated Archie Bunker Party at this point.

Yeah, that perception has been painted and pounded into 'sheep's brains by the greedy white dudes and dudettes on the other side of the aisle...

Still, it's you angry greedy white Republican dudes who are boasting about ending paid maternity leave for our American Mothers. How do you think that's gonna play with the average American Voter? You guys really do need to reconsider the hate & greed. The People ain't goin for it.
Okay first off many companies already offer parental leave to both parents, mine does. We didn't need the dumb ass government to force us to offer it. Second, what makes you think other companies that are not as well off financially can just shit money out their ass to pay for this benefit? Libs seem to assume companies are greedily hoarding a huge supply of money when in fact many companies struggle and historically thousands of companies big and small have gone bust.

If the libs want to ensure that the only companies that survive their socialist agenda are the big corporations, well just keep passing more and more regulations. Hey I told you before the left is retarded.
Still, it's you angry greedy white Republican dudes who are boasting about ending paid maternity leave for our American Mothers. How do you think that's gonna play with the average American Voter? You guys really do need to reconsider the hate & greed. The People ain't goin for it.

1st, If a WHITE person declared, "Still it's you angry greedy BLACK..." there would be no end to the condemnation and labeling of 'RACIST'....

2ndly, this is an OPINION that has not been substantiated with any fact. Please provide me with the LINKS to the research conducted supporting your argument that white Republicans (and only white Republicans) oppose paid maternity leave, which is up to as much as a year or more now.

How do I think greedy Liberal politicians continuing to spread the racist LIE that 'greedy white Republicans' are the only ones who want to strip poor mothers of their maternity leave is going to play out? The only thing that matters is what the Liberals who are spreading this manure think...and since they are continuing to spread it it is obvious that they believe this continuous pattern of fear-mongering' works and will continue to work.

And the fact that you are regurgitating this bile fed to you by a bunch of greedy white millionaire Socialists proves that people (sheep) are 'going for it'...
If Obama and Liberals cared about families Obama would not have given approximately 5 million illegals the authority to now compete for jobs with the nearly 96 MILLION Americans who are out of work ...

...just sayin'...

They were here anyway competing at much lower wages

just sayin"

So you are saying that the illegals who are here now have ALWAYS been here? That had this government kept its promise to secure the border decades ago, if the government had been enforcing existing laws, not been BRINGING illegals in, not been rewarding them from breaking our laws then there would be no more illegals now than there were decades ago?

Of course you're not....
Many have been here for a decade....working jobs at substandard wages

Sealing the border is a pipedream. Half cross the border legally and overstay their visa

Want to seal the border? Arrest employers who profit off of illegal labor
Those jobs will dry up

Do both.
The Republican Party still isn't getting it. The angry greedy white guy thing is over. The People don't want it. Republicans are at a point where most see them only worthy of ridicule and scorn. It's an old lame Archie Bunker Party at this point.

Bunker was a dem, of course that was before you commies took over the party.

The angry greedy white guy thing is over. There just isn't enough of you left. Most are either laughing at you, or cursing you at this point. You guys better start understanding that, or you won't be seeing the White House again for a very very long time.

Who cares if they see the WH ?

Right now, our government sucks.

Whoever is in there is a failure from day 1.
Still, it's you angry greedy white Republican dudes who are boasting about ending paid maternity leave for our American Mothers. How do you think that's gonna play with the average American Voter? You guys really do need to reconsider the hate & greed. The People ain't goin for it.

1st, If a WHITE person declared, "Still it's you angry greedy BLACK..." there would be no end to the condemnation and labeling of 'RACIST'....

2ndly, this is an OPINION that has not been substantiated with any fact. Please provide me with the LINKS to the research conducted supporting your argument that white Republicans (and only white Republicans) oppose paid maternity leave, which is up to as much as a year or more now.

How do I think greedy Liberal politicians continuing to spread the racist LIE that 'greedy white Republicans' are the only ones who want to strip poor mothers of their maternity leave is going to play out? The only thing that matters is what the Liberals who are spreading this manure think...and since they are continuing to spread it it is obvious that they believe this continuous pattern of fear-mongering' works and will continue to work.

And the fact that you are regurgitating this bile fed to you by a bunch of greedy white millionaire Socialists proves that people (sheep) are 'going for it'...

Yeah, you really showed those evil American Mothers. You sure did stick it to em. Seriously, is this gonna be your claim to fame? Is this gonna be something you boast about as a 'success.' I mean if it is, you guys may not see control of Congress again for many years. And forget about the White House.
Yeah, you really showed those evil American Mothers. You sure did stick it to em. Seriously, is this gonna be your claim to fame? Is this gonna be something you boast about as a 'success.' I mean if it is, you guys may not see control of Congress again for many years. And forget about the White House.

Nice attempt to distract from your racist partisan rant while attempting to claim the 'morale high ground' for any one party! Now THAT is funny!
The Republican Party still isn't getting it. The angry greedy white guy thing is over. The People don't want it. Republicans are at a point where most see them only worthy of ridicule and scorn. It's an old lame Archie Bunker Party at this point.

We aren't even talking about Americans view on the size of government, we're talking about Americans supporting virtually every "welfare" program in majorities.

Yes it is our responsibility as we bear the costs of more abortions, increased healthcare costs, welfare

Pay me now or pay me more later

It is clear that your sole interest (and that of those who share your POV) is how much you can squeeze from the public trough. You don't seem to care how much money squirts from the gov't hose nor who it's taken from as long as some of it benefits you.

Maybe it's time you grow up and help pull this fuckin' train instead of sucking it's teat. There are people who by no fault or choice of their own truly need our help.

INEPTOCRACY - (Noun) a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded - in exchange for their votes - with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

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