If rioting is a natural expression of anger, would it be ok to burn down BLM headquarters?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
CNN is telling us it is part of our American history to "lash out" with protests and riots. Then I assume they would be equally supportive of Americans who have had enough of the fraudulent BLM movement to destroy the various BLM headquarters around the country. After all, that would just be a natural expression of anger. What could be wrong with that?
To me, it would still be wrong even if the reason for doing it at all was understandable. Doing what is done to you only makes you just as bad as those who do you wrong. Because certain actions are still illegal in this country, I hope that those who choose to be guilty of them enjoy whatever food they get while in jail.

God bless you always!!!

It's fascinating to watch as Wisconsin's reactionary automatons learn the truer costs of the Underground Railroad. All this destruction, and they both knew each other?
CNN is telling us it is part of our American history to "lash out" with protests and riots. Then I assume they would be equally supportive of Americans who have had enough of the fraudulent BLM movement to destroy the various BLM headquarters around the country. After all, that would just be a natural expression of anger. What could be wrong with that?
Well but what if it escalated and someone got the bright idea to destroy Communist News Network’s building too? I mean other than bestowing all sorts of awards, national acclaim, etc. on those responsible for such inspired actions, perhaps we declare a new national holiday too?
Well burning down organizations or wanting to bring harm to groups of people asserting their rights (especially people of color) isn't new.....so yea, if BLM triggers you that much to where you want to burn down wherever you think their headquarters are -- have at it...guess what, it won't stop anything......

If blowing up churches with 4 little black girls in it, bombing black neighborhoods, etc etc aint stopped black folks from asserting their rights -- your bitch ass hissy fit sure won't
CNN is telling us it is part of our American history to "lash out" with protests and riots. Then I assume they would be equally supportive of Americans who have had enough of the fraudulent BLM movement to destroy the various BLM headquarters around the country. After all, that would just be a natural expression of anger. What could be wrong with that?
Well but what if it escalated and someone got the bright idea to destroy Communist News Network’s building too? I mean other than bestowing all sorts of awards, national acclaim, etc. on those responsible for such inspired actions, perhaps we declare a new national holiday too?
But that really happened....Yet the police were able to keep the mob from braking their windows and burning the building to the ground.

At least we know who the Powers that Be™ consider worth protecting with all available LE resources.
CNN is telling us it is part of our American history to "lash out" with protests and riots. Then I assume they would be equally supportive of Americans who have had enough of the fraudulent BLM movement to destroy the various BLM headquarters around the country. After all, that would just be a natural expression of anger. What could be wrong with that?

A direct analogy that shows just how full of shit these people are is when idiots were attacking abortion providers and the left attacked those people for being the violent criminals that they were.

But, of course, we didn't need this event to remind us that the left are a bunch of douche nozzle hypocritical assholes, we already knew that.
CNN is telling us it is part of our American history to "lash out" with protests and riots. Then I assume they would be equally supportive of Americans who have had enough of the fraudulent BLM movement to destroy the various BLM headquarters around the country. After all, that would just be a natural expression of anger. What could be wrong with that?

A direct analogy that shows just how full of shit these people are is when idiots were attacking abortion providers and the left attacked those people for being the violent criminals that they were.

But, of course, we didn't need this event to remind us that the left are a bunch of douche nozzle hypocritical assholes, we already knew that.
They killed abortion providers....killed...not just attacked....killed...
...the blacks are more violent
...they commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
..rape at twice the rate
..come on folks--this is NOT racist---you have a group of people committing murder at MUCH higher rates ..murder is violent
CNN is telling us it is part of our American history to "lash out" with protests and riots. Then I assume they would be equally supportive of Americans who have had enough of the fraudulent BLM movement to destroy the various BLM headquarters around the country. After all, that would just be a natural expression of anger. What could be wrong with that?

A direct analogy that shows just how full of shit these people are is when idiots were attacking abortion providers and the left attacked those people for being the violent criminals that they were.

But, of course, we didn't need this event to remind us that the left are a bunch of douche nozzle hypocritical assholes, we already knew that.
They killed abortion providers....killed...not just attacked....killed...

I was talking about the facilities , not the people, but you're correct they did kill abortion workers.

Doesn't change my point one bit.
Well burning down organizations or wanting to bring harm to groups of people asserting their rights (especially people of color) isn't new.....so yea, if BLM triggers you that much to where you want to burn down wherever you think their headquarters are -- have at it...guess what, it won't stop anything......

If blowing up churches with 4 little black girls in it, bombing black neighborhoods, etc etc aint stopped black folks from asserting their rights -- your bitch ass hissy fit sure won't
But it's ok when ng's do it.
CNN is telling us it is part of our American history to "lash out" with protests and riots. Then I assume they would be equally supportive of Americans who have had enough of the fraudulent BLM movement to destroy the various BLM headquarters around the country. After all, that would just be a natural expression of anger. What could be wrong with that?
Now, that's a great question!

Kamala Harris on Support for BLM Riots: ‘They’re Not Gonna Stop,’ Warns Everyone to ‘Beware’

Harris warned Americans to “beware” because the riots were here to stay. She wants US to fear them, when it's the lawless that need to fear the lawful.

“Everyone, beware. [Protestors] are not going to stop before Election Day in November and they’re not going to stop after Election Day,” Harris added that “they should not” and “we should not.” She openly supports the rioters, looters and arsonists. She encourages them to continue.

Kamala Harris says that the riots are not going to stop, ever, and to BEWARE. With a smile on her face. Oh yeah, she's all for it. This is supposed to bully America into voting for her. Do these folks know ANY Americans? Because that is NOT how WE respond to bullies!

Polls show support for Black Lives Matter is rapidly declining lower than whale crap, particularly among white voters and Wisconsin residents in general. Now, the party is attempting to walk back their support for these violent riots.
CNN is telling us it is part of our American history to "lash out" with protests and riots. Then I assume they would be equally supportive of Americans who have had enough of the fraudulent BLM movement to destroy the various BLM headquarters around the country. After all, that would just be a natural expression of anger. What could be wrong with that?
I'm sure it's "insured" so break in, take what you want and burn the rest.

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