If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

The Republican Party still isn't getting it. The angry greedy white guy thing is over. The People don't want it. Republicans are at a point where most see them only worthy of ridicule and scorn. It's an old lame Archie Bunker Party at this point.
Republicans oppose abortion

But if a pregnant worker needs time off to have a baby....that is her problem
No, but it certainly should be her husband's problem.

Good point

And if a family relies on two salaries to support themselves, losing the womans income or possibly her job due to pregnancy is a reason they may consider abortion

Now consider the options of a single mother

It's not society's responsibility to "consider the options of a single mother" or the pregnant but rather hers and her sperm donor.

Neither is it society's responsibility to pay for the actions, choices and mistakes of other adults.
Republicans oppose abortion

But if a pregnant worker needs time off to have a baby....that is her problem
No, but it certainly should be her husband's problem.

Good point

And if a family relies on two salaries to support themselves, losing the womans income or possibly her job due to pregnancy is a reason they may consider abortion

Now consider the options of a single mother

It's not society's responsibility to "consider the options of a single mother" or the pregnant but rather hers and her sperm donor.

Neither is it society's responsibility to pay for the actions, choices or mistakes of other adults.
Americans disagree.
If Obama and Liberals cared about families Obama would not have given approximately 5 million illegals the authority to now compete for jobs with the nearly 96 MILLION Americans who are out of work ...

...just sayin'...
Republicans oppose abortion

But if a pregnant worker needs time off to have a baby....that is her problem
No, but it certainly should be her husband's problem.

Good point

And if a family relies on two salaries to support themselves, losing the womans income or possibly her job due to pregnancy is a reason they may consider abortion

Now consider the options of a single mother

It's not society's responsibility to "consider the options of a single mother" or the pregnant but rather hers and her sperm donor.

Neither is it society's responsibility to pay for the actions, choices or mistakes of other adults.
Americans disagree.

Your wrong.
Poll says 66% say government is to big.
66% Believe U.S. Has Too Much Government Power, Too Little Freedom
66% Believe U.S. Has Too Much Government Power, Too Little Freedom - Rasmussen Reports™
Republicans oppose abortion

But if a pregnant worker needs time off to have a baby....that is her problem
No, but it certainly should be her husband's problem.

Good point

And if a family relies on two salaries to support themselves, losing the womans income or possibly her job due to pregnancy is a reason they may consider abortion

Now consider the options of a single mother

It's not society's responsibility to "consider the options of a single mother" or the pregnant but rather hers and her sperm donor.

Neither is it society's responsibility to pay for the actions, choices or mistakes of other adults.
Americans disagree.

Your wrong.
Poll says 66% say government is to big.
66% Believe U.S. Has Too Much Government Power, Too Little Freedom
66% Believe U.S. Has Too Much Government Power, Too Little Freedom - Rasmussen Reports™
We aren't even talking about Americans view on the size of government, we're talking about Americans supporting virtually every "welfare" program in majorities.
Republicans oppose abortion

But if a pregnant worker needs time off to have a baby....that is her problem
No, but it certainly should be her husband's problem.

Good point

And if a family relies on two salaries to support themselves, losing the womans income or possibly her job due to pregnancy is a reason they may consider abortion

Now consider the options of a single mother

It's not society's responsibility to "consider the options of a single mother" or the pregnant but rather hers and her sperm donor.

Neither is it society's responsibility to pay for the actions, choices or mistakes of other adults.

Yes it is our responsibility as we bear the costs of more abortions, increased healthcare costs, welfare

Pay me now or pay me more later
If Obama and Liberals cared about families Obama would not have given approximately 5 million illegals the authority to now compete for jobs with the nearly 96 MILLION Americans who are out of work ...

...just sayin'...

They were here anyway competing at much lower wages

just sayin"
No, but it certainly should be her husband's problem.

Good point

And if a family relies on two salaries to support themselves, losing the womans income or possibly her job due to pregnancy is a reason they may consider abortion

Now consider the options of a single mother

It's not society's responsibility to "consider the options of a single mother" or the pregnant but rather hers and her sperm donor.

Neither is it society's responsibility to pay for the actions, choices or mistakes of other adults.
Americans disagree.

Your wrong.
Poll says 66% say government is to big.
66% Believe U.S. Has Too Much Government Power, Too Little Freedom
66% Believe U.S. Has Too Much Government Power, Too Little Freedom - Rasmussen Reports™
We aren't even talking about Americans view on the size of government, we're talking about Americans supporting virtually every "welfare" program in majorities.
Question: Do you support free shit for everyone?
WHo's gonna answer No to that?

How about:
Do you support intrusive government policies that will result in your getting laid off or having lower wages so your no-good neighbor can sit at home and smoke pot all day?
Let's see the polling results on that question.
Is this gonna be the Republican's claim to fame? Is this what they'll be boasting about as 'success?' If so, that's pretty absurd delusional thinking. The People will make them pay for this. Bet on that.

They not only won't be seeing the White House again for many many years, they won't be controlling Congress again for many years either. I would advise the Party to ditch the angry greedy white guy schtick. That time has passed. The People ain't goin for it.
If Obama and Liberals cared about families Obama would not have given approximately 5 million illegals the authority to now compete for jobs with the nearly 96 MILLION Americans who are out of work ...

...just sayin'...

They were here anyway competing at much lower wages

just sayin"

So you are saying that the illegals who are here now have ALWAYS been here? That had this government kept its promise to secure the border decades ago, if the government had been enforcing existing laws, not been BRINGING illegals in, not been rewarding them from breaking our laws then there would be no more illegals now than there were decades ago?

Of course you're not....
"People that think that way have no business having kids"
So they get an abortion

Great, if they aren't responsible enough to use birth control, they definitely have no business with children.

Good idea

Lets make birth control free. Pass it out at the mall and every supermarket. Drive icecream trucks through every neighborhood handing out condoms and birth control pills

If you are not willing to do that....don't complain about abortion
Good idea, I'll get the truck and pills. You can drive :)

Of course you'll demand someone else pay for it.

We the People should pay for it.....It will decrease abortions

We are, it's called maobamacare. Everyone has insurance and BC is free, pay attention to your dear leader.
[QUOTE="rightwinger, post: 12387681, member: 20321
They were here anyway competing at much lower wages

just sayin"[/QUOTE]

They were here breaking the law, which the government refused to enforce. Then he 'stepped it up a notch' and declared not only was he going to quietly NOT enforce the law, he was by-passing it totally and giving them his authority to openly compete for jobs...which is against the existing law. I thought it took an act of Congress to appeal or create a new law - he was not just refusing to enforce it, which is his right to do so. He created a NEW law / repealed the old law by doing this...which I am sure you will disagree with. To each his own opinion...)
The Republican Party still isn't getting it. The angry greedy white guy thing is over. The People don't want it. Republicans are at a point where most see them only worthy of ridicule and scorn. It's an old lame Archie Bunker Party at this point.

Bunker was a dem, of course that was before you commies took over the party.
Hey guys,

It's been great looking at yet another "Light Beer Commercial" (less filling....tastes great) thread.

12 pages and nothing of value.

Why do I kid myself into thinking the next one will be any different.

And spare me the "then don't get on the board" statements.
No, but it certainly should be her husband's problem.

Good point

And if a family relies on two salaries to support themselves, losing the womans income or possibly her job due to pregnancy is a reason they may consider abortion

Now consider the options of a single mother

It's not society's responsibility to "consider the options of a single mother" or the pregnant but rather hers and her sperm donor.

Neither is it society's responsibility to pay for the actions, choices or mistakes of other adults.
Americans disagree.

Your wrong.
Poll says 66% say government is to big.
66% Believe U.S. Has Too Much Government Power, Too Little Freedom
66% Believe U.S. Has Too Much Government Power, Too Little Freedom - Rasmussen Reports™
We aren't even talking about Americans view on the size of government, we're talking about Americans supporting virtually every "welfare" program in majorities.

Smaller Government does mean smaller welfare programs.
All of Government programs needs to be scaled down.
somehow us actually taking care of our families is evidence of us not caring because we don't think people should be forced to pay you for not working. This is considered logic to some.

Ill make a deal with you. Ill take care of my family with my hard work, you take of your family without work and we will see which one of us does a better job and shows that we care more.
No one is claiming that, people are working 50 hour weeks without any paid leave, millions of workers are lacking any paid leave at all, they deserve a break. They need a break.

Republicans support the notion of employees wanting a life outside the workplace is countrproductive
Conservatives have this disgusting and backwards ideological stance, constantly spitting "hard work" when failing to realize that people are working hard and getting little in return. Who works harder, the MW workers pulling 50 hours a week or the CEO telling others to do tasks in an air conditioned building.

Americans are more productive than any other workers on earth. What do they have to show for it?
Less time off, longer hours, later retirement, no paid maternity leave, fewer benefits

Republicans fight to keep it that way

Why not ?

What's wrong with that ?
The Republican Party still isn't getting it. The angry greedy white guy thing is over. The People don't want it. Republicans are at a point where most see them only worthy of ridicule and scorn. It's an old lame Archie Bunker Party at this point.

Bunker was a dem, of course that was before you commies took over the party.

The angry greedy white guy thing is over. There just isn't enough of you left. Most are either laughing at you, or cursing you at this point. You guys better start understanding that, or you won't be seeing the White House again for a very very long time.
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If Obama and Liberals cared about families Obama would not have given approximately 5 million illegals the authority to now compete for jobs with the nearly 96 MILLION Americans who are out of work ...

...just sayin'...

They were here anyway competing at much lower wages

just sayin"

So you are saying that the illegals who are here now have ALWAYS been here? That had this government kept its promise to secure the border decades ago, if the government had been enforcing existing laws, not been BRINGING illegals in, not been rewarding them from breaking our laws then there would be no more illegals now than there were decades ago?

Of course you're not....
Many have been here for a decade....working jobs at substandard wages

Sealing the border is a pipedream. Half cross the border legally and overstay their visa

Want to seal the border? Arrest employers who profit off of illegal labor
Those jobs will dry up

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