If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

what a stupid question (which I've already answered in this thread 10 times) Because housing is a necessity that people have to have, and thus it carries a social responsibility with it. If landlords don't
want that responsibility, let them sell marshmallows.
Why would they sell marshmallows when rent is so much more lucrative. BTW, the price of marshmallows is up too. You are right, housing is a necessity, but it is not my responsibility to provide you with it. Grab your bootstraps and provide for yourself. IOW, quit whining and man up or go on welfare and find a section 8 house.-- become a drain on society.
reading advocacy of robbery.
It is not robbery. No one is forcing you to live anywhere. Move to a less desirable place that is more in line with the price you want to pay. You're not going to live at Mar a Lago for a grand a month. You also won't live in an old folks home for a grand a month either. No one is gouging.
Well, the answer is: "Ain't gonna happen and fuhgeddaboudit". You need to better budget your finances and as I stated before, look for areas that are cheaper. Cut where you can cut. but don't demand the Fed just arbitrarily dictate how much a property owner can rent his/her properties for. Many of them are still homeowners who rent the extra apartment.
How much do you pay in rent. If it was as low as $1K/mo. which is unheard of, an increase of $100 would be approved even in rent-controlled NYC. They allow a landlord to increase rents by 10%. Not that I am advocating for rent control. I believe a seller/landowner should be able to charge whatever the market will bear. If you don't like it, nothing says you are forced to live there. It is a free country--you can move anytime you want.
When my wife and I moved into our current place, a lower in a Duplex, we were at $950/month. $990 now because of a $40 bump, but still very much a steal for a 3 bedroom lower with wash hookups on the floor rather than the basement, in a Western New York suburb where rental averages are $1200-1400/month.
Well, the answer is: "Ain't gonna happen and fuhgeddaboudit". You need to better budget your finances and as I stated before, look for areas that are cheaper. Cut where you can cut. but don't demand the Fed just arbitrarily dictate how much a property owner can rent his/her properties for. Many of them are still homeowners who rent the extra apartment.
I'm not advocating for rent control on homeowners who rent a room.
The same old thing idea doesnt fly. NO, it's NOT the same old thing- it's totally different. Rents have been skyrocketing like NEVER has been before. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for condoning it.
You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to deny people the right to make a living. How about you sell your paintings for the cost of the paint plus 10%, after all why should I provide you with a living wage? Doesn't sound so fair now does it.
I'm not advocating for rent control on homeowners who rent a room.
Not renting a room, dumbass. My last apartment when I lived in Buffalo was a 2 bedroom upper my landlady rented out to my wife and I. She sold the house in 2021 to a local property manager who was very good to us. We moved subsequent to that into our place today. And what of local landlords who own multiple properties like mine does? He's one of the best I've associated with.
Fuck you, slime underneath a rock.
Slime? I am not asking for someone else to support me because I am too cheap to pay a land owner his desired rent. If it wasn't reasonable, it would remain empty. Take a room mate. You don't have any problem disparaging illegal immigrants--they feel they are due the right to the same wages and lifestyle you enjoy. You're a hypocrite.
It is not robbery. No one is forcing you to live anywhere. Move to a less desirable place that is more in line with the price you want to pay. You're not going to live at Mar a Lago for a grand a month. You also won't live in an old folks home for a grand a month either. No one is gouging.
Robbery. That $96/month was going to go the ASPCA, the Wounded Warriors, and the Shriners. Now, the homeless dogs & cats, the wounded soldiers/veterans, and kids with birth defects won't get that money, as it will instead go into the pockets of a thieving landlord.



Robbery. That $96/month was going to go the ASPCA, the Wounded Warriors, and the Shriners. Now, the homeless dogs & cats, the wounded soldiers/veterans, and kids with birth defects won't get that money, as it will instead go into the pockets of a thieving landlord.

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How do you know what the landlord does with his money? What makes you think they don't support the same charities as you do? Do you actually think you have a corner on being charitable? Wrong again, sponge.
Bullshit. Landlords have been enjoying the highest rents anybody has ever seen or heard of.

I dont want anybody to carry anybody. I just dont want to be robbed by scum like you.

I already said I owned 2 houses. You can't read. Back to the 2nd grade for you.
You're lying.
I don't see a $96/mo increase as the "going rate" ,and I;m getting tired of reading BULLSHIT in this thread, as well as reading advocacy of robbery.
Then stop reading your own posts, they're all bullshit.
As already stated the US isn't 100% capitalism. It is part capitalism, and part socialism, and look out - you may need some of that socialism someday. I've seen many people say "I'll never need that." Now they do.

That is the USA as we have it. And it's been that way for a long time.
If you don't like it - move.
You lived in scumbag NYC too long--the commies rubbed off on you but you're too stupid to see it.
Well, the answer is: "Ain't gonna happen and fuhgeddaboudit". You need to better budget your finances and as I stated before, look for areas that are cheaper. Cut where you can cut. but don't demand the Fed just arbitrarily dictate how much a property owner can rent his/her properties for. Many of them are still homeowners who rent the extra apartment.
As well as their ambitious way to hedge inflation as well. Protectionist is a commie RINO.
Bullshit. Landlords have been enjoying the highest rents anybody has ever seen or heard of.

I dont want anybody to carry anybody. I just dont want to be robbed by scum like you.

I already said I owned 2 houses. You can't read. Back to the 2nd grade for you.
I posted long before you did.
what a stupid question (which I've already answered in this thread 10 times) Because housing is a necessity that people have to have, and thus it carries a social responsibility with it. If landlords don't
want that responsibility, let them sell marshmallows.
Why don’t you take out a loan, build an apartment building and rent the units for socially acceptable rents? Oh yeah, you just posted that owning your own home was too much trouble. Grow up. You could have taken the money from selling your last home and bought a condo. That would have gotten you out of most maintenence.

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