If Sleep Deprivation is now to be known as torture, what is cutting off fingers and the like?

If we're going to call 'stress' torture, we're going to need a new word to convey what we used to call torture.

Because they're not the same...

Which means that we can't use stress to convey discomfort... so what word should be used to convey THAT?

Seems that once again, allowing the intellectually less fortunate to speak, causes chaos... .

Are we sure that this is a good idea?

I think Obamas administration has decided Interrogation is Torture. We just bypass that dirty little step and Kill the suspects now, no prisoners.

The obama cult is serving the interests of the enemy of the United States. But we, the Americans new that they would when the enemy of the United States elected him as Peasantpimp of the Union States.
As Americans look for a humane way to execute people others look for a humane way to torture. We need a torture that, when done, the torturees do not know they have been tortured. Perhaps some political speeches or movies would work?
Or... you could get a demonstration of stressed induced discomfort. Where you'll be forced to stand for 150 continuous hour, while nude... in a very hot room, on top of several other cretins... while wearing a dog collar.

If that is your idea of sleep deprivation, that is a whole 'nother story. Tapping someone lightly on the head continuously for 24 hours is more than just sleep deprivation.

Not really...

So Chinese Water Torture is not really torture either? :lol:

Pretty soon the dumb liberals will be arguing that not allowing a computer with internet will be torture.

Maybe room service for our enemies???

Yes... the purpose here is to undermine the language, so as to make it impossible to organize and govern ourselves.

At the end of the day, nature will require we annihilate the Left in the US.

That is the inevitable consequence of perverting human reasoning. It rinses from the intellectually abnormal, the objectivity which is essential to the means to reason soundly. And absent that objectivity, there is no means to discern truth, to trust, to agree on soundly reasoned morality or the service of justice. Absent those fundamental elements of human reasoning, there is no potential for basis on which civilization might exist.

And those are the same elements which brought us every single war which has ever come to humanity... . And those elements are replete throughout the society of the United States.

As a result, there is little chance that the United States can hope to avoid civil war.

Perhaps, if the Left had some sort of collective epiphany, which induced in them an abundance of objectivity sufficient to provide them the means for self honesty which allowed them to recognize that they're the only ones that can stop the war and that provided them the means to turn from their vacuous reasoning and to recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the natural laws that define America... that could stop it at this point.

But there's no chance of that, given that in all likelihood they're simply incapable of it.

So they will continue on... pushing their fascist nonsense until they inevitably cross the line that ignites the war... at which time, all of the clarity in the world will not stop their annihilation.

Its a path that has been tread many times, as such is the cyclical path of nature.
As Americans look for a humane way to execute people others look for a humane way to torture. We need a torture that, when done, the torturees do not know they have been tortured. Perhaps some political speeches or movies would work?
Or... you could get a demonstration of stressed induced discomfort. Where you'll be forced to stand for 150 continuous hour, while nude... in a very hot room, on top of several other cretins... while wearing a dog collar.

If that is your idea of sleep deprivation, that is a whole 'nother story. Tapping someone lightly on the head continuously for 24 hours is more than just sleep deprivation.

Not really...

So Chinese Water Torture is not really torture either? :lol:

Are you asking me if dropping water on one's head until one decides to be forthcoming with the information that they have, at which time the dropping water stops and they're fed, clothed and given comfortable facilities in which to sleep?

No.... that's not torture, or anything remotely similar to it.
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It's tit for tat. If Japanese torture of Americans by stuffing them with water and jumping on them is equated to putting a wet cloth over people's mouths then that is true moral equivalence.
Sucks, dontit?
Swing and a miss by the Rabbi

Totally unrelated to what I posted
Absolutely the same. It's all about the meaning of words.
And Rabbi once again ducks the issue

Strike TWO
See my sig line.
Takes a called third strike and sulks back to the dugout
Check my sig line. You 24 hours is up soon.
I find it curious

In the movie Stalag 17, the evil Nazis torture an American pilot by forcing him to stand and not be allowed to sleep. Such treatment of an American seemed outrageous

Now we have conservatives squealing....what's a little sleep?
Proving that liberals' word view is shaped by movies and works of fiction.
Conservatives' world view is shaped by facts and history.
Don't forget the comedy channel is their news source.
We used to feel that treating prisoners humanely and even kindly was the best way to instill in them a feeling that we were the "good guys" but thanks to our polices enacted after 9/11 anyone in our custody got nothing but confirmation of their indoctrination that we are evil. I say this not because I feel terrorists deserve much kindness but because I liked the idea that we were good and honorable people and not even the worst enemy could change that.
Islamic terrorists proved that being nice is percevied as a form of weakness. They respect strength and resolve. They have contempt for weakness.
That has worked out really well hasn't it? There are more islamic terrorist now then there have ever been and Gitmo, Abu Gharib and our torture program has clearly been a valuable recruitment tool.
How many attacks have we suffered since we started that?
Yeah. Your point blows.
We only had a work place violence episode, and a protest gone wrong. No terrorist attack.
I find it curious

In the movie Stalag 17, the evil Nazis torture an American pilot by forcing him to stand and not be allowed to sleep. Such treatment of an American seemed outrageous

Now we have conservatives squealing....what's a little sleep?
Proving that liberals' word view is shaped by movies and works of fiction.
Conservatives' world view is shaped by facts and history.
Don't forget the comedy channel is their news source.

Not just "a" comedy channel... "Comedy CENTRAL!"
As Americans look for a humane way to execute people others look for a humane way to torture. We need a torture that, when done, the torturees do not know they have been tortured. Perhaps some political speeches or movies would work?
Or... you could get a demonstration of stressed induced discomfort. Where you'll be forced to stand for 150 continuous hour, while nude... in a very hot room, on top of several other cretins... while wearing a dog collar.

If that is your idea of sleep deprivation, that is a whole 'nother story. Tapping someone lightly on the head continuously for 24 hours is more than just sleep deprivation.

Not really...

So Chinese Water Torture is not really torture either? :lol:

Are you asking me if dropping water on one's head until one decides to be forthcoming with the information that they have, at which time the dropping water stops and they're fed, clothed and given comfortable facilities in which to sleep?

No.... that's not torture, or anything remotely similar to it.

Duh... Someone that gives in before things get rough for them wasn't necessarily tortured whichever one was done. Specifics are needed like when I gave a 24 hour timeline earlier, I thought you might get the idea.
As Americans look for a humane way to execute people others look for a humane way to torture. We need a torture that, when done, the torturees do not know they have been tortured. Perhaps some political speeches or movies would work?
Or... you could get a demonstration of stressed induced discomfort. Where you'll be forced to stand for 150 continuous hour, while nude... in a very hot room, on top of several other cretins... while wearing a dog collar.

If that is your idea of sleep deprivation, that is a whole 'nother story. Tapping someone lightly on the head continuously for 24 hours is more than just sleep deprivation.

Not really...

So Chinese Water Torture is not really torture either? :lol:

Are you asking me if dropping water on one's head until one decides to be forthcoming with the information that they have, at which time the dropping water stops and they're fed, clothed and given comfortable facilities in which to sleep?

No.... that's not torture, or anything remotely similar to it.

Duh... Someone that gives in before things get rough for them wasn't necessarily tortured whichever one was done. Specifics are needed like when I gave a 24 hour timeline earlier, I thought you might get the idea.

Specifics are that no one was tortured... period. And specifically, those who are known to have participated in the murder of thousands people, are not being tortured, when they are caused to experience significant, non-injurious discomfort, during the attempt to cull from them information needed in the pursuit of those still free to murder MORE INNOCENT PEOPLE, toward the goal of STOPPING THEM FROM DOING SO.
Remember when the rumor went around that Marines had mishandled a Koran at Gitmo and ....gasp...flushed it down the toilet? The freaking left went crazy until it was proved that the rumor was untrue. When "torture" is re-classified and re-defined to include religious intolerance, embarrassment, discomfort and disorientation it is a treasure trove for the anti-American radical left to do what they do best and promote hatred throughout the world for America's freedom and values.
Remember when the rumor went around that Marines had mishandled a Koran at Gitmo and ....gasp...flushed it down the toilet? The freaking left went crazy until it was proved that the rumor was untrue. When "torture" is re-classified and re-defined to include religious intolerance, embarrassment, discomfort and disorientation it is a treasure trove for the anti-American radical left to do what they do best and promote hatred throughout the world for America's freedom and values.
That post was so good and true I had to quote it. Thanks. You are exactly right.
Everyone knows you can't flush a book down the toilet. They learned that as small chidlren when they tried. But when it comes to anti Americanism nothing is too absurd to believe.
As Americans look for a humane way to execute people others look for a humane way to torture. We need a torture that, when done, the torturees do not know they have been tortured. Perhaps some political speeches or movies would work?
If that is your idea of sleep deprivation, that is a whole 'nother story. Tapping someone lightly on the head continuously for 24 hours is more than just sleep deprivation.

Not really...

So Chinese Water Torture is not really torture either? :lol:

Are you asking me if dropping water on one's head until one decides to be forthcoming with the information that they have, at which time the dropping water stops and they're fed, clothed and given comfortable facilities in which to sleep?

No.... that's not torture, or anything remotely similar to it.

Duh... Someone that gives in before things get rough for them wasn't necessarily tortured whichever one was done. Specifics are needed like when I gave a 24 hour timeline earlier, I thought you might get the idea.

Specifics are that no one was tortured... period. And specifically, those who are known to have participated in the murder of thousands people, are not being tortured, when they are caused to experience significant, non-injurious discomfort, during the attempt to cull from them information needed in the pursuit of those still free to murder MORE INNOCENT PEOPLE, toward the goal of STOPPING THEM FROM DOING SO.

Are you familiar enough with the feeling of being forcibly kept awake for 7 days straight that you are certain the experience would not qualify as torture in the mind of anyone who had that done to them?

How long have you ever been forced to stay awake in one stretch?
Well according to the lefties on this board everything you do is torture.

Lets not ask prisoners anything and hope to hell we don't get hit with another 9-11.

Sure hope none of you idiots are around if they hit us again because we had no intel to prevent it. And you better hope your not where they hit us.
As Americans look for a humane way to execute people others look for a humane way to torture. We need a torture that, when done, the torturees do not know they have been tortured. Perhaps some political speeches or movies would work?
Not really...

So Chinese Water Torture is not really torture either? :lol:

Are you asking me if dropping water on one's head until one decides to be forthcoming with the information that they have, at which time the dropping water stops and they're fed, clothed and given comfortable facilities in which to sleep?

No.... that's not torture, or anything remotely similar to it.

Duh... Someone that gives in before things get rough for them wasn't necessarily tortured whichever one was done. Specifics are needed like when I gave a 24 hour timeline earlier, I thought you might get the idea.

Specifics are that no one was tortured... period. And specifically, those who are known to have participated in the murder of thousands people, are not being tortured, when they are caused to experience significant, non-injurious discomfort, during the attempt to cull from them information needed in the pursuit of those still free to murder MORE INNOCENT PEOPLE, toward the goal of STOPPING THEM FROM DOING SO.

Are you familiar enough with the feeling of being forcibly kept awake for 7 days straight that you are certain the experience would not qualify as torture in the mind of anyone who had that done to them?

How long have you ever been forced to stay awake in one stretch?

It's irrelevant.
Doing so does not produce permanent injury of any sort, which is the definiton of torture.
"If Sleep Deprivation is now to be known as torture, what is cutting off fingers and the like?"

Sleep deprivation has always been torture, along with water boarding – you and others on the right are only questioning it now in an effort to deflect from the Senate report reflecting poorly on republican officials and a republican president, under whose administration torture occurred, including sleep deprivation.

And that one type of torture is more extreme and violent than another doesn't mitigate the fact that the act in question is indeed torture.

What's even more reprehensible than your failed effort to deflect is your effort to portray some manifestations of torture as somehow 'acceptable,' where this criminal practice should continue to be used.

Torture is having to watch Obama being interviewed before another Super Bowl.
So Chinese Water Torture is not really torture either? :lol:

Are you asking me if dropping water on one's head until one decides to be forthcoming with the information that they have, at which time the dropping water stops and they're fed, clothed and given comfortable facilities in which to sleep?

No.... that's not torture, or anything remotely similar to it.

Duh... Someone that gives in before things get rough for them wasn't necessarily tortured whichever one was done. Specifics are needed like when I gave a 24 hour timeline earlier, I thought you might get the idea.

Specifics are that no one was tortured... period. And specifically, those who are known to have participated in the murder of thousands people, are not being tortured, when they are caused to experience significant, non-injurious discomfort, during the attempt to cull from them information needed in the pursuit of those still free to murder MORE INNOCENT PEOPLE, toward the goal of STOPPING THEM FROM DOING SO.

Are you familiar enough with the feeling of being forcibly kept awake for 7 days straight that you are certain the experience would not qualify as torture in the mind of anyone who had that done to them?

How long have you ever been forced to stay awake in one stretch?

It's irrelevant.
Doing so does not produce permanent injury of any sort, which is the definiton of torture.

What definition of torture is that? Yours?

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