If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Interesting how so many (probably landlords) are coming in here and whining about the poor landlords, and all their increased cots (so they say). Not much thought being tossed around about the residents suddenly getting $96/mo yanked out of their pockets, MONTHLY, and what impact this is on THEM.
You need your medication adjusted.
. This might be the fastest moving thread I've ever seen, and it is the result of a mob of landlords foaming at the mouth, and losing the hair over the mere mention of the words "rent control"

It's time to put these rogues into the economic straitjackets they belong in, with $50/month maximum rent increases. Vote for the people who advocate this. Vote the other creeps out.
Naah, it's more a result of people pointing and laughing at you as you foam at the mouth.
You don't brag about YOUR stupidity, you just keep repeatedly displaying it. I didn't say my rent should remain flat. YOU said that.

I said $96/mo is too big an increase, and I'm not buying the bullshit that landlords need that much to compensate for increased costs. With the unprecedented increases in rents they been enjoying though, maybe their rents should remain flat, or be decreased.

If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.

Lets talk about what RENTERS NEED to live their lives.
You need a straitjacket.
Rents have gone way up too high to be talking about costs for landlords. You get no sympathy from me. Absolutely NONE.
OK, time to feed you your stewed prunes and put you to bed. You're scaring the other residents.
I said $96/mo is too big an increase,
How much do you pay in rent. If it was as low as $1K/mo. which is unheard of, an increase of $100 would be approved even in rent-controlled NYC. They allow a landlord to increase rents by 10%. Not that I am advocating for rent control. I believe a seller/landowner should be able to charge whatever the market will bear. If you don't like it, nothing says you are forced to live there. It is a free country--you can move anytime you want.
You don't brag about YOUR stupidity, you just keep repeatedly displaying it. I didn't say my rent should remain flat. YOU said that.

I said $96/mo is too big an increase, and I'm not buying the bullshit that landlords need that much to compensate for increased costs. With the unprecedented increases in rents they been enjoying though, maybe their rents should remain flat, or be decreased.

If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.

Lets talk about what RENTERS NEED to live their lives.
Do you think the oil companies think about what their customers need? How about beef ranchers? Truckers? NO? Why should landlords be different. Renters are customers, if they don't want to pay the cost of the rent, leave.
I will await your check for my moving costs. :biggrin:
Who would pay that cost if you owned a property and decided to move? You would. You'll pay it when you rent too. Why is anyone else responsible for your choices. We aren't your momma. Grow up and take responsibility for yourself and quit whining about what others charge.
It's your PROBLEM that you didn't work hard enough to own your own home.
Hell, my 31 year old daughter owns 2 homes.....with ZERO help from either Family.
I don't WANT to own a home. I have owned 2 of them .Too much work and I am aging (77 and disabled). Just had surgery last week.
I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR ANY POLITICIAN THAT FEELS THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONTROL THE FREE MARKET. Rent control is communism. If you think rents are too high, you are more than welcome to build your own rentals and rent them for what you think is fair rent. That is the free market. Apparently, there are plenty of people who are willing to pay the current rents or they would not have tenants. The land owner owes you no explanation of why he wishes to raise rents to whatever amount he desires. If you don't like it---move.
As already stated the US isn't 100% capitalism. It is part capitalism, and part socialism, and look out - you may need some of that socialism someday. I've seen many people say "I'll never need that." Now they do.

That is the USA as we have it. And it's been that way for a long time.
If you don't like it - move.
Nah! $96/mo is unusually high, and nobody is doing better than the landlords with all their sky high rents, while everybody else is struggling.

With all the inflation we've had, these guys havea lot of nerve raising our rents even one dime.
The inflation hits them just as bad as it hits you. You just want the rest of us to carry you to make up for your bad decisions. You rented all your life instead of sacrificing to buy and plan for retirement.
You need your medication adjusted.

Naah, it's more a result of people pointing and laughing at you as you foam at the mouth.

You need a straitjacket.

OK, time to feed you your stewed prunes and put you to bed. You're scaring the other residents.
You need medications...period. The straitjacket too. Definitely.
Do you think the oil companies think about what their customers need? How about beef ranchers? Truckers? NO? Why should landlords be different. Renters are customers, if they don't want to pay the cost of the rent, leave.
what a stupid question (which I've already answered in this thread 10 times) Because housing is a necessity that people have to have, and thus it carries a social responsibility with it. If landlords don't
want that responsibility, let them sell marshmallows.
The inflation hits them just as bad as it hits you. You just want the rest of us to carry you to make up for your bad decisions. You rented all your life instead of sacrificing to buy and plan for retirement.
Bullshit. Landlords have been enjoying the highest rents anybody has ever seen or heard of.

I dont want anybody to carry anybody. I just dont want to be robbed by scum like you.

I already said I owned 2 houses. You can't read. Back to the 2nd grade for you.
Who would pay that cost if you owned a property and decided to move? You would. You'll pay it when you rent too. Why is anyone else responsible for your choices. We aren't your momma. Grow up and take responsibility for yourself and quit whining about what others charge.
Fuck you, slime underneath a rock.
I've seen many people say "I'll never need that." Now they do.
I didn't say I would never need it. Apparently you don't NEED it either. You want it because you don't want to pay the going rate for rent. That makes it YOUR problem. I am your age and I live on 20 acres that I own and care for. I mitigate my needs and I'll do it as long as I am able. Until then, I will save and plan as best I can to remain self sufficient. Those that provide products, services and housing are due their income and I won't deny their rights to make whatever they can from their jobs.
I didn't say I would never need it. Apparently you don't NEED it either. You want it because you don't want to pay the going rate for rent. That makes it YOUR problem. I am your age and I live on 20 acres that I own and care for. I mitigate my needs and I'll do it as long as I am able. Until then, I will save and plan as best I can to remain self sufficient. Those that provide products, services and housing are due their income and I won't deny their rights to make whatever they can from their jobs.
I don't see a $96/mo increase as the "going rate" ,and I;m getting tired of reading BULLSHIT in this thread, as well as reading advocacy of robbery.
So what else is new. Eggs are selling for higher prices than they ever have. Fuel is higher than ever in history. Autos are more expensive than ever. That's life. After your advanced years, I would think you would have figured that out. I guess not.
The same old thing idea doesnt fly. NO, it's NOT the same old thing- it's totally different. Rents have been skyrocketing like NEVER has been before. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for condoning it.
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