Zone1 If someone can answer me this one multiple choice question, then I will be convinced 1/6 was an insurrection

There is such a thing as incitement to riot
Trump fired them up, made a brief statement about being peaceful and then fired them up some more

Most incriminating….once his mob turned violent, Trump made no effort to contain or de escalate.
He even called his VP unAmerican
Hang Mike Pence

What words did he say to fire them up some more?

"hang mike Pence"? from what I saw, that was suppossedly said behind closed doors and not to the crowd.. and if it was said, we dont know how it was said. Heresay.

We also saw as cities burn across the US because of unrest, Democrat politicians doing nothing! claiming it was peaceful protest, even calling for defunding police and saying those rioters had a right to be heard.
What I see here is a huge double standard when it comes to politicians being held responsible for thier words.
Even Biden calling for a surge to the border, is responsible for peoples deaths, kidnappings and mistreatment if you want to go that route.
Yet you can’t show a definition to back your statement up. Shocking

And whether you like it or not. The insurrectionists did have weapons, just not guns, but there’s not requirement anywhere for there to be guns in order to have an insurrection. And they were trying to stop the transfer of power which is exactly the type of action that fits the definition of the word. Youre done
There was no “transfer of power” going on that day. That happens on Jan 20th.

Once again, you fail.
What words did he say to fire them up some more?

"hang mike Pence"? from what I saw, that was suppossedly said behind closed doors and not to the crowd.. and if it was said, we dont know how it was said. Heresay.

The question remains

What was Trumps intent?

Did he want a peaceful protest or was he willing to tolerate any ensuing violence?

If he wanted peaceful protest, why did he stand by and watch when his protest turned violent?
His actions seem to show he wanted the violence to play out and see if it spooks Congress
Pelosi and DC's mayor refused to allow national guard troops to be staged in the city...

Optics. Well, not just optics. Also, their basic anti-American preferences.
Trump asked them more than once and they said no even though the capitol cops were short staffed that day... They are to blame not Trump....
They wanted this to happen... and it did...
The answer is B. Which was done but not adequately…

Your question has only to do with security and preparation… it has nothing to do with whether it was an insurrection or not.

Do you know what the definition of insurrection is? Read that and then observe what happened that day.

Allow me to explain because being a mentally challenged person I was confused too at first, but I didn't give up (as I'm often smarter than I give myself credit for) and after reading the OP through quite a few times it clicked.

I do believe what Hang on Sloopy was saying is that January 6th was not an insurrection because of how the situation was handled. If they had tougher security and people broke their way inside and started killing people then it probably would have been known as an insurrection, but I do believe only one person died and she was a Trump supporter. Did it get a little bit out of hand although it was mostly peaceful? Yes, but it was not a true insurrection.

If i were king: thread closed due to substantive and relative arguments

So then you admit that you have nothing, got it.
Allow me to explain because being a mentally challenged person I was confused too at first, but I didn't give up (as I'm often smarter than I give myself credit for) and after reading the OP through quite a few times it clicked.

I do believe what Hang on Sloopy was saying is that January 6th was not an insurrection because of how the situation was handled. If they had tougher security and people broke their way inside and started killing people then it probably would have been known as an insurrection, but I do believe only one person died and she was a Trump supporter. Did it get a little bit out of hand although it was mostly peaceful? Yes, but it was not a true insurrection.

So then you admit that you have nothing, got it.
The question remains

What was Trumps intent?

Did he want a peaceful protest or was he willing to tolerate any ensuing violence?

If he wanted peaceful protest, why did he stand by and watch when his protest turned violent?
His actions seem to show he wanted the violence to play out and see if it spooks Congress
No such question.

You would need to first demonstrate that Trump had any hand in the misbehavior.

You cannot demonstrate any such thing. So, “intent” is a meaningless fake question.
No such question.

You would need to first demonstrate that Trump had any hand in the misbehavior.

You cannot demonstrate any such thing. So, “intent” is a meaningless fake question.
His failure to act to control his mob shows his intent
Wasn’t “his” mob.

Idiots like you presume far too much.

And you’d be wrong even if they had been “his” protestors. That doesn’t give him control over the actions of other individuals. You dope.

And yet as much as Biden screwed up our whole entire country the democrats never mention anything about that.
Wasn’t “his” mob.

Idiots like you presume far too much.

And you’d be wrong even if they had been “his” protestors. That doesn’t give him control over the actions of other individuals. You dope.
Had his name on it

No use going around in circles again and just creating a deeper clusterefuk. Here's wot is!

The handling of the threat had to be a miraculous success story for America or for any country being threated by a coup. It would still qualify as a failed bloodless attempted coup even though a few Americans got their bullet or their fatal heart attack, what the fk ever?

Compare that to Cuba's success story in which lots of heads literally rolled and guv went south!
For there to be a coup attempt wouldn’t you agree that there would have to be a path by which said coup ended with those who who perpetrated it ended up in power?
You’re a clown.

That they had signs doesn’t mean that they “belonged” the the man they believed had been wronged (along with the voters).

You aren’t very good at this, for a paid troll.

When Secret Service wanted to protect Trump, he assured them it wasn’t necessary….They were “his” people

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