If Republicans launch an investigation of Hunter Biden…..

Should Democrats retaliate by investigating Ivanka and Jared?

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, Ivanka and Jared were members of the Trump administration

Their actions are more subject to Congressional investigation
I wouldn't think congress should investigate hunter, you are right, he is a private citizen, that would be wrong, but, if they felt that Joe had some kind of tie in there, then that could be a legitimate reason for congress to investigate joe. Now, if hunter simply used his dad's position to get on at burisma, there could be some questions about him getting that position so certain people could have access to Joe.

If they feel Jared and Ivanka possibly committed some crimes, go for it.
Should Democrats retaliate by investigating Ivanka and Jared?

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, Ivanka and Jared were members of the Trump administration

Their actions are more subject to Congressional investigation

Hunter is on the list.

#1 on the list

sure why not,, I would put a drug addicted child molester up against a women that makes shoes and purses any day of the week,,
Can you imagine Ivanka side-by-side with Hunter Biden in front of a congressional investigation.

Hunter would come off like the crack-addled bagman for daddy that he is, while Ivanka would set an example of professionalism under pressure for all young women to proudly emulate.
Can you imagine Ivanka side-by-side with Hunter Biden in front of a congressional investigation.

Hunter would come off like the crack-addled bagman for daddy that he is, while Ivanka would set an example of professionalism under pressure for all young women to proudly emulate.
hunter is a drug addled bag man for daddy,,

ivanka would own the house when she was done,,
As you said, Hunter is a private citizen. Any crimes he committed are already being investigated by the Justice Department.

A congressional hearing would have only one purpose. To embarrass the president.

Theater for the rubes.
We don't need to embarrass the president, he does it to himself all the time. Aren't the fools just so proud of him?
I would rather Congress investigate the botched covid response, or something useful for the nation going forward than useless political vendettas. 30 years of Clinton investigations have taught Republicans nothing.

I like that, "investigate Trump's botched covid response OR SOMETHING USEFUL"

Nailed it

They should investigate the govt. alright. They shut the fucking place down why again? Election, scared, incompetence, alternative ideas that remain today?

Neat how Biden and democrats opened things up despite having twice the cases as a year earlier on Trump's watch. Maybe they should investigate that? I mean after all, "Trump botched covid response should be investigated", or something useful :abgg2q.jpg:
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the doj has already investigated that.

what the gop would investigate is why, the xiden admin never appointed a special prosecutor, and why despite the evidence why he’s not been indicted

in other words the corrupting in the xiden admin and why they are covering up for the xiden crime syndicate

Why would the Bidens DOJ need to appoint a Special Prosecutor when the REPUBLICAN Judicial Committee and William Barr’s DOJ investigated and found NOTHING?????

JohnnDurham and Barr investigated Hunter Biden. The FBI, the IRS and the Senate all investigated Hunter Biden.

Nobody filed a single charge. How much taxpayer money are you going to spend pursuing a private citizen? You be spent $100 million investigating the Clintons and what do you have to show for that?

It took lawyer's four years later to find out Obama was trashing the union health care

In a single payer country, there is no need for union healthcare.
Why would the Bidens DOJ need to appoint a Special Prosecutor when the REPUBLICAN Judicial Committee and William Barr’s DOJ investigated and found NOTHING?????

JohnnDurham and Barr investigated Hunter Biden. The FBI, the IRS and the Senate all investigated Hunter Biden.

Nobody filed a single charge. How much taxpayer money are you going to spend pursuing a private citizen? You be spent $100 million investigating the Clintons and what do you have to show for that?

In a single payer country, there is no need for union healthcare.
just because no charges are filed doesnt mean there wasnt wrong doing,,
I like that, "investigate Trump's botched covid response OR SOMETHING USEFUL"

Nailed it

They should investigate the govt. alright. They shut the fucking place down why again? Election, scared, incompetence, alternative ideas that remain today?

Neat how Biden and democrats opened things up despite having twice the cases as a year earlier on Trump's watch. Maybe they should investigate that? I mean after all, "Trump botched covid response should be investigated", or something useful :abgg2q.jpg:

We’re you trying to say something??? I couldn’t tell because you were blithering about shutting down the government.

You’re really big on investigating everyone in government except Donald Trump. Investigations and oversight are part of the job.

A million people died and you don’t want an investigation as to HOW that happened, or how to prevent it from happening again. You’re terrified that Trump’s failures will be exposed. And that’s ALL you care about.
We’re you trying to say something??? I couldn’t tell because you were blithering about shutting down the government.

You’re really big on investigating everyone in government except Donald Trump. Investigations and oversight are part of the job.

A million people died and you don’t want an investigation as to HOW that happened, or how to prevent it from happening again. You’re terrified that Trump’s failures will be exposed. And that’s ALL you care about.
trump has been investigated constantly for the last 7 yrs and they came up with nothing,,

time to turn the tables,,

are you saying you dont know how people died with all the news about it for 3 yrs??

wow you really are a stupid skank,,
Should Democrats retaliate by investigating Ivanka and Jared?

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, Ivanka and Jared were members of the Trump administration

Their actions are more subject to Congressional investigation
keep in mind democrats are like saints...they never sin....a great example is ted kennedy who only killed his squeeze by acccident while driving drunk as hell. and billy clinton only messed up monicas dress when she accidentally gave him a hummer
If they do Garland sucks at it
I think Garland is pissed because the republicans blocked him from becoming a Supreme Court justice. Paybacks are hell. Anybody he appoints would buy a sixteen wheeler truck full of whitewash to use while investigating.
We’re you trying to say something??? I couldn’t tell because you were blithering about shutting down the government.

You’re really big on investigating everyone in government except Donald Trump. Investigations and oversight are part of the job.

A million people died and you don’t want an investigation as to HOW that happened, or how to prevent it from happening again. You’re terrified that Trump’s failures will be exposed. And that’s ALL you care about.

Neat.. More died on Biden's watch Lady. How's that investigation into Biden going?
Why would the Bidens DOJ need to appoint a Special Prosecutor when the REPUBLICAN Judicial Committee and William Barr’s DOJ investigated and found NOTHING?????

JohnnDurham and Barr investigated Hunter Biden. The FBI, the IRS and the Senate all investigated Hunter Biden.

Nobody filed a single charge. How much taxpayer money are you going to spend pursuing a private citizen? You be spent $100 million investigating the Clintons and what do you have to show for that?

In a single payer country, there is no need for union healthcare.
because they didn’t…you lie
Should Democrats retaliate by investigating Ivanka and Jared?

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, Ivanka and Jared were members of the Trump administration

Their actions are more subject to Congressional investigation
Sure, you can have investigations, just like we had when you were in power. You know, the kind with no teeth, where everyone lies to your face on the floor of Congress, but you still cant charge them with perjury. Investigations that go nowhere because your enemy owns all the committees and they keep you in the dark. Have at it!
I hear the basement broom closet is available….Maybe the ABC producer is available also, and you can televise it so everyone knows what fools you are.

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