If Republicans launch an investigation of Hunter Biden…..

While a meritless, bad faith 'investigation' of Jan. 6 is an example of sound, responsible governance by Democrats?
The bad faith came when the Old GOP Flip-Flopped on the creation of an independent bipartisan commission to look into the event and events leading up to the riot.

You remember the Old GOP don't cha? They were resurrected in Congress in the days following the attack but most of them regressed back to Neo-GOPers after making the Spiritual Sojourn to see the Don, America's Great Domestic Terrorist.

Jared Kushner accepts a $2 billion kickback from the Saudi’s

Hunter Biden is small potatoes

I bet the Saudis will expect a return on their investment.

The Chinese of the other hand obviously didn't expect much from the Bidens.

Grassley: The Biden Family Received "No-interest, Forgivable" Loans From a Chinese Company​

sure why not,, I would put a drug addicted child molester up against a women that makes shoes and purses any day of the week,,
Ivanka doesn’t make anything. She leases her name. That’s the Trump way. Anything else is too much like work for those grifters and is the main reason Donnie wouldn’t accept being Speaker of the House. He’d glory in the offer, but his lazy ass would refuse because he’s “got more important things to do”.
Ivanka doesn’t make anything. She leases her name. That’s the Trump way. Anything else is too much like work for those grifters and is the main reason Donnie wouldn’t accept being Speaker of the House. He’d glory in the offer, but his lazy ass would refuse because he’s “got more important things to do”.
same goes for all the major clothes manufacturers,,
Should Democrats retaliate by investigating Ivanka and Jared?

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, Ivanka and Jared were members of the Trump administration

Their actions are more subject to Congressional investigation
No. I don't care if they investigate. The raw politics assholes on both sides have been investigating people connect to the opposition for years. Nobody pays any attention to that crap anymore.

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