If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Rent control seldom works well. It normally ends up with tenements full of rats and roaches. Landlords stop absorbing losses and abandon the property or lose it to fire. The first step to meaningful rent control should be property tax control. How likely is that to happen?
I can see they've got YOU programmed. You take what happens in 1% of cases, and blow it up to look like 100%. Not credible.
Sure he is. He governed like one and you're out here pushing Socialist style policies while supporting him.
FALSE! He governed like a conservative, and he and I both strictly adhere to conservative policies on immigration, Islam, guns, LGBT lunacy, etc. Next to me or Trump, you might come out looking like Chuck Schumer.
Life sucks and then you die. Get used to it. Prepare for it. Don’t let it win.

Been there and done that myself. I lost out on several very potentially lucrative jobs due to AA. I turned down a low six figure job because I wouldn’t work for a woman. So instead I made myself irreplaceable to my employer and I’m about to get a promotion I don’t technically have the educational qualifications for because I’m the only one in the department who can do the work. It will include a 20% raise and still allow me to collect OT.
Well congratulations you big HERO. ........Now let's see you duplicate THIS >>

Protectionist wants his rent to remain flat. Doesn’t think the workers, the utility company, the city he lives in (taxes) and anyone else has increased costs that need funded.

Plus get social security and VA Pension.

Face it, some people can’t be helped, and brag about their stupidity
You don't brag about YOUR stupidity, you just keep repeatedly displaying it. I didn't say my rent should remain flat. YOU said that.

I said $96/mo is too big an increase, and I'm not buying the bullshit that landlords need that much to compensate for increased costs. With the unprecedented increases in rents they been enjoying though, maybe their rents should remain flat, or be decreased.

If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.

Lets talk about what RENTERS NEED to live their lives.
What makes the OP believe it’s the job/responsibility of the GOVERNMENT to have any say in the cost of housing?
Very simple, oh poorly educated one. WE THE PEOPLE are the best one to decide what is best for US. And since government is US (of the people, by the people, for the people) we should decide the cost o our housing (oh did you think it was something only owned by individuals) ?

You'll need to straighten that idea out. You could also just go live on a deserted island somewhere.
We are all losing ground. It was not however unexpected, and if this surprises you, then you are presenting yourself as a dolt.

We told you that shutting down the economy would cause inflation when it opened up. No surprise when it happened.

We told you that the push for green policies would increase costs to everything. No surprise it happened.

We told you that the push to increase wages would increase wages. No surprise costs went up when the wages increased.

Did you actually think you would be immune to these and many more issues we told you would increase costs?

People like you are the reason these costs increased that result in higher rent.

You should never ever be listened to again.
I was one of the ones who said shutting down the economy would cause inflation (and worse)

I have always said increased wages bring increased costs (in some commodities, including housing)

If you listened to me, you would be hearing the same things you advocted yourself.

Hope you find or way out of the forest you seem to be lost in.
I already stated that. Read the thread. 3 years ago I paid $600/mo for a 1 bdrm apt. They raised it to $850. I moved out & that apt is now $1400/mo.

When I moved in here, I paid $770/mo. Now it's $1014.
Last increase was now > May1, 2024.

Anything else, Mr Question Mark ?
With social security and a VA pension? This is a problem? Do you also have a spouse? Survivors benefits? Sold a home?

Geez, there are folks that just don’t get it.
I was one of the ones who said shutting down the economy would cause inflation (and worse)

I have always said increased wages bring increased costs (in some commodities, including housing)

If you listened to me, you would be hearing the same things you advocted yourself.

Hope you find or way out of the forest you seem to be lost in.
Not lost at all. Some of us planned ahead.

Get a job already.

With social security and a VA pension? This is a problem? Do you also have a spouse? Survivors benefits? Sold a home?

Geez, there are folks that just don’t get it.
Looks like you're one of them with all the questions you keep asking.
It is NOT the job of Government to help you find or afford housing. Housing is NOT a Right.

Nor is it the job of the Government to restrict what a private business can charge for its services or products.
Those are simply opinions, and in my opinion, they are lousy ones.
LOL. Maybe I really WILL have to say this 100 times >> "If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE."
You think that their costs don't go up, like the costs for your groceries have?
Then there would be no places to rent, bottom line. You need to complain about the people driving up the costs of ownership.
Rents have gone way up too high to be talking about costs for landlords. You get no sympathy from me. Absolutely NONE.

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