If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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This issue is not governed by the Constitution, it is an issue addressed in Immigration code and regulations.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a parent who is a U.S. citizen. That makes him a natural born citizen. Anyone who makes an issue of this is engaged in Democratic propaganda.
Wrong. I'm dead in the center and you ignored my points about a man siring a child in a foreign country and that child therefore being "a natural born US Citizen" and able to run for president. Can't you see the potential for trouble here? I think we should revisit the reason the founding fathers said a president must be natural born on US soil. That's a consideration of where their imprinted allegiance lies..

Before a law is changed, the reason for its original writing should come into the discussion.
We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.
This issue is not governed by the Constitution, it is an issue addressed in Immigration code and regulations.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a parent who is a U.S. citizen. That makes him a natural born citizen. Anyone who makes an issue of this is engaged in Democratic propaganda.

Except virtually every person questioning his eligibility...is conservative. Trump, Steven Mc, Silo. We left leaning folks are the one's telling you right wing folks why you have no idea what you're talking about.
It certainly wasn't by quoting the word 'parents' in the constitution. Which, of course, never occurs. A fact you seem reluctant to admit. So much for your claims about what the 'constitution stated', eh?

And then there is President Chester Arthur. Who was born in the US. But whose father wasn't, instead being born in Ireland. An explicit contradiction of your assumptions.

How did George Romney, John McCain, and Barry Goldwater qualify to run for President? None were born in the US, AND both of their parents were US citizens.

President Chester Arthur was born in the us, thus qualifies by birth to be President.
Wrong. I'm dead in the center and you ignored my points about a man siring a child in a foreign country and that child therefore being "a natural born US Citizen" and able to run for president.

Nope. You're not quoting the law. You're quoting yourself. And you have no idea what you're talking about. The constitution doesn't say what you claim it does. So apparently you're just making up your own constitution.

Putting the 'ir' in 'irrelevant' yet again. As neither our laws nor our courts are bound to whatever pseudo-legal gibberish you make up.
It certainly wasn't by quoting the word 'parents' in the constitution. Which, of course, never occurs. A fact you seem reluctant to admit. So much for your claims about what the 'constitution stated', eh?

And then there is President Chester Arthur. Who was born in the US. But whose father wasn't, instead being born in Ireland. An explicit contradiction of your assumptions.

How did George Romney, John McCain, and Barry Goldwater qualify to run for President? None were born in the US, AND both of their parents were US citizens.

They were all citizens at birth under US law. Which is just as true if they had one parent who was a US citizen.

So....are you *ever* going to admit that the constitution doesn't state 'parents', plural? Or are you gonna try and pretend you didn't misquote the constitution.

Its getting us to pretend with you that might be a little...problematic.
Again, this is an immigration question. The applicable law is that any person born abroad is a U.S. citizen if he has a U.S. citizen parent. A person who is a U.S. citizen at birth is eligible to be President.

If people insist on talking about this issue, I'm going to ask the mods to put it into conspiracy forum.
Was it not ruled, ages ago, that a child born of at least one US citizen, was automatically entitled to US citizenship?

Was it not ruled, ages ago, that such a child, an automatic citizen based upon the citizenship of its parent(s), was considered to have been born within our own borders (natural-born), for all legal purposes, including that of the Presidency?
Was it not ruled, ages ago, that a child born of at least one US citizen, was automatically entitled to US citizenship?

Was it not ruled, ages ago, that such a child, an automatic citizen based upon the citizenship of its parent(s), was considered to have been born within our own borders (natural-born), for all legal purposes, including that of the Presidency?

The latter part, I don't know. But the former, yup.
This is insane. What matters is the mom is a citizen.

This is more Trump stupid
Like Obama's mom?
Obama's mother did not meet the criteria for a parent passing U.S. citizenship down to her children if they were born abroad.

If Obama was born in Kenya, he is an illegal alien who was smuggled her by his parents.

Nope, she couldn't.

Obama being born in Hawaii makes that gloriously irrelevant.
This is insane. What matters is the mom is a citizen.

This is more Trump stupid
Like Obama's mom?
Obama's mother did not meet the criteria for a parent passing U.S. citizenship down to her children if they were born abroad.

If Obama was born in Kenya, he is an illegal alien who was smuggled her by his parents.

Nope, she couldn't.

Obama being born in Hawaii makes that gloriously irrelevant.
The birth certificate was forged.
This is insane. What matters is the mom is a citizen.

This is more Trump stupid
Like Obama's mom?
Obama's mother did not meet the criteria for a parent passing U.S. citizenship down to her children if they were born abroad.

If Obama was born in Kenya, he is an illegal alien who was smuggled her by his parents.

Nope, she couldn't.

Obama being born in Hawaii makes that gloriously irrelevant.
The birth certificate was forged.

The State of Hawaii disagrees. With the Registrar of Hawaii himself confirming that the information on the image of Obama's Long form birth certificate matches their original records. Twice.

So a 100% accurate 'forgery'?

That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But then, so is the birther conspiracy. As there's as much evidence that Obama was born in orbit as born in Kenya.
The birth certificate was forged.
It wasnt forged, it was a computer generated printout of the official data. They do this now instead of having so many preprinted forms.

That is why the long form birth certificate is so important. It also has a sequentially generated number that can be compared to other birth certificates to see if there are duplications, and from what I remember there are gaps that would fit Obama's claimed time of birth, though I dont think anyone has the actual data on that BC# other than the government of Hawaii.
They were all citizens at birth under US law. Which is just as true if they had one parent who was a US citizen.

So....are you *ever* going to admit that the constitution doesn't state 'parents', plural? Or are you gonna try and pretend you didn't misquote the constitution.

Its getting us to pretend with you that might be a little...problematic.

But they had TWO parents that were US Citizens that qualified them to be President.
This is insane. What matters is the mom is a citizen.

This is more Trump stupid
Like Obama's mom?
Obama's mother did not meet the criteria for a parent passing U.S. citizenship down to her children if they were born abroad.

If Obama was born in Kenya, he is an illegal alien who was smuggled her by his parents.

Nope, she couldn't.

Obama being born in Hawaii makes that gloriously irrelevant.
Why didn't she meet the criteria?
They were all citizens at birth under US law. Which is just as true if they had one parent who was a US citizen.

So....are you *ever* going to admit that the constitution doesn't state 'parents', plural? Or are you gonna try and pretend you didn't misquote the constitution.

Its getting us to pretend with you that might be a little...problematic.

But they had TWO parents that were US Citizens that qualified them to be President.

And under US law they would been citizens at birth with only one parent. Thus, citizens at birth and eligible to be president. As there is only natural born (citizen at birth) and naturalized (citizen after birth). Save in irrelevant Puerto Rico.

See, here's where your argument breaks: You're claiming causation. That BECAUSE they had two parents they were eligible. But as your laughable blunder in misquoting the constitution demonstrates, you can't can't establish any such need to have two US parents to be eligible to be president.

As the "constitution states 'parents' plural" was just meaningless horseshit you made up, wasn't it?

Where my argument works as if they were born to two parents, one parent, or in the US.

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