If Soleimani had not been killed ....

If this man was still alive he would be killing and planning to kill Americans and American assets around the world!

So for the far left how many deaths would it take for you understand how this is a good thing he is dead..
Soleimani was a military commander in Iran armed forces.
He was a threat to the region, but not here in USA.
It was Israel who wanted him dead, and failed at attempt in October.

Everyone in the pentagon (with a clue) is jumping ship as we speak.

Yes that is why Obama started his illegal wars, right?
There is no way for anybody to rig an election outside of voter fraud. Nobody has that power. Elections are held by state, and that includes Republican and Democrat states. I don't call a country putting up Facebook ads rigging the election. That's besides the fact I have expert testimony supporting my claim.
Aside from not understanding the word 'theoretical' you don't have much imagination when it comes to rigging an election. The President has that power, again theoretically.

I can think of several ways a President could influence an election:
  • order the DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc., to investigate a political opponent and leak the existence of the investigation
  • offer a friendly State Attorney General or foreign country some incentive to investigate a political opponent and leak the existence of the investigation
  • instigate a 'Wag the Dog' scenario to rally the country around you
  • use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to
    • make false accusations about a political opponent
    • make false accusations about election impartiality
If a sitting President did any of these things I would think any patriotic American would like to have the truth come out before the next election.
damn ! you just described the Mueller investigation and the DNC paid for Russian bullshit dossier !
Nobody on the right is going to commit political suicide for any reason.
Even if they believe it is for the good of the country? They don't sound much like patriots to me.

How in the world could it be good for the country? The first President ever voted out of office. The roaring economy would come to a halt. The stock market could crash. It would tear the party limb from limb as most Republicans are more than pleased with Trump's accomplishments. Why would anybody in their right mind do that?

You people lend credibility to Rush Limbaugh all the time. He said the left is convinced that because they hate Donald Trump, everybody in the world must hate him as well.
If it comes out that Trump was attempting to rig the next election (I'm not saying he is, just a hypothetical) would that be reason for the GOP to impeach?
absolutely ! but you dont and never had that evidence ! we on the right love our country more than politics ! we dont act on emotion ! if Trump committed an impeachable offence we would support his removal ! we are not sheeple,we are not robots ,WE ARE NOT DEMOCRATS ! ...AND YOU CAN BET THAT IF CLINTON WAS A REPUBLICAN WE WOULD HAVE SUPPORTED THE SCUMBAGS REMOVAL ! AND THAT MEANS THE RAPIST WOULD HAVE BEEN THROWN OUT !
Not emotional at all.
Nobody on the right is going to commit political suicide for any reason.
Even if they believe it is for the good of the country? They don't sound much like patriots to me.

How in the world could it be good for the country? The first President ever voted out of office. The roaring economy would come to a halt. The stock market could crash. It would tear the party limb from limb as most Republicans are more than pleased with Trump's accomplishments. Why would anybody in their right mind do that?

You people lend credibility to Rush Limbaugh all the time. He said the left is convinced that because they hate Donald Trump, everybody in the world must hate him as well.
If it comes out that Trump was attempting to rig the next election (I'm not saying he is, just a hypothetical) would that be reason for the GOP to impeach?
absolutely ! but you dont and never had that evidence ! we on the right love our country more than politics ! we dont act on emotion ! if Trump committed an impeachable offence we would support his removal ! we are not sheeple,we are not robots ,WE ARE NOT DEMOCRATS ! ...AND YOU CAN BET THAT IF CLINTON WAS A REPUBLICAN WE WOULD HAVE SUPPORTED THE SCUMBAGS REMOVAL ! AND THAT MEANS THE RAPIST WOULD HAVE BEEN THROWN OUT !
Not emotional at all.
i know you're no!t you can kill an unborn child without shedding a single tear .
"How evil was Qassem Soleimani? While in Iraq in 2015, I met this family. The boy laying down had been tortured by Shia militias from Iran. They drilled holes in his legs, among other things too horrific to mention"
Soleimani has been designated as a terrorist ... do you understand what terrorist means . it means they can be taken out .

So, if another nation declares one of our generals to be a terrorist, they can just "take them out". You good with that?
Meanwhile....his daughter joined twitter yesterday. She is asking for volunteers to be suicide destroyers against american citizens. Gosh. I wonder if any of her targets will be in Hollyweird.

Imam of Peace / Pray for Peace... on Twitter

And..whatcha wanna bet Twitter will do nothing although what she posted is against their so called rules.
If this man was still alive he would be killing and planning to kill Americans and American assets around the world!

So for the far left how many deaths would it take for you understand how this is a good thing he is dead..
Soleimani was a military commander in Iran armed forces.
He was a threat to the region, but not here in USA.
It was Israel who wanted him dead, and failed at attempt in October.

Everyone in the pentagon (with a clue) is jumping ship as we speak.

Yes that is why Obama started his illegal wars, right?
b-b-b-but Obama.

The only war Obama started was war on coal, all other were inherited.
If this man was still alive he would be killing and planning to kill Americans and American assets around the world!

So for the far left how many deaths would it take for you understand how this is a good thing he is dead..
Soleimani was a military commander in Iran armed forces.
He was a threat to the region, but not here in USA.
It was Israel who wanted him dead, and failed at attempt in October.

Everyone in the pentagon (with a clue) is jumping ship as we speak.

Yes that is why Obama started his illegal wars, right?
b-b-b-but Obama.

The only war Obama started was war on coal, all other were inherited.

See how the far left ignores the illegal wars of Obama!
if Soleimani had not been killed and he then orchestrated another attack on the embassy in Iraq that would have cost American lives and it was later revealed that we had him in the crosshairs at the Baghdad airport the left would be screaming that Trump could have and should have carried out the strike !! remember they were already trying to say that the embassy attack in which no American lives were lost was Trumps Benghazi ! the point is the left is willing to do or say anything to hurt Trump even if it is at the expense of American lives ! they know we know everyone knows that Soleimani is a terrorist mastermind on the same level as Bin Laden and Al Baghdadi !! the left knows that the man is responsible for the deaths of Americans and was in the process of planning committing more acts of violence ...or do they believe that he was there in Iraq for peace ... of course he was there with ill intent against the United States and our people ! but that i repeat that does not matter ! the left was rooting for a Benghazi like event that cost the lives of Americans just to put a stain on the POTUS ! the left is despicable !
I have no love for Iran or Soleimani but I think his killing is setting a bad precedent. He was a major player in Iran's political hierarchy but he was not the only one with blood on his hands. Should we kill the head Ayatollah of Iran, Khamenei? Is this the new normal? During the Cold War neither side targeted government officials of the other side. Do other governments have the right to assassinate members of our government that authorize air strikes that kill civilians?
you mean like when Obama killed an American citizen fighting for Isis .
ISIS is not a country and has fighters but no military.
[we on the right love our country more than politics ! we dont act on emotion ! if Trump committed an impeachable offence we would support his removal ! we are not sheeple,we are not robots ,WE ARE NOT DEMOCRATS ! ...AND YOU CAN BET THAT IF CLINTON WAS A REPUBLICAN WE WOULD HAVE SUPPORTED THE SCUMBAGS REMOVAL ! AND THAT MEANS THE RAPIST WOULD HAVE BEEN THROWN OUT !
You say that but I don't see that.
If this man was still alive he would be killing and planning to kill Americans and American assets around the world!

So for the far left how many deaths would it take for you understand how this is a good thing he is dead..
Soleimani was a military commander in Iran armed forces.
He was a threat to the region, but not here in USA.
It was Israel who wanted him dead, and failed at attempt in October.

Everyone in the pentagon (with a clue) is jumping ship as we speak.

Yes that is why Obama started his illegal wars, right?
b-b-b-but Obama.

The only war Obama started was war on coal, all other were inherited.

DumBama started a lot of wars in that regard.

War on cigarette smokers, most of who are low income.
War on energy.
War on banks.
War on credit card companies.
War on people without health insurance.
War on insurance companies.
War on the wealthy.
War on industry.
War on schoolgirls with cross dressers.
War on colleges.
War on children eating lunch in school.
War on restaurants.
War on NASA.
If this man was still alive he would be killing and planning to kill Americans and American assets around the world!

So for the far left how many deaths would it take for you understand how this is a good thing he is dead..
Soleimani was a military commander in Iran armed forces.
He was a threat to the region, but not here in USA.
It was Israel who wanted him dead, and failed at attempt in October.

Everyone in the pentagon (with a clue) is jumping ship as we speak.

Yes that is why Obama started his illegal wars, right?
b-b-b-but Obama.

The only war Obama started was war on coal, all other were inherited.

DumBama started a lot of wars in that regard.

War on cigarette smokers, most of who are low income.
War on energy.
War on banks.
War on credit card companies.
War on people without health insurance.
War on insurance companies.
War on the wealthy.
War on industry.
War on schoolgirls with cross dressers.
War on colleges.
War on children eating lunch in school.
War on restaurants.
War on NASA.

Not to mention the illegal war in Libya and the drone strikes killing children, but hey let us not mention those things!
[we on the right love our country more than politics ! we dont act on emotion ! if Trump committed an impeachable offence we would support his removal ! we are not sheeple,we are not robots ,WE ARE NOT DEMOCRATS ! ...AND YOU CAN BET THAT IF CLINTON WAS A REPUBLICAN WE WOULD HAVE SUPPORTED THE SCUMBAGS REMOVAL ! AND THAT MEANS THE RAPIST WOULD HAVE BEEN THROWN OUT !
You say that but I don't see that.
thats because you are a democrat !
if Soleimani had not been killed and he then orchestrated another attack on the embassy in Iraq that would have cost American lives and it was later revealed that we had him in the crosshairs at the Baghdad airport the left would be screaming that Trump could have and should have carried out the strike !! remember they were already trying to say that the embassy attack in which no American lives were lost was Trumps Benghazi ! the point is the left is willing to do or say anything to hurt Trump even if it is at the expense of American lives ! they know we know everyone knows that Soleimani is a terrorist mastermind on the same level as Bin Laden and Al Baghdadi !! the left knows that the man is responsible for the deaths of Americans and was in the process of planning committing more acts of violence ...or do they believe that he was there in Iraq for peace ... of course he was there with ill intent against the United States and our people ! but that i repeat that does not matter ! the left was rooting for a Benghazi like event that cost the lives of Americans just to put a stain on the POTUS ! the left is despicable !

Do you believe a planned attack on our embassy would be stopped by killing Soleimani?

"The directions were in his glove compartment! All is lost!"

Just remember folks Iran gets completely incinerated in The Bible during The Last Days. They probably accidentally set a few nukes off on themselves.

Divine Judgment, or Jihadi Idiocy is immaterial. They are gone forever on that day.
"How evil was Qassem Soleimani? While in Iraq in 2015, I met this family. The boy laying down had been tortured by Shia militias from Iran. They drilled holes in his legs, among other things too horrific to mention"
:cry: yes he was evil :cry: the world is better off without him .
Soleimani has been designated as a terrorist ... do you understand what terrorist means . it means they can be taken out .

So, if another nation declares one of our generals to be a terrorist, they can just "take them out". You good with that?
you know and i know its not that simple ! other countries declared the Quds force a terror organization. !
Soleimani has been designated as a terrorist ... do you understand what terrorist means . it means they can be taken out .

So, if another nation declares one of our generals to be a terrorist, they can just "take them out". You good with that?
you know and i know its not that simple ! other countries declared the Quds force a terror organization. !

Simple, complicated, frame it however you like. The question still stands. Would you support another country doing the same thing to one of ours? I wouldn't. Even if the target were obviously guilty. It's up to us to police our leaders.

I just can't believe Americans have become so depraved that they think it's ok for our government, for any government, to kill people without due process, without a conviction, without declaring war - but merely on the say so if whichever military advisor suggested it to Trump.

if Soleimani had not been killed and he then orchestrated another attack on the embassy in Iraq that would have cost American lives and it was later revealed that we had him in the crosshairs at the Baghdad airport the left would be screaming that Trump could have and should have carried out the strike !! remember they were already trying to say that the embassy attack in which no American lives were lost was Trumps Benghazi ! the point is the left is willing to do or say anything to hurt Trump even if it is at the expense of American lives ! they know we know everyone knows that Soleimani is a terrorist mastermind on the same level as Bin Laden and Al Baghdadi !! the left knows that the man is responsible for the deaths of Americans and was in the process of planning committing more acts of violence ...or do they believe that he was there in Iraq for peace ... of course he was there with ill intent against the United States and our people ! but that i repeat that does not matter ! the left was rooting for a Benghazi like event that cost the lives of Americans just to put a stain on the POTUS ! the left is despicable !

Do you believe a planned attack on our embassy would be stopped by killing Soleimani?

"The directions were in his glove compartment! All is lost!"

there’s less of a chance it happens now, don’t you think?

Killing one will stop any of that or more terrorist attack against American interest or against ordinary Americans are in danger?

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