If Romney/Ryan believe that private charity is so important...

Read about it here, don't take my word for it.

Charities Would See Gifts Shrink Under Romney

From Paragraph 4 of your link...

Both presidential candidates are pitching ideas that would shrink such incentives for giving to charity, prompting objections from nonprofits.

So? It's conservatives who go on and on about getting the government out of the 'welfare' business and letting private charity take care of the poor, sick, etc.

Why would you advocate that on the one hand, and disincentivize it in the tax code on the other?
Was a proposal actually made to end the deduction for charitable giving, or is that just another democrat lie? After reading the article, it seems that no proposal was actually made, just anticipated. I don't see why charitable giving for the arts was EVER allowed in the first place. It's not something the government should be funding, and not something charity should be funding.
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Let's look at it from a different perspective.

How would the Republicans get this past the non-profit institutions special interests, politically?

I asked if the charitable deduction is on or off the table.

Is it or isn't it?

Should it or shouldn't it be?

Considering Romney Attacked Obama and the Dems for Suggesting that very thing, I doubt he would then be for it himself.

I personally think it's a Horrible Idea, the Charitable Donation Deduction is one that makes perfect sense.

I don't see them changing this. It's a deduction that everyone supports. The problem with Romney and his tax plan is that he has told us that it is revenue neutral and he would pay for it by getting rid of loopholes, deductions, and certain credits. He also has told us that he isn't getting rid of the home mortgage deduction and a number of other things. The question is what is he going to get rid of to pay for the tax cut to keep it revenue neutral? Inquiring minds want to know.
Was a proposal actually made to end the deduction for charitable giving, or is that just another democrat lie? After reading the article, it seems that no proposal was actually made, just anticipated. I don't see why charitable giving for the arts was EVER allowed in the first place. It's not something the government should be funding, and not something charity should be funding.

We shouldn't get a tax deduction for funding the arts? How about giving to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir?
So? It's conservatives who go on and on about getting the government out of the 'welfare' business and letting private charity take care of the poor, sick, etc.

Why would you advocate that on the one hand, and disincentivize it in the tax code on the other?

Because government should not use the tax code for social engineering. It shouldn't used taxes to pick and choose winners in free markets and it shouldn't use the tax code to benefit those organizations the government deems worthy of a charitable contribution.

Charities handled 'welfare' far more efficiently and with VOLUNTARY contributions long before we even had an income tax.

Eliminate ALL the loopholes!
So? It's conservatives who go on and on about getting the government out of the 'welfare' business and letting private charity take care of the poor, sick, etc.

Why would you advocate that on the one hand, and disincentivize it in the tax code on the other?

Because government should not use the tax code for social engineering. It shouldn't used taxes to pick and choose winners in free markets and it shouldn't use the tax code to benefit those organizations the government deems worthy of a charitable contribution.

Charities handled 'welfare' far more efficiently and with VOLUNTARY contributions long before we even had an income tax.

Eliminate ALL the loopholes!

Exactly. It's frustrating how few leaders, on both sides of the phone left/right spectrum, are working to end this practice.
Read about it here, don't take my word for it.

Charities Would See Gifts Shrink Under Romney

From Paragraph 4 of your link...

Both presidential candidates are pitching ideas that would shrink such incentives for giving to charity, prompting objections from nonprofits.

So? It's conservatives who go on and on about getting the government out of the 'welfare' business and letting private charity take care of the poor, sick, etc.

Why would you advocate that on the one hand, and disincentivize it in the tax code on the other?

Because unlike you greedy Progressive fucks, I don't need a tax deduction to do the right thing by my fellow man.
...why would they propose a tax plan that gets rid of the tax deduction for charitable giving?

Or should we logically assume that the charitable deduction is off the table as far as Romney/Ryan are concerned when they're talking about getting rid of various tax deductions/credits/loopholes etc.,

to make their tax plan revenue neutral?

So in other words, you liberals bitch about all these tax breaks, but dont want any of them closed.....just as I thought....all talk and no action
Should not your charity be about the giving and not what you can deduct because of it??... if you want equality and a loophole free system, you would have to get rid of 'one offs'... not that I believe Romney is for the system of true equal treatment in a true no exceptions flat tax... but whether or not I can deduct it, I will still donate to my favorite charities
...why would they propose a tax plan that gets rid of the tax deduction for charitable giving?

Or should we logically assume that the charitable deduction is off the table as far as Romney/Ryan are concerned when they're talking about getting rid of various tax deductions/credits/loopholes etc.,

to make their tax plan revenue neutral?

The mass majority of American people don't qualify for an itemized charitable deduction.
Will charitable givings drop if you eliminate the deduction? Of course.

Should that reason alone be reason enough to keep the deduction? No.
...why would they propose a tax plan that gets rid of the tax deduction for charitable giving?

Or should we logically assume that the charitable deduction is off the table as far as Romney/Ryan are concerned when they're talking about getting rid of various tax deductions/credits/loopholes etc.,

to make their tax plan revenue neutral?

maybe something about, oh, I don't know, giving without looking for a reward? Letting the act itself be the reward? Naw.. too much in keeping with the tenants of his faith, huh.
...why would they propose a tax plan that gets rid of the tax deduction for charitable giving?

Or should we logically assume that the charitable deduction is off the table as far as Romney/Ryan are concerned when they're talking about getting rid of various tax deductions/credits/loopholes etc.,

to make their tax plan revenue neutral?

The mass majority of American people don't qualify for an itemized charitable deduction.

which does not keep me from my annual donations to Good Will, Salvation Army, and my weekly donations to my church.

you see, in my mind, the act of giving is the reward. Would I take the deduction if I qualified? Sure, no problem. But I don't, and I'm perfectly fine with that.
Charitable giving as a tax strategy is stupid

I predict that giving will increase with lower tax rates and even if the deduction is eliminated
...why would they propose a tax plan that gets rid of the tax deduction for charitable giving?

Or should we logically assume that the charitable deduction is off the table as far as Romney/Ryan are concerned when they're talking about getting rid of various tax deductions/credits/loopholes etc.,

to make their tax plan revenue neutral?

Are you complaining about those non existent details of Romney's plan again?

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