if russia wins against ukraine ….

Britain, Germany's, France and e.g. Sweden's air-force capabilities alone - are already impossible for the Russian Armed Forces to oppose/withstand. You obviously got no clue towards modern warfare and Russia's present and future (next ten years) capabilities.

Russia's present air-force capabilities can't even provide air-superiority over mediocre Ukraine.
The best way to achieve air superiority, as they say - is to nuke their airfields. The war against Britain, Germany, France is a regional war, and a regional war, by definition, is fought with nuclear weapons.
Britain, Germany's, France and e.g. Sweden's air-force capabilities alone - are already impossible for the Russian Armed Forces to oppose/withstand. You obviously got no clue towards modern warfare and Russia's present and future (next ten years) capabilities.

Russia's present air-force capabilities can't even provide air-superiority over mediocre Ukraine.
Yeah, right. Sweeds are especially formidable. They say they grow antlers or horns from their stupid heads. When out of ammo they can gore. Spooky people.
The best way to achieve air superiority, as they say - is to nuke their airfields. The war against Britain, Germany, France is a regional war, and a regional war, by definition, is fought with nuclear weapons.
One doesn't need nuclear weapons to screw an incapable and 20th century equipped Russian Army - not even to mention their non-existing military leadership qualifications.

There will be no "regional war" conducted by e.g. Germany, France, Britain and Sweden against Russia. But in case of Putin going nuts like Trump - a common NATO response, upon a NATO member being attacked - led militarily foremost by the above mentioned and naturally also involving US Forces.

The only scenario that I can imagine Putin using nukes - is an imminent Russian defeat in Ukraine - which isn't a NATO member, and therefore will not result into a NATO nuke response.
14.02.24: NATO Secretary General says he sees no military threats from Russia

19.02.24: In Munich, NATO countries discussed the risk of Russian attack

You European idiots should at least somehow coordinate your shitty propaganda between the free food buffets for which you started it all!
One doesn't need nuclear weapons to screw an incapable and 20th century equipped Russian Army - not even to mention their non-existing military leadership qualifications.

There will be no "regional war" conducted by e.g. Germany, France, Britain and Sweden against Russia. But in case of Putin going nuts like Trump - a common NATO response, upon a NATO member being attacked - led militarily foremost by the above mentioned and naturally also involving US Forces.

The only scenario that I can imagine Putin using nukes - is an imminent Russian defeat in Ukraine - which isn't a NATO member, and therefore will not result into a NATO nuke response.
According Russian military doctrine, a war with the states of more than one region (for example, both Europe and North America) is not "regional", but "large-scale" war. And in which they will use "everything" (not only conventional and nuclear, but chemical, biological and other weapons, too). Whoever wins in such a war, Europe will lost more than 99% of its population.
I’m a Nationalist and an Isolationist. (I don’t support Trump).

I believe “Speak Softly and carry a Button that will destroy the entire world.” Is the best way to live.
The problem is that with our nucleophobic establishment we'd lost such a capability.
Some day Putin will die and hopefully the Russians will decide they will be part of the global community and not be a pain in the ass.
Some day Putin will die and hopefully the Russians will decide they will be part of the global community and not be a pain in the ass.
They do want to be a part of the "global community". The only question is the terms of said participation. They don't want to be discriminated, abused, genocided or endangered.
14.02.24: NATO Secretary General says he sees no military threats from Russia

19.02.24: In Munich, NATO countries discussed the risk of Russian attack

You European idiots should at least somehow coordinate your shitty propaganda between the free food buffets for which you started it all!
You understand the difference of something being a "real" threat? (which Russia isn't towards NATO at all), and political lobbyists making use of Trumps bull, and thus now boosting their friends in the weapon industry and lobby?

Independently due to characters like Trump it is indeed "advisable" for Europe to set up their own military union/association. And Money isn't the problem - but incapable politicians and politically influenced/controlled military leaders - that simply are unable to spend the existing budget accordingly.

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