If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

My building in New York, and MANY others like it, YES. You read it.

Let landlords have yearly increases = to our Social Security increases ($34/year)
I spent a lot of time in NYC in the 70's. I remember what rent control did to the city back then. There were sections of the city with abandoned buildings just falling apart. The city is headed back to that same situation.
Any increases I enact are fair market value...
I consider "fair market value" increases to be whatever is EQUAL to the income (Social Security) increases of those having to pay the rent increases. This is especially true for 55+ buildings, with most residents of low income, on Social Security.

I get $34/yr (Social Security) increase, you get $34/yr increase. Not a penny more.
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I spent a lot of time in NYC in the 70's. I remember what rent control did to the city back then. There were sections of the city with abandoned buildings just falling apart. The city is headed back to that same situation.
While true in SOME sections, that is the landlord propaganda line. Less often heard, is what I described in Post # 276, which is descriptive of thousands of buildings, and literally dozens of entire neighborhoods.

From the Google Earth check I did, I don't see my old neighborhood moving toward abandoned buildings, one iota.
My paintings do not provide the #1 element of human survival necessity for Americans. Landlords' buildings do. Get it ?
That is an irrelevant dodge. It doesn't matter if your product is an office, a home, a painting, or manure, you should be able to sell it for whatever the market will bear. If eggs go up, they are food. Should the government be able to regulate those too? If you can't afford the rent, move. Apparently there are people who feel the property is worth the rent or no one would live there. You are whining too much.
I consider "fair market value" increases to be whatever is EQUAL to the income (Social Security) increases of those having to pay the rent increases. This is especially true for 55+ buildings, with most residents of low income, on Social Security.

I get $34/yr (Social Security) increase, you get $34/yr increase. Not a penny more.
So if you don't get a tax return, you don't pay your accountant? I mean, you didn't get anything--why should he? BTW, there are section 8 houses and apartments that contract with welfare that will give you what you want. Investigate.
While true in SOME sections, that is the landlord propaganda line. Less often heard, is what I described in Post # 276, which is descriptive of thousands of buildings, and literally dozens of entire neighborhoods.

From the Google Earth check I did, I don't see my old neighborhood moving toward abandoned buildings, one iota.
Propaganda line? Dude, I saw the abandoned buildings with my own eyes. If you lived in NYC you have to have seen them yourself! While true in SOME sections? It's "true" in sections who's property owners simply walked away from their buildings because they couldn't afford to make repairs.
Good point. It's just bad policy. Left or right doesn't really enter into it.
It is not only good policy, it is necessary policy - to protect old, long out of the workforce Americans, just barely getting by on Social Security, from callous lowlife, PREDATOR landlords, who prey on them to grab their last nickels & dimes.
Propaganda line? Dude, I saw the abandoned buildings with my own eyes. If you lived in NYC you have to have seen them yourself! While true in SOME sections? It's "true" in sections who's property owners simply walked away from their buildings because they couldn't afford to make repairs.
At the same time, there are sections of New York City that haven't changed one iota since the 1950s. And all of them under rent control the whole time. Ho hum.
So if you don't get a tax return, you don't pay your accountant? I mean, you didn't get anything--why should he? BTW, there are section 8 houses and apartments that contract with welfare that will give you what you want. Investigate.
I investigated. Dead end.
That is an irrelevant dodge. It doesn't matter if your product is an office, a home, a painting, or manure, you should be able to sell it for whatever the market will bear. If eggs go up, they are food. Should the government be able to regulate those too? If you can't afford the rent, move. Apparently there are people who feel the property is worth the rent or no one would live there. You are whining too much.
It is "irrelevant" because YOU WANT it to be irrelevant. In reality, it is very relevant.
F-ck the damn market, I'm sick of hearing that :lame2: line. How about the seniors on Social Security and THEIR "market", which is LO$$ES given to us by YOU, and all your fellow PREDATORS preying on us for everything we have.

Your attitude is positive proof that rent control law is absolutely needed to FORCE all you predators to act civilized, and stop attacking those who are least able to defend themselves. You must be so proud.
Fkn spoiled brats!
Propaganda line? Dude, I saw the abandoned buildings with my own eyes. If you lived in NYC you have to have seen them yourself! While true in SOME sections? It's "true" in sections who's property owners simply walked away from their buildings because they couldn't afford to make repairs.
The average price of buildings in NYC is around $800/sf

A 10 unit 2500 SF building would be worth $2M or more
The bare land around $200k
No one is walking away from NYC properties.
How about the seniors on Social Security and THEIR "market",
I am a senior on SS and I don't expect anyone to subsidize anything for me. I pay my own way. If you choose to be a parasite, that is on you. Landlords don't prey on people--quite the opposite, you lowlifes have been preying on them for decades. Sometime when you don't have anything to do, watch Pacific Heights with Michael Keaton--an old movie that shows the reality that you are trying to ignore.
I investigated. Dead end.
You're a fucking liar. It took me all of a minute and a half to find all the info you need to get into welfare housing--if you qualify. Otherwise, you're just a lowlife looking to sponge off of a landlord.
I am a senior on SS and I don't expect anyone to subsidize anything for me. I pay my own way. If you choose to be a parasite, that is on you. Landlords don't prey on people--quite the opposite, you lowlifes have been preying on them for decades. Sometime when you don't have anything to do, watch Pacific Heights with Michael Keaton--an old movie that shows the reality that you are trying to ignore.

You're a fucking liar. It took me all of a minute and a half to find all the info you need to get into welfare housing--if you qualify. Otherwise, you're just a lowlife looking to sponge off of a landlord.
This is one of the most idiotic posts I've ever seen. There's not one damn thing right about iti. I'm already living in a welfare housing (sort of) - LIHTC program.

You're a landlord looking to sponge off old, retired, low income folks, who spent their whole lives working hard, paying taxes, serving in the military, and now what do we get ? PREDATOR lowlifes like you attacking us for our last nickels & dimes.

I wouldn't do what you do, if I could make a Billion $$ a day from it. YOU are the parasite feeding on us. Disgusting!
You're a landlord
Nope, that assumption is incorrect as well, I pay my mortgage every month--just like rent. I chose to put my money into my own pocket instead of a landlord's. You are the master of your own destiny. If you don't like your position in life, do something about it. Other people are NOT responsible for you. Quit whining. If you're in welfare housing, there are limits on the rent increases.
Nope, that assumption is incorrect as well, I pay my mortgage every month--just like rent. I chose to put my money into my own pocket instead of a landlord's. You are the master of your own destiny. If you don't like your position in life, do something about it. Other people are NOT responsible for you. Quit whining. If you're in welfare housing, there are limits on the rent increases.
Not many limits here. They know we are all old, sick, low income, and still they raised our rent $96/mo. My total increase from SS & VA was $41. I lost $55/mo......$1152/yr......$5760/5 yr.
Not many limits here. They know we are all old, sick, low income, and still they raised our rent $96/mo. My total increase from SS & VA was $41. I lost $55/mo......$1152/yr......$5760/5 yr.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything has gone up. Rents have to go up too. Those folks have a right to maintain their position in the economy. It ain't personal and it is not gouging. I don't like the fact that I can only travel half as far as I could on the same money three years ago. Quit whining. It isn't going to change anything and advocating for communism isn't going to change it either.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything has gone up. Rents have to go up too. Those folks have a right to maintain their position in the economy. It ain't personal and it is not gouging. I don't like the fact that I can only travel half as far as I could on the same money three years ago. Quit whining. It isn't going to change anything and advocating for communism isn't going to change it either.
HA HA. I'm not advocating for communism, and you're not going to win any debates by talking stupid. As I noted earlier, the US is not a purely capitalist country. It is a mixture of capitalism & socialism, like it or not.

Equating & limiting rent increases with Social Security increases is not a bad idea. Currently, My rent increase is $62 more than my Social Security increase. With my whopping $7/mo increase in VA pension, the gap is $55. Many people in my building are not veterans, and don't have that additional $7, so their LOSS is $62/mo.

Now let's see how you would like it. Suppose you were FORCED to take a rent DEcrease of $62/mo ? A $62/mo LOSS for you. You cool with that ? Why not ? You're cool with it as long as it is somebody else (us renters) and not you,'

Well, if you're OK with the idea of somebody taking a $62/mo LOSS, then you ought to be OK with YOU stomaching that LOSS, right ? Right, CA ? Right? Right?

Think about it. You're acting just like the hypocrite liberals who are OK with Affirmative Action discrimination, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims. You can keep all your pious rants about the "market", the "economy", and whatever else you can dredge up, to cover your callous attacks on renters, but in the final analysis, you're just another money grabber out picking old, retired, poor peoples' pockets, and you don't care about LOSSES, as long as it's them, and not you.
If you're in welfare housing, there are limits on the rent increases.
Must be a pretty high "limit", as these so-called "limits" didn't stop our landlord from wacking us with a $96/mo increase (and that just for the 1 bedroom apartments). The 2 bedroom folks got hit even harder.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything has gone up. Rents have to go up too. Those folks have a right to maintain their position in the economy. It ain't personal and it is not gouging. I don't like the fact that I can only travel half as far as I could on the same money three years ago. Quit whining. It isn't going to change anything and advocating for communism isn't going to change it either.
"Gone up" ? The apartment I lived in 2020, was $600/month. It was $550/mo when I moved in 2018. In 2021, the rent went from $600/mo to $850 (42% "up")

That apartment now is $1400/mo (133% increase, with the rent 233% higher than it was only 3 years ago)
. You call this normal ? You say this is not gouging ? "Change" ? I'll tell you what will change this abomination. RENT CONTROL - that's what.
F'kn spoiled brats.

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