If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Don't call me "junior"
Don't act like a moron junior then. The world doesn't owe you anything. Just because you managed to survive doesn't grant you any respect. EARN it. Or would you rather have the gov't "respect" police come to your aid. Cry me a river.
I didn't fail to learn Mr Moronic Assumptions. I was discriminated against by Affirmative Action and lost the whole thing. Never mind.
Again with the whining. Everyone had to deal with the same laws. Why are you in the minority who want to blame them?
NO, the problem is NOT me.
As long as you bury your obtuse head in the sand while looking for someone to blame, you will be the problem. Tissue?
And dont give me that "going rate
Going rate is not crap. Are you saying that land owners are colluding against you? Prove it. I know that those landowners are reacting to the market. If it wasn't the "going rate" then you would be able to find rents that suit you and the overpriced apartment would lie empty bring the landlord ZERO. SMFH.
Everything is more of a problem when you have $55/mo less to work with, than you had the previous year.
I think you can be summed up with one pertinent cliche, junior. "You didn't plan to fail, you failed to plan."
Don't call me "junior" Mr Moron. You could at least grant the modicum respect that any person 77 years should get, whether you agree with him or not.

Who told you I have no problem paying paying increased fuel prices, grocery prices, etc. Of course I have a problem paying them. Everything is more of a problem when you have $55/mo less to work with, than you had the previous year.

As for the landlord's responsibility, Mr Deflection, he is responsible for what he charges for rent.
Actually the tenant (that would be you in this case) is responsible for the rent.
No thanks. Fuck socialism. And fuck you for wanting government to force others to attend to your needs.
F'ck the most ANTI-BUSINESS entity in America - the rental housing industry - and you're probably too one-track mind programmed to figure it out, as all you can do is throw the word "socialism" around.

I owned my own business for 12 years, with 3 branch offices in 3 counties, and my worst enemies were not socialists, they were landlords. You know what I'm talking about ? If not, Post # 310 can explain.
If that is what is reasonable and you are paying double, it goes to your own stupidity. MOVE to a place that charges the $600 that you're willing to pay. It is clear that rents in that price point don't exist or your landlord wouldn't be raising his. Landlords don't raise rents to hurt their tenants--they raise them to keep pace with the economy. They have the asset. Haven't you heard the old adage, "Those that have the gold make the rules." They don't owe you an apartment.

After seventy plus years, you still haven't learned that "Life is not fair" Suck it up. I don't see it changing anytime soon.

That is how supply and demand works. Your politicians, both republican and democrat, passed laws trying to make it so lowlifes were able to get into McMansions creating the housing bubble of 2006. Their actions made it unprofitable for builders to create more housing--so they quit. See what government meddling in the free market does? Blame yourself.

Newsflash, Every time you pay even $1 for rent on anything, You are flushing your money down the toilet. That owner is using YOUR money to buy the asset that you are renting. He is charging you the price that it is worth to him to allow you the use. This is first grade elementary school knowledge and you didn't get it in 17 years. Buy them books and send them to school and they eat the pages.

Yep, INFLATION SUCKS. That is what happens when the government steps into the FREE MARKET. When fuel prices increase due to gov't intervention among other things, EVERYTHING, including rent, goes up as well

Everyone in the US understands how economies work -- except you and short-sighted people like you. Quit blaming others for your own bad decisions.

When I entered the housing market in 1972, my rent was $125 and you could buy a house for ~$19K. Minimum wage was $2.25. Now rents on the west coast are running $1500-$2K and a house can be bought for $250K - $300K. Minimum wage is $20. I would wager you were one of those on the bandwagon to raise minimum wage as well---THAT IS INFLATIONARY.
Are you reading this thread ? I DID MOVE (twice in the last 5 years).

Of course life (by itself) isn't fair. It becomes fair by us making it that way. Like with rent control law. Duh!

NO, massive inflation is what happens when government does NOT step in, and landlords are free to charge anything they want. (for a product that is #1 necessity in human life)

When fuel prices increase due to gov't intervention (like Biden cancelling oil drilling) most things go up as well. That is due to the increased cost of TRANSPORTING goods to stores. That is not the case with a building fixed in place, that does not have products being shipped to it. And no landlords are experiencing costs of 100-200% what their rents are, so you can quit going down that clown road.

I have enough going on here without giving you a microeconomics lecture on minimum wage increases, and the bell-shaped curve of prices vs business income. I used to get paid to do that. Not now.
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F'ck the most ANTI-BUSINESS entity in America - the rental housing industry - and you're probably too one-track mind programmed to figure it out, as all you can do is throw the word "socialism" around.

I owned my own ...
I just. don't. care.

I don't want a to live in a society dependent on government for sustenance. I think it's a very bad goal.
Are you reading this thread ? I DID MOVE (twice in the last 5 years).

Of course life (by itself) isn't fair. It becomes fair by us making it that way. Like with rent control law. Duh!

NO, massive inflation is what happens when government does NOT step in, and landlords are free to charge anything they want. (for a product that is #1 necessity in human life)

When fuel prices increase due to gov't intervention (like Biden cancelling oil drilling) most things go up as well. That is due to the increased cost of TRANSPORTING goods to stores. That is not the case with a building fixed in place, that does not have products being shipped to it. And no landlords are experiencing costs of 100-200% what their rents are, so you can quit going down that clown road.
No amount of COMMON sense will ever sink into your thick head. If you think being a landlord is a walk in the park and not worth what is paid--become a landlord. BTW, every property tax you vote for more freebies gets tacked on to your rent too. Your posts are very clear that you are too lazy to do for yourself and you feel everybody else OWES you something. Guess again.
No thanks. Fuck socialism. And fuck you for wanting government to force others to attend to your needs.
And fuck all of us for wanting government to force murderers to not murder us, burglars to not burglarize us, arsonists to not burn our building down, right ?

Yeah, that damn government sure does take peoples' freedoms away.
No amount of COMMON sense will ever sink into your thick head. If you think being a landlord is a walk in the park and not worth what is paid--become a landlord. BTW, every property tax you vote for more freebies gets tacked on to your rent too. Your posts are very clear that you are too lazy to do for yourself and you feel everybody else OWES you something. Guess again.
I'm not thinking anything about how it is being a landlord.. I'm thinking bit how it is being a RENTER, and having my pocket picked.

Your post here describing me, shows you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. This isn't about anybody OWING anybody anything. It is about keeping landlords WHO ARE SELLING A BASIC NECESSITY OF HUMAN LIFE from GOUGING their customers, who are buying something they HAVE TO HAVE.

If sellers of luxury items (ex. musical instruments) decide to raise their prices 100-200% (let's say from $750 to $2,000) buyers can simply stop buying. That is NOT THE CASE with housing (or food or gas at the pump) Get it ?

That's why government needs to step in.

Another reason besides protecting renters, is to protect all other BUSINESSES (and the economy as a whole), whose sales are reduced when housing costs go up, and especially when they go up a lot.
I'm not thinking anything about how it is being a landlord.. I'm thinking bit how it is being a RENTER, and having my pocket picked.

Your post here describing me, shows you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. This isn't about anybody OWING anybody anything. It is about keeping landlords WHO ARE SELLING A BASIC NECESSITY OF HUMAN LIFE from GOUGING their customers, who are buying something they HAVE TO HAVE.

If sellers of luxury items (ex. musical instruments) decide to raise their prices 100-200% (let's say from $750 to $2,000) buyers can simply stop buying. That is NOT THE CASE with housing (or food or gas at the pump) Get it ?

That's why government needs to step in.

Another reason besides protecting renters, is to protect all other BUSINESSES (and the economy as a whole), whose sales are reduced when housing costs go up, and especially when they go up a lot.
What is there to "Disagree" about ??????
I'm not sure if rental housing should even be in the private industry domain at all. There are many things we don't allow to be in private hands (police, courts, water supply/treatment, child protection agencies, FDA, etc) because the harm potentials are too great to put them in the hands of private individuals, who might run them in such way as would maximize their incomes, while paying less attention to providing those necessities safely & properly.

Like when the FDA took Vioxx off the market, well after it was proven it was killing people with heart attacks, and Merck was still insisting it was OK.
The market determines what he charges in combination with operational costs, and profit margins...
That is precisely the problem.

Post # 335 just answered that. Vioxx was once part of "the market". It no longer is.

Some things are too vital for human existence, and too serious, to be left to the whims of "the market".

And the rents of 2021-2024, as ramifications of a very distorted market (corrupted by Joe Biden's illegal alien activities), are the prime example, of why markets cannot be allowed to be the sole determinant for Americans' #1 necessity.

Sporting goods, yes. Musical instruments, yes. Art, yes.
Housing rents, NO.
Some things are too vital for human existence, and too serious, to be left to the promises of politicians.
If we send a viable enough message to politicians that they might be voted out of a job, I'd take that over landlords who care about nothing but getting rich.
If we send a viable enough message to politicians that they might be voted out of a job, I'd take that over landlords who care about nothing but getting rich.
Landlords vote too, parasite. They also don't owe you a place to live. Pay the rent or buy a tent. Tents are much cheaper, you can probably afford one with the rent increase.
Vioxx was once part of "the market". It no longer is.
Wrong. Vioxx got gov't subsidies for development and protection from generics for 10 years. Educate yourself. Landlords don't get those subsidies unless they agree to be section 8 housing and you've already said you don't qualify.

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