If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Equating & limiting rent increases with Social Security increases is not a bad idea. Currently, My rent increase is $62 more than my Social Security increase. With my whopping $7/mo increase in VA pension, the gap is $55. Many people in my building are not veterans, and don't have that additional $7, so their LOSS is $62/mo.
Wrong again, comrade. If you had spent as much time preparing for your retirement as you do whining on this board, you wouldn't mind a landlord adjusting rents. SS was NEVER designed to be your only source of retirement. It was your own wrong-headedness that put you in this position. Take heart, most people don't get VA stipends. Consider yourself lucky. The simple fact that you get VA tells me that you can avail yourself to veterans benefits in assisted living complexes in the Tampa area. QUIT WHINING.
Well, if you're OK with the idea of somebody taking a $62/mo LOSS, then you ought to be OK with YOU stomaching that LOSS, right ? Right, CA ? Right? Right?
RIGHT! I have endured the loss, just like everyone else in America. Buck up, whiny baby. What makes you think you deserve special treatment?
Suppose you were FORCED to take a rent DEcrease of $62/mo ?
Quit assuming, moron. I've told you before, I AM NOT A LANDLORD. You couldn't pay me enough to listen to your whiny crap. I believe in the free market--run your butt over to a commie country--that is what you want.
you're just another money grabber out picking old, retired, poor peoples' pockets, and you don't care about LOSSES, as long as it's them, and not you.
Again, I am in your age group moron. Do you have any comprehension abilities at all? I planned for my retirement. I saved and did without while I was working and I am able to absorb these economic blips. Grow up and quit trying to blame everyone else for your lack of foresight. I have no more sympathy for you than you have for the plight that black people have had forced on them.
Wrong again, comrade. If you had spent as much time preparing for your retirement as you do whining on this board, you wouldn't mind a landlord adjusting rents. SS was NEVER designed to be your only source of retirement. It was your own wrong-headedness that put you in this position. Take heart, most people don't get VA stipends. Consider yourself lucky. The simple fact that you get VA tells me that you can avail yourself to veterans benefits in assisted living complexes in the Tampa area. QUIT WHINING.
YOU are who is WHINING (about this thread)
RIGHT! I have endured the loss, just like everyone else in America. Buck up, whiny baby. What makes you think you deserve special treatment?
But you DON'T advocate landlords enduring a loss. You favor them stiffly raising rents on old, retired, low income people, who have worked and paid taxes for decades, and served in the US military too. You are absurd.
Quit assuming, moron. I've told you before, I AM NOT A LANDLORD. You couldn't pay me enough to listen to your whiny crap. I believe in the free market--run your butt over to a commie country--that is what you want.
F'ck the free market. It is a pile of crap. Nothing should be free to do when it is unjust and unfair. Scummy landlords all over the US have been taking advantage of Biden's re-election plans using illegal aliens bused or airlifted into red cities, to turn them blue.

When the housing rental markets saturate, the landlords raise rents sky high, like none of us have ever seen. Then they have the gall to enact rent increases on top of that. This ought to be defined as criminal behavior.

I recall seeing a graphic on TV that there are 6,074 products sold in the US economy. This includes services as well as hard goods.
ONE of these product classifications is real estate, either being sold or rented.

Since every person in America (other than those living in tents or caves) lives in some housing, that means that all the other 6,073 businesses are being negatively impacted when the cost of housing goes up.

So if you are in business (THE FREE MARKET), you are taking LOSSES every time the cost of housing (including rents) goes up. When John Doe American LOSES $1,152/year to a landlord robbery, like me, that $1,152 is a LOSS for some furniture company, that otherwise would/could have gotten those $$$$. Likewise, some TV & computer sales store, some musical instrument seller, some clothing store, some bicycle store, some sporting goods business, various charities, etc, etc, etc.

The fact is, not only do renters suffer when rents skyrocket, and then get raised even more, so does 99.9999% of the business community in America, as the disposable income that businesses depend upon, is shrunk to a significant degree.

Every business in America ought to be shouting from the rooftops for a rent control law to be enacted in their state/city. Not selling as many recliners or couches lately ? Look at the rent hikes$$$ that thousands of people in your sales area are undergoing. Bingo!
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Again, I am in your age group moron. Do you have any comprehension abilities at all? I planned for my retirement. I saved and did without while I was working and I am able to absorb these economic blips. Grow up and quit trying to blame everyone else for your lack of foresight. I have no more sympathy for you than you have for the plight that black people have had forced on them.
My 5 years of college (including a year of graduate school) is a lot heavier than your saving & planning. And did it ever occur to you that about half of all American DON'T HAVE enough money to ever SAVE anything, all through their lives.

48% of retired Americans are living on Social Security ALONE.
But you DON'T advocate landlords enduring a loss.
You have the control, junior. You have other options. You don't have a problem paying your increased fuel prices, grocery prices, etc. Rent is no different. If you live in a place that is owned by someone else, you are in a weak position. Quit whining about or move. The landlord isn't responsible for your poor financial decisions.
You just keep doubling down on idiocy. It is your thread whining about having to pay the going rate for an apartment--indeed, you are wanting the government to subsidize YOUR living arrangement. QUIT WHINING.
That isn't whining. that is ADVOCATING for a political reform.

And dont give me that "going rate" crap, either. What is the "going rate" for street muggers right now ? $55 per mugging ? That's how much we are losing with our rent increase. It's like being mugged for $55 once every month.
You have the control, junior. You have other options. You don't have a problem paying your increased fuel prices, grocery prices, etc. Rent is no different. If you live in a place that is owned by someone else, you are in a weak position. Quit whining about or move. The landlord isn't responsible for your poor financial decisions.
Don't call me "junior" Mr Moron. You could at least grant the modicum respect that any person 77 years should get, whether you agree with him or not.

Who told you I have no problem paying paying increased fuel prices, grocery prices, etc. Of course I have a problem paying them. Everything is more of a problem when you have $55/mo less to work with, than you had the previous year.

As for the landlord's responsibility, Mr Deflection, he is responsible for what he charges for rent.
And you didn't learn anything. Maybe you should have observed the world around you and taken heed. A college education doesn't guarantee you anything if you fail to learn. Again, the problem is YOU.
I didn't fail to learn Mr Moronic Assumptions. I was discriminated against by Affirmative Action and lost the whole thing. Never mind.

None of that is relevant here anyway. It's nothing but your cowardly deflections from facing up to what is obvious. EVERYONE in AMERICA (besides landlords) needs rent control to combat these price-gouging, despotic lunatics.

NO, the problem is NOT me. It is landlords, and guys like you who defend them.
Nope. $600/mo was the NORMAL rent, and it was that way for YEARS before Biden came along, and turn the whole economy on its head.
If that is what is reasonable and you are paying double, it goes to your own stupidity. MOVE to a place that charges the $600 that you're willing to pay. It is clear that rents in that price point don't exist or your landlord wouldn't be raising his. Landlords don't raise rents to hurt their tenants--they raise them to keep pace with the economy. They have the asset. Haven't you heard the old adage, "Those that have the gold make the rules." They don't owe you an apartment.
F'ck the free market. It is a pile of crap. Nothing should be free to do when it is unjust and unfair.
After seventy plus years, you still haven't learned that "Life is not fair" Suck it up. I don't see it changing anytime soon.
When the housing rental markets saturate, the landlords raise rents sky high, like none of us have ever seen.
That is how supply and demand works. Your politicians, both republican and democrat, passed laws trying to make it so lowlifes were able to get into McMansions creating the housing bubble of 2006. Their actions made it unprofitable for builders to create more housing--so they quit. See what government meddling in the free market does? Blame yourself.
When John Doe American LOSES $1,1 52/year to a landlord robbery,
Newsflash, Every time you pay even $1 for rent on anything, You are flushing your money down the toilet. That owner is using YOUR money to buy the asset that you are renting. He is charging you the price that it is worth to him to allow you the use. This is first grade elementary school knowledge and you didn't get it in 17 years. Buy them books and send them to school and they eat the pages.
so does 99.9999% of the business community in America,
Yep, INFLATION SUCKS. That is what happens when the government steps into the FREE MARKET. When fuel prices increase due to gov't intervention among other things, EVERYTHING, including rent, goes up as well
Every business in America ought to be shouting from the rooftops for a rent control law to be enacted in their state/city.
Everyone in the US understands how economies work -- except you and short-sighted people like you. Quit blaming others for your own bad decisions.
Look at the rent hikes$$$ that thousands of people in your sales area are undergoing. Bingo!
When I entered the housing market in 1972, my rent was $125 and you could buy a house for ~$19K. Minimum wage was $2.25. Now rents on the west coast are running $1500-$2K and a house can be bought for $250K - $300K. Minimum wage is $20. I would wager you were one of those on the bandwagon to raise minimum wage as well---THAT IS INFLATIONARY.

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