If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Well congratulations you big HERO. ........Now let's see you duplicate THIS >>
I don’t do art. Art is a waste of time. It doesn’t pay the bills 9/10 times. I’m all for allowing the “starving artists” to do exactly that.
Very simple, oh poorly educated one. WE THE PEOPLE are the best one to decide what is best for US. And since government is US (of the people, by the people, for the people) we should decide the cost o our housing (oh did you think it was something only owned by individuals) ?
Go back and actually read the Constitution. Especially Article I, Section 8. That will show you the limited, specific items that the US Government is allowed to legislate and spend money on. 17 specific things. Housing is not on that list.
Those are simply opinions, and in my opinion, they are lousy ones
No. That’s simply what Article I, Section 8 of the HS Constitution says nothing more. Nothing less.
I've been here 35 years, and there's a few things I would change. One is get rid of ALL the alligators and pythons, and put them in the Rio Grande.
If you're a disabled vet you might want to check into this:

We've been through this topic before. However, that wasn't when I received a $96/month rent increase. For seniors, retired and barely surviving on Social Security and a pension, rent increases like $96/month (I just received one), are devastating & demoralizing.

Here we are looking for ways to increase our income, cut our costs, and along comes the dear landlord with a $96/month takeaway (less than a month advance notice).

This is like going put on the street and being mugged for $96, once a month, every month, ongoing.

People, stop crabbing about gas prices. Stop crabbing about food prices, clothing, cell phones. Those are all trivial compared to your MOST EXPENSIVE, CONSTANTLY ONGOING EXPENSE, which is HOUSING. Gas, food, et al stuff isn't going up $96/month.

You get a letter stuck in your door whining about "operational costs", and just like that, your annual operational budget is $1,152 less. Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>
View attachment 928464
There is only one way to top this madness. Republicans & Democrats need to join together and enact rent control (with roll backs to 2015 levels). Over the last few years, I have seen housing rents skyrocket like nothing before in my lifetime. I moved twice to void massive rent increases, but they keep on coming, with nothing stopping them.

I recommend we call "our" state legislators & governors, and demand rent control laws, with no increases above $50/month allowed. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.
You should have bought a home while you were working. That is what I sacrificed to do. Your lack of foresight is your own problem.
NO, it is NOT "simple". The OP already covered this. Some people have to be told twice.

1. "Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>

2. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.

3. How do you expect the tenants to "cover" the cost of the increase ?
My increases in Social Security& VA pension for 2024 = $41/mo. The rent increase is $96/mo. That means I'm LOSING ground ($55/mo or $660/yr) LOSS.
When your landlord "gets out of the business" he will do so by selling the rental property and you will be out on your ear. The new owner will almost certainly raise the rent to cover his new costs.
People can stop buying Burger King hamburgers, but they can't stop having a roof over their heads.
Millions of homeless disagree. Regardless, you have to eat, and unless you are a farmer, inflation is raising your food costs along with your rent.
Well congratulations you big HERO. ........Now let's see you duplicate THIS >>

That art sucks.
Regardless, more power to him if he can find people to pay him for junior high level talent.
Have you ever seen a Frazetta painting?
Frazetta vs your guy:
$918 to $1014 is an increase that is below overall inflation...I'd be grateful it hadn't gone up more.

Your * opinion* as to what anyone else * needs* is irrelevant.....Everyone's costs have gone up, deal with it.

Keep huffing on that hopium.
Nah! $96/mo is unusually high, and nobody is doing better than the landlords with all their sky high rents, while everybody else is struggling.

With all the inflation we've had, these guys havea lot of nerve raising our rents even one dime.
Nah! $96/mo is unusually high, and nobody is doing better than the landlords with all their sky high rents, while everybody else is struggling.

With all the inflation we've had, these guys havea lot of nerve raising our rents even one dime.
It's below the inflation rate of the last 3+ years....Suck it up, buttercup.

That art sucks.
Regardless, more power to him if he can find people to pay him for junior high level talent.
Have you ever seen a Frazetta painting?
Frazetta vs your guy:
View attachment 928712
That art sucks.
Regardless, more power to him if he can find people to pay him for junior high level talent.
Have you ever seen a Frazetta painting?
Frazetta vs your guy:
View attachment 928712
Too late. My gallery has already been seen by multiple people in this thread (before the mods tore it down) and they praised it unanimously. :biggrin:



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Because you didn’t plan does not mean we need to help you.

Got it?
I planned many things, And I DID many things. And I'm not interested in help from you. I would just like to see rent control be enacted, as it has been in some places (and is doing fine, despite the landlord propaganda)

PS - I recall seeing the result of a survey that, of 50 occupations, landlords were next to last in trustworthiness and respect, topping only used car salesmen. Dirtbags.
I planned many things, And I DID many things. And I'm not interested in help from you. I would just like to see rent control be enacted, as it has been in some places (and is doing fine, despite the landlord propaganda)

PS - I recall seeing the result of a survey that, of 50 occupations, landlords were next to last in trustworthiness and respect, topping only used car salesmen. Dirtbags.
Wouldn’t know, haven’t needed one since I was 30.

We all know, adulting is tough. So what did you waste your money on all those years?

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