If Republicans were wrong

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
What does that make Democrats who are now demanding changes to existing law in order to open the government?

Talks on ending the government shutdown and preventing default have once again deadlocked, but this time it is Democrats who are demanding changes to current law as a condition for ending the impasse.

With the two sides now negotiating to extend government funding until at least January 31, Democrats are now insisting on spending increases — they want to end most of the cuts put in place as part of the so-called sequester. Democrats are still willing to accept a short-term deal to reopen the government at sequester spending levels (the Senate, of course, passed a 6-week extension on those terms), but now that talks are centered on funding the government into 2014, they are insisting on undoing some of sequester cuts. To Republicans, this is a non-starter, unless the sequester spending cuts are replaced with cuts to entitlement programs — and that is a non-starter for Democrats…

Meanwhile, Republicans in the House are watching all of this warily. Speaker of the House John Boehner’s last offer, of a six-week extension of government funding and borrowing authority in exchange for budget talks, was rejected by the White House on Friday. Anything the Senate ultimately passes, will likely be opposed by the majority of House Republicans. Boehner would need to make an 11th hour decision on whether to bring a Senate bill opposed by his members up for a vote or to attempt to change it once again.
Talks to End Shutdown, Raise Debt Ceiling Deadlocked - ABC News
GOP brought it on themselves, of course, but the spending cuts already agreed upon cannot be negotiated. The GOP must hold on the sequester.
Shows how retarded the GOP is.

All this time they could have won a renewal of their sequester budget because Democrats wanted to vote for it, but now that Republicans have shut everything down and have demanded that Democrats negotiate with them, the Democrats are actually asking for stuff now!

Stupid Republicans. Usually it's the liberals who snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but now it's the GOP.
GOP brought it on themselves, of course, but the spending cuts already agreed upon cannot be negotiated. The GOP must hold on the sequester.

But the GOP did NOT hold on the sequester!

They shut the government down and demanded that Democrats negotiate! So.....Democrats are asking for stuff now!

This only cements today's GOP as the least competent I've ever seen in history, which is why I think their 24% approval rating is a record low.
Shows how retarded the GOP is.

All this time they could have won a renewal of their sequester budget because Democrats wanted to vote for it, but now that Republicans have shut everything down and have demanded that Democrats negotiate with them, the Democrats are actually asking for stuff now!

Stupid Republicans. Usually it's the liberals who snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but now it's the GOP.

The sequester was a Dem idea.
We have an enormous problem with gov't spending. The Dem solution is to spend more. Obama's solution is to raise taxes.
They dont get it.
They are like drunks going to an AA meeting asking for just one more drink.
What does that make Democrats who are now demanding changes to existing law in order to open the government?

Talks on ending the government shutdown and preventing default have once again deadlocked, but this time it is Democrats who are demanding changes to current law as a condition for ending the impasse.

With the two sides now negotiating to extend government funding until at least January 31, Democrats are now insisting on spending increases — they want to end most of the cuts put in place as part of the so-called sequester. Democrats are still willing to accept a short-term deal to reopen the government at sequester spending levels (the Senate, of course, passed a 6-week extension on those terms), but now that talks are centered on funding the government into 2014, they are insisting on undoing some of sequester cuts. To Republicans, this is a non-starter, unless the sequester spending cuts are replaced with cuts to entitlement programs — and that is a non-starter for Democrats…

Meanwhile, Republicans in the House are watching all of this warily. Speaker of the House John Boehner’s last offer, of a six-week extension of government funding and borrowing authority in exchange for budget talks, was rejected by the White House on Friday. Anything the Senate ultimately passes, will likely be opposed by the majority of House Republicans. Boehner would need to make an 11th hour decision on whether to bring a Senate bill opposed by his members up for a vote or to attempt to change it once again.
Talks to End Shutdown, Raise Debt Ceiling Deadlocked - ABC News

I don't understand why the article doesn't specify which democrats are saying it. The senate? Obama? Which is it? I question how official this position is.

However, if it is official, which it could be, I am definitely pissed. This would seriously be a dick move.
The Democrats are not REALLY asking for anything. This is an optics move. It gives the GOP losers something to say no to....so when they open the government and raise the debt limit over the next couple of days, their base will think they held firm on something.

The Democrats already agreed to the funding levels. This is not a serious demand. All for show.
GOP brought it on themselves, of course, but the spending cuts already agreed upon cannot be negotiated. The GOP must hold on the sequester.

But the GOP did NOT hold on the sequester!

They shut the government down and demanded that Democrats negotiate! So.....Democrats are asking for stuff now!

This only cements today's GOP as the least competent I've ever seen in history, which is why I think their 24% approval rating is a record low.

The American people will support the GOP if the Democrats go after more money, period.

Your Dems will be throwing away a trump card, which in these perilous days is not good politics.


The people are waking up and paying attention, and for a party that is barely more popular than the despised GOP and TPM, one would be thinking, "This and no farther."
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What does that make Democrats who are now demanding changes to existing law in order to open the government?

Talks on ending the government shutdown and preventing default have once again deadlocked, but this time it is Democrats who are demanding changes to current law as a condition for ending the impasse.

With the two sides now negotiating to extend government funding until at least January 31, Democrats are now insisting on spending increases — they want to end most of the cuts put in place as part of the so-called sequester. Democrats are still willing to accept a short-term deal to reopen the government at sequester spending levels (the Senate, of course, passed a 6-week extension on those terms), but now that talks are centered on funding the government into 2014, they are insisting on undoing some of sequester cuts. To Republicans, this is a non-starter, unless the sequester spending cuts are replaced with cuts to entitlement programs — and that is a non-starter for Democrats…

Meanwhile, Republicans in the House are watching all of this warily. Speaker of the House John Boehner’s last offer, of a six-week extension of government funding and borrowing authority in exchange for budget talks, was rejected by the White House on Friday. Anything the Senate ultimately passes, will likely be opposed by the majority of House Republicans. Boehner would need to make an 11th hour decision on whether to bring a Senate bill opposed by his members up for a vote or to attempt to change it once again.
Talks to End Shutdown, Raise Debt Ceiling Deadlocked - ABC News

I don't understand why the article doesn't specify which democrats are saying it. The senate? Obama? Which is it? I question how official this position is.

However, if it is official, which it could be, I am definitely pissed. This would seriously be a dick move.

As the GOP becomes more and more reviled for their shutting down the government; the Dems in the Senate are switching from the wedges to the drivers and teeing off.

The GOP would be doing the same thing.

I agree; a dick move that is probably ill-advised. Remember the nuclear option a few years back? This is the "atomic" option; not as devastating but still painful to the opposition. So guess what happens when the GOP get the football back...the ante gets raised.
I am convinced that if the GOP gets the House next year, that the Senate Dems will eliminate the 60-vote cloture rule and go with a majority vote on all items.
What does that make Democrats who are now demanding changes to existing law in order to open the government?

Talks to End Shutdown, Raise Debt Ceiling Deadlocked - ABC News

I don't understand why the article doesn't specify which democrats are saying it. The senate? Obama? Which is it? I question how official this position is.

However, if it is official, which it could be, I am definitely pissed. This would seriously be a dick move.

As the GOP becomes more and more reviled for their shutting down the government; the Dems in the Senate are switching from the wedges to the drivers and teeing off.

The GOP would be doing the same thing.

I agree; a dick move that is probably ill-advised. Remember the nuclear option a few years back? This is the "atomic" option; not as devastating but still painful to the opposition. So guess what happens when the GOP get the football back...the ante gets raised.
Wow, the most incoherent post you've ever written.
Another first!
What does that make Democrats who are now demanding changes to existing law in order to open the government?

Talks on ending the government shutdown and preventing default have once again deadlocked, but this time it is Democrats who are demanding changes to current law as a condition for ending the impasse.

With the two sides now negotiating to extend government funding until at least January 31, Democrats are now insisting on spending increases — they want to end most of the cuts put in place as part of the so-called sequester. Democrats are still willing to accept a short-term deal to reopen the government at sequester spending levels (the Senate, of course, passed a 6-week extension on those terms), but now that talks are centered on funding the government into 2014, they are insisting on undoing some of sequester cuts. To Republicans, this is a non-starter, unless the sequester spending cuts are replaced with cuts to entitlement programs — and that is a non-starter for Democrats…

Meanwhile, Republicans in the House are watching all of this warily. Speaker of the House John Boehner’s last offer, of a six-week extension of government funding and borrowing authority in exchange for budget talks, was rejected by the White House on Friday. Anything the Senate ultimately passes, will likely be opposed by the majority of House Republicans. Boehner would need to make an 11th hour decision on whether to bring a Senate bill opposed by his members up for a vote or to attempt to change it once again.
Talks to End Shutdown, Raise Debt Ceiling Deadlocked - ABC News



Good one. It's good to start the morning with a belly laugh.
The Democrats in Congress are as much to blame for our problems as the GOP but the Dems didn't resort to extortion.
What does that make Democrats who are now demanding changes to existing law in order to open the government?

Talks to End Shutdown, Raise Debt Ceiling Deadlocked - ABC News

I don't understand why the article doesn't specify which democrats are saying it. The senate? Obama? Which is it? I question how official this position is.

However, if it is official, which it could be, I am definitely pissed. This would seriously be a dick move.

As the GOP becomes more and more reviled for their shutting down the government; the Dems in the Senate are switching from the wedges to the drivers and teeing off.

The GOP would be doing the same thing.

I agree; a dick move that is probably ill-advised. Remember the nuclear option a few years back? This is the "atomic" option; not as devastating but still painful to the opposition. So guess what happens when the GOP get the football back...the ante gets raised.

A good friend of mine, a Republican, who writes for a newspaper up here with a very large circulation coined it really well last year when he said, "The Republicans are eating their own". Spot on.

This thing with Heritage Action buying television advertising to sabotage their fellow Republicans who didn't go along with Ted Cruz.....Wow. The ringleader behind that is Michael Needham. A cocky little bastard who will be fired by the Koch brothers (Heritage Action $$$$) when this is all over.

The shutdown’s enforcer-in-chief

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I think the democrats shoul dreceive their spending increases. I think the republicans should rubber stamp all of it. The American people need to see the results of run-away progressive plans. And literally breaking this fucker completely is a nice way to show Americans what they've asked for.
I think the democrats shoul dreceive their spending increases. I think the republicans should rubber stamp all of it. The American people need to see the results of run-away progressive plans. And literally breaking this fucker completely is a nice way to show Americans what they've asked for.

R's are ineffective as hell, caving on every issue. They need to stand to the side and let the dems go hog wild loose on spending and looting the treasury.
What does that make Democrats who are now demanding changes to existing law in order to open the government?

Talks on ending the government shutdown and preventing default have once again deadlocked, but this time it is Democrats who are demanding changes to current law as a condition for ending the impasse.

With the two sides now negotiating to extend government funding until at least January 31, Democrats are now insisting on spending increases — they want to end most of the cuts put in place as part of the so-called sequester. Democrats are still willing to accept a short-term deal to reopen the government at sequester spending levels (the Senate, of course, passed a 6-week extension on those terms), but now that talks are centered on funding the government into 2014, they are insisting on undoing some of sequester cuts. To Republicans, this is a non-starter, unless the sequester spending cuts are replaced with cuts to entitlement programs — and that is a non-starter for Democrats…

Meanwhile, Republicans in the House are watching all of this warily. Speaker of the House John Boehner’s last offer, of a six-week extension of government funding and borrowing authority in exchange for budget talks, was rejected by the White House on Friday. Anything the Senate ultimately passes, will likely be opposed by the majority of House Republicans. Boehner would need to make an 11th hour decision on whether to bring a Senate bill opposed by his members up for a vote or to attempt to change it once again.
Talks to End Shutdown, Raise Debt Ceiling Deadlocked - ABC News

it wasn't the dems who who let the sequester expire it was the republicans...
it wasn't the dems who tried to defund ACA in the budget bill it was the republicans ...
it wasn't the dems who tried t use the tax on medical devices to be removed, it was the republicans ...
as a matter of fact, all the things that was put into these bills was done by the republicans and now that it has bit them in the ass, your think the dems wanting every thing put back is an attempt to blame the republicans ....
seems to me it was the republicans who fucked them selves by putting this crap into the bill in the first place ...
it was the republicans arrogant trying to force our hand
GOP brought it on themselves, of course, but the spending cuts already agreed upon cannot be negotiated. The GOP must hold on the sequester.
They brought on demands for spending increases? How the fuck do you get that?

do you ever know what the fuck you're talking about ??? I would say no ... you use some right wing blogger the tell us we're full of it ... sorry honey that boat won't float... the SS republican's ship, well, all you can see is a 1/3 of its stern going down ...
Shows how retarded the GOP is.

All this time they could have won a renewal of their sequester budget because Democrats wanted to vote for it, but now that Republicans have shut everything down and have demanded that Democrats negotiate with them, the Democrats are actually asking for stuff now!

Stupid Republicans. Usually it's the liberals who snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but now it's the GOP.

The sequester was a Dem idea.
We have an enormous problem with gov't spending. The Dem solution is to spend more. Obama's solution is to raise taxes.
They dont get it.
They are like drunks going to an AA meeting asking for just one more drink.

this guys clueless we can clearly see he's been drinking the koolaid way to long

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