If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Amazing that you would use a word like "parasite". That's exactly what the predator landlords are. Biting and sucking the money out of people, whether they can withstand it or not.

If landlords are going to be in the activity of providing places to live, then YES they DO owe the public a place to live. A real home, not a tent. This is too important a necessity to be left to chance or randomness.

As Americans we have standards. Businesses are not allowed to sell cars (ex Ford Pinto) that can be harmful. Not allowed to sell drugs (heroin, fentnyl, cocaine, methedrine) - harmful. In many cities, landlords are not allowed to charge rents that are outside acceptable standards.

In places without these rent control standards, landlords have gone wild, and have priced the middle class out of being able to obtain shelter. Thus is ludicrous.

Along with all the standards and many laws we have, should be that which keeps obtaining shelter within limits of affordability of the majority of Americans. If landlords want to involve themselves in one of the most important aspects of human life, they should be required to do it in a fundamentally acceptable way. I would ban all rent increases greater than $50 per yearly lease.

This is MUCH more than just a business for the landlord. If they cant accept that, let them sell less necessary items like sporting goods, books, art. etc. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that homeless dogs & cats are suffering, because of reduced donations to the ASPCA and Humane Society, those funds going to landlords instead, who sit around blabbering about "the market", to cover their greedy asses. Same with birth defect children in the Shriners, amputee veterans in the Wounded Warriors Foundation, and other charities.

Almost as bad is the reduced sales being endured by all other businesses outside of real estate. It's tough enough to sell your goods without having landlords shopping way your community's disposable income that you depend on. Of all the things that are enemies to America's business community, I would put landlords right at the top of that list.
Your premise is flawed. In nature a "host" doesn't choose its parasite. You made your bed. Lie down now...
Au contraire, parasite. It is about YOUR laziness, greed and belief that you should be able to live off the labors and ambitions of others.
No, that is what you have oddly chosen to convert it into.

"laziness" - it it were true that I was as a lazy person, then I would not be able to play 6 musical instruments (most on a professional level), which requires constant practices and work, for years.
How many do you play, CA ? :laugh:

I would also not have an online gallery of 53 paintings (and I'll be working on another one today)
How many are in your art gallery, CA ?
What's the matter ? Lazy ? :laugh:

"greed" - I can assure you that if I were greedy, I could have been a millionaire, many times over, but unlike the greedy landlords, I don't go around taking advantage of people.

"live off the labors & ambitions of others" >> LANDLORDS.


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There are probably quit a few renters and business owners in this forum. I think the reason that they are not showing up too much here is likely because they are swamped with anti-rent control propaganda, & conditioned to see rent control as a bad thing, without really knowing all the facts.
There are probably quit a few renters and business owners in this forum. I think the reason that they are not showing up too much here is likely because they are swamped with anti-rent control propaganda, & conditioned to see rent control as a bad thing, without really knowing all the facts.
It just doesn't work. Rent control results in shortages and higher rents. There has never been an example to the contrary.
If you want to make it so rents are higher than ever, and there are less places to live, pass rent control.
No, that is what you have oddly chosen to convert it into.

"laziness" - it it were true that I was as a lazy person, then I would not be able to play 6 musical instruments (most on a professional level), which requires constant practices and work, for years.
How many do you play, CA ? :laugh:

I would also not have an online gallery of 53 paintings (and I'll be working on another one today)
How many are in your art gallery, CA ?
What's the matter ? Lazy ? :laugh:

"greed" - I can assure you that if I were greedy, I could have been a millionaire, many times over, but unlike the greedy landlords, I don't go around taking advantage of people.

"live off the labors & ambitions of others" >> LANDLORDS.
I farm, moron. You sit on your lazy ass and play music and paint. Go out and EARN a living and pay YOUR rent.
There are probably quit a few renters and business owners in this forum. I think the reason that they are not showing up too much here is likely because they are swamped with anti-rent control propaganda, & conditioned to see rent control as a bad thing, without really knowing all the facts.
If only they knew the facts!
It just doesn't work. Rent control results in shortages and higher rents. There has never been an example to the contrary.
If you want to make it so rents are higher than ever, and there are less places to live, pass rent control.
ANOTHER careless poster who comes tumbling into a thread, spouting the common landlord propaganda, unaware that his post was completely obliterated, further back in the thread (which he didn't bother to read)

Obliterated in Post # 276 et al. Ho hum.
/——/ No. I support small businesses, small farms and small residential businesses. I was one.
If you oppose rent control, you do NOT support small business. 99.999% of small businesses are harmed badly by housing rent increases, soakingup $$$ that could/would/should have gone to SALES for those businesses.

Those businesses LOSE big bucks$$ when rents go up - you don't know ? :rolleyes: ?
If you oppose rent control, you do NOT support small business. 99.999% of small businesses are harmed badly by housing rent increases, soakingup $$$ that could/would/should have gone to SALES for those businesses.

Those businesses LOSE big bucks$$ when rents go up - you don't know ? :rolleyes: ?
/—-/ That makes no sense.
I farm, moron. You sit on your lazy ass and play music and paint. Go out and EARN a living and pay YOUR rent.
Idiot, I'm 77 years old. Will be 78 this week. I'm disabled and have been retired from the workforce for 15 years. I was in it for almost 50 years. I just had surgery 2 weeks ago. :anj_stfu:

I just proved to you by my music and painting, that I am the opposite of lazy. Those paintings and musical instruments represent hard tedious work, which you are too dumb to realize.

And no one should have to go out and get a job to get $$ to make up for dollars RIPPED OFF, by lowlife landlords LIKE YOU.

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