If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Bullshit. Landlords have been enjoying the highest rents anybody has ever seen or heard of.

I dont want anybody to carry anybody. I just dont want to be robbed by scum like you.

I already said I owned 2 houses. You can't read. Back to the 2nd grade for you.
If you owned two, what the hell did you do with the proceeds? 🤦‍♂️
NO, it is NOT "simple". The OP already covered this. Some people have to be told twice.

1. "Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>

2. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.

3. How do you expect the tenants to "cover" the cost of the increase ?
My increases in Social Security& VA pension for 2024 = $41/mo. The rent increase is $96/mo. That means I'm LOSING ground ($55/mo or $660/yr) LOSS.
Sounds like YOU should have planned better for retirement.
NO, it is NOT "simple". The OP already covered this. Some people have to be told twice.

1. "Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>

2. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.

3. How do you expect the tenants to "cover" the cost of the increase ?
My increases in Social Security& VA pension for 2024 = $41/mo. The rent increase is $96/mo. That means I'm LOSING ground ($55/mo or $660/yr) LOSS.
If the market is such that I have potential customers willing to pay me more, why would I want the government to prevent me from doing so? That isn't in my best interest...
Rents have gone way up too high to be talking about costs for landlords. You get no sympathy from me. Absolutely NONE.
Try it sometime. Buy a house and rent it out. Let us know what you have to charge to avoid losing money. What, it costs too much to buy a house? There's the problem.
You lived in scumbag NYC too long--the commies rubbed off on you but you're too stupid to see it.
Playing the socialist card. Liberals with their race card have nothing up on this guy.
Thinks he should have the FREEDOM to do ANYTHING (like GOUGE defenseless renters).
Thinks ALL regulations should be set aside to let business do anything it wants. >>> Should we have not banned Vioxx, when Merck was telling us it was safe ? (while people were getting heart attacks from it)...or should we look at the IMPACTS on AMERICANS first, and the companys' comfort/wishes second ?

I havent lived or set foot in NYC since 1977 (47 years). I have lived in Florida since 1989 (35 years) I only lived in New York for 31 years.

Rent control has nothing to do with "commie" or left vs right politics. As I've said repeatedly in this thread, most of the states with bans on rent control are blue states. Ho hum.
If the market is such that I have potential customers willing to pay me more, why would I want the government to prevent me from doing so? That isn't in my best interest...
Notice the repeated us of the first person (I, me, my)

Not one word of THEY, THEM (the renters whose pockets are being picked for hundreds of $$$$$$$$$$$$$)
Try it sometime. Buy a house and rent it out. Let us know what you have to charge to avoid losing money. What, it costs too much to buy a house? There's the problem.
Try being a renter and having some landlord (whose rent has gone up HUNDREDS of $$$ recently) wack you for a $96/mo rent increase.

You dont have a car (because being old & retired you cant afford one), and you have a long list of things you are doing without, and your landlord has now made that list even longer. More money for him ; LESS for you.
I don’t think it went well for the OP though.
It would have. if renters being robbed, would come in here and post, instead of nothing but a sickening mob of reality detached, greedy, lowlife landlords.
Try being a renter and having some landlord (whose rent has gone up HUNDREDS of $$$ recently) wack you for a $96/mo rent increase.

You dont have a car (because being old & retired you cant afford one), and you have a long list of things you are doing without, and your landlord has now made that list even longer. More money for him ; LESS for you.
IOW, you have no idea what costs went up for the owner, and literally don't care. All you can see is the price you pay.
It would have. if renters being robbed, would come in here and post, instead of nothing but a sickening mob of reality detached, greedy, lowlife landlords.
Talk about reality detached. You have no idea what cost increases the owner is facing, or what profit margins he manages to eke out.
Notice the repeated us of the first person (I, me, my)

Not one word of THEY, THEM (the renters whose pockets are being picked for hundreds of $$$$$$$$$$$$$)
Yes, I'm more concerned with me, and mine; than they, and theirs. I'm not a collectivist. I don't rent out the two properties I do because of altruistic. I do it for the money.
Why would they sell marshmallows when rent is so much more lucrative. BTW, the price of marshmallows is up too. You are right, housing is a necessity, but it is not my responsibility to provide you with it. Grab your bootstraps and provide for yourself. IOW, quit whining and man up or go on welfare and find a section 8 house.-- become a drain on society.
They would sell marshmallows because the marshmallows would not be controlling & DAMAGING peoples' lives - but then they would need a soul and a conscience for that.

It may not be your responsibility to provide housing, but once you do, it IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to do it fairly, without gouging the renters.
This is their #1 element of human survival that you are holding in your hands. That carries far more with it than just your profit and loss sheet.

My landlord has handed me a $1,152 annual LOSS. With no further rent increases, that is a $5,760 LOSS over just 5 years. Does that mean anything to you ? Have you ever even thought about it ?
Yes, I'm more concerned with me, and mine; than they, and theirs. I'm not a collectivist. I don't rent out the two properties I do because of altruistic. I do it for the money.
AKA selfishness and carelessness. Nobody said you are renting for altruism, but that doesnt mean it's OK to be DAMAGING & inconsiderate to people. Doesnt mean it's OK for you to put LOSSE$$$ upon them. Get it ?
They would sell marshmallows because the marshmallows would not be controlling & DAMAGING peoples' lives - but then they would need a soul and a conscience for that.

It may not be your responsibility to provide housing, but once you do, it IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to do it fairly, without gouging the renters.
This is their #1 element of human survival that you are holding in your hands. That carries far more with it than just your profit and loss sheet.

My landlord has handed me a $1,152 annual LOSS. With no further rent increases, that is a $5,760 LOSS over just 5 years. Does that mean anything to you ? Have you ever even thought about it ?
Get back to us when you take an honest look at the cost increases the owner is dealing with. He's not gouging you if his costs went up. I know, I know, you don't care if they did, but that's reality.
Talk about reality detached. You have no idea what cost increases the owner is facing, or what profit margins he manages to eke out.
Do you have any idea what "margins" the renters are enduring ? All made WORSE by your rent increases. What are their LOSSES ?

Mine are $55/month...........$1,152/year.............. $5,760/5 yr LOSSES

Again and AGAIN >> "If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE."

Your costs are your responsibilities, not the renters.
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