If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Get back to us when you take an honest look at the cost increases the owner is dealing with. He's not gouging you if his costs went up. I know, I know, you don't care if they did, but that's reality.
Get back to us when you take an honest look at the cost increases the renter is dealing with.
You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to deny people the right to make a living. How about you sell your paintings for the cost of the paint plus 10%, after all why should I provide you with a living wage? Doesn't sound so fair now does it.
I'm not denying anybody, anything. You choose to go into the kitchen, you take the heat, and dont be selfishly and cowardly dumping it onto others (renters).

I owned a business for 12 years (a video dating service). I never asked my members for money after they paid their join up fee. Sure, I had some expenses that went up a bit. I knew that going into it.
Do you have any idea what "margins" the renters are enduring ? All made WORSE by your rent increases. Whay are their LOSSES >

Mine are $55/month...........$1,152/year.............. $5,760/5 yr

Again and AGAIN >> "If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE."

Your costs are your responsibilities, not the renters.
And the way to deal with rising costs is to raise prices to cover them. Do you have any idea what a business does when its costs go up? Any at all? Have you not noticed that prices in the grocery store have seriously shot up in the last few years? That's not because the owner of your local Piggly Wiggly is gouging customers, it's because they're paying more for everything it takes to run a grocery store and to get goods to sell. What did they do, absorb the cost increases and run at a loss? No, they passed them on to the customers. Same thing with your rent. Let's look at what would happen if your complaint was enacted into law. The first time an owner's costs exceeded what he was able to charge in rent we would see one or more of these things happen:

1. Your faucet starts leaking, and he won't fix it.
2. Your window gets broken, and he won't replace it.
3. There are mice in your apartment, and he won't get rid of them.
4. Drug deals go down outside your door because the gate is broken, and he does nothing.
5. The grass gets cut once a month instead of every week.
6. You get evicted from the property so he could sell it.

Eventually, no one is renting anything worth living in. Is that preferable to you?

I'm don't rent property yet, but my wife and I intend to rent out our house while we roam the world at a price that will cover all the costs to maintain the property, so can it with saying I'm responsible for your cost increases.
I'm not denying anybody, anything. You choose to go into the kitchen, you take the heat, and dont be selfishly and cowardly dumping it onto others (renters).

I owned a business for 12 years (a video dating service). I never asked my members for money after they paid their join up fee. Sure, I had some expenses that went up a bit. I knew that going into it.
And if your costs went up enough that you started losing money, what would you do?

1. Raise prices high enough to cover the cost increases.
2. Absorb the cost increases and lose money, which leads to (3).
3. Go out of business entirely and cost everyone who worked for you their jobs.
All maintenance, replacement, and installation costs are up significantly. Like it or not, it's the cost of doing business. Things are tough all over...
This is just another iteration of socialism. Government as "provider". No thanks.
it IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to do it fairly
Fair for one person may not seem fair to another. People who own property are under no obligation to provide low cost rentals. Renters are often not respectful of the properties they rent. They trash the places many times, leaving thousands of $$$ in damage. Many renters won't move in if the carpets are not new. Like you, many renters think a landlord is flush and file frivolous lawsuits or just refuse to pay the rent for months at a time. Landlords are expected to absorb those costs. By your own admission, you rent because you expect the owner to repair anything that bothers you and then you expect him to keep rents down. I don't own a rental and people like you are exactly why.
Do you have any idea what "margins" the renters are enduring ? All made WORSE by your rent increases. What are their LOSSES ?

Mine are $55/month...........$1,152/year.............. $5,760/5 yr LOSSES

Again and AGAIN >> "If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE."

Your costs are your responsibilities, not the renters.
Renting is and has always been a losing proposition. Instead of owning with all the responsibilities of ownership, you choose to flush money down the toilet for your lodging. If you want someone to care for you and your needs, there is a cost. It is your CHOICE to live where ever you want. It is NOT your choice to demand someone else to take a loss because you didn't plan ahead. Have you checked the cost of a basic motel in most markets in America? A simple room will cost $100 to $400 per night a up. That's life. No one but your parents took you to raise.
Any increases I enact are fair market value...
This moron doesn't believe in the free market. He thinks you can charge anything you want and people are forced to pay it. I tried to tell him that, if your rent was too high, your property wouldn't rent. SMH. Self absorbed people with no concept of reality--
We've been through this topic before. However, that wasn't when I received a $96/month rent increase. For seniors, retired and barely surviving on Social Security and a pension, rent increases like $96/month (I just received one), are devastating & demoralizing.

Here we are looking for ways to increase our income, cut our costs, and along comes the dear landlord with a $96/month takeaway (less than a month advance notice).

This is like going put on the street and being mugged for $96, once a month, every month, ongoing.

People, stop crabbing about gas prices. Stop crabbing about food prices, clothing, cell phones. Those are all trivial compared to your MOST EXPENSIVE, CONSTANTLY ONGOING EXPENSE, which is HOUSING. Gas, food, et al stuff isn't going up $96/month.

You get a letter stuck in your door whining about "operational costs", and just like that, your annual operational budget is $1,152 less. Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>
View attachment 928464
There is only one way to top this madness. Republicans & Democrats need to join together and enact rent control (with roll backs to 2015 levels). Over the last few years, I have seen housing rents skyrocket like nothing before in my lifetime. I moved twice to void massive rent increases, but they keep on coming, with nothing stopping them.

I recommend we call "our" state legislators & governors, and demand rent control laws, with no increases above $50/month allowed. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.
I am generally opposed to rent controls.

Controls punish property owners for being capitalists in a capitalist system.
Additionally, rent controls encourage illegal activity as both tenants and landlords look to beat the system.

What, instead, if the government build high density, high quality, housing then leased the properties to management companies to rent? No controls.

The increase in available rental properties would force rental prices down.
Building quality housing would force low end properties to improve or lose market.

No subsidies. Just high quality rentals at market rates.

Let's say I increase the number of units in a given locale by 20%.

What do you suppose happens to both property and rental prices in that area?

Maybe we can use capitalism to help all people rather than just make some people rich?
I am generally opposed to rent controls.

Controls punish property owners for being capitalists in a capitalist system.
Additionally, rent controls encourage illegal activity as both tenants and landlords look to beat the system.

What, instead, if the government build high density, high quality, housing then leased the properties to management companies to rent? No controls.

The increase in available rental properties would force rental prices down.
Building quality housing would force low end properties to improve or lose market.

No subsidies. Just high quality rentals at market rates.

Let's say I increase the number of units in a given locale by 20%.

What do you suppose happens to both property and rental prices in that area?

Maybe we can use capitalism to help all people rather than just make some people rich?
So much for the notion that rent control is a leftwing thing. Not that the idea had any substance in the first place.
This moron doesn't believe in the free market. He thinks you can charge anything you want and people are forced to pay it. I tried to tell him that, if your rent was too high, your property wouldn't rent. SMH. Self absorbed people with no concept of reality--
Let landlords have yearly increases = to our Social Security increases ($34/year)

In my case, I also got a WHOPPING $7/yr increase in my VA pension. OK, let the rent increase be $41.

But I didn't mention the extra $$$ we're paying in electric, food, etc
FALSE! It generally works fine in states that have it. Just needs to be enforced that's all. If we had a law that said rent cant be raised more thn $50, we wouldn't have a rent increase of $96. DUH!

PS- I was born & raised in a 2 bedroom rent control apartment in New York City. I lived in my original apartment from 1946 to 1967. When I moved out, the rent was $85/month.
Name a place where it's worked, Protectionist.
Name a place where it's worked, Protectionist.
There are numerous examples. First in my mind, is the building I grew up in (from 1946). Lived there, in New York City, until 1967. Visited my parents there until 1977. The building was under rent control the whole time, and when I last was there, my mother was paying $85/month rent.

Recently, I did a Google Earth check on that street, and saw the building. Other than a few air conditioners in the windows, the building hardly looked a bit different than how I remember it 47 years ago, and people are still living there right now.

The street has more trees than it used to. Actually, looks better than 50 years ago.
There are numerous examples. First in my mind, is the building I grew up in (from 1946). Lived there, in New York City, until 1967. Visited my parents there until 1977. The building was under rent control the whole time, and when I last was there, my mother was paying $85/month rent.

Recently, I did a Google Earth check on that street, and saw the building. Other than a few air conditioners in the windows, the building hardly looked a bit different than how I remember it 47 years ago, and people are still living there right now.

The street has more trees than it used to. Actually, looks better than 50 years ago.
So New York is your success story?
The US has a free market. The government doesn't get to "LET" them do anything except provide a safe product. It is your choice to live somewhere else. Does the government tell you how much you can charge for your paintings?
My paintings do not provide the #1 element of human survival necessity for Americans. Landlords' buildings do. Get it ?

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