If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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How did Trump 'misspoke'?

"If he was born in Canada, perhaps not." Trump told ABC's Jonathan Karl
Donald Trump is a Ted Cruz birther

"He was born in Canada. If you know and when we all studied our history lessons, you are supposed to be born in this country, so I just don't know how the courts would rule on it. It's an additional hurdle that he has," Trump added, hinting that Cruz wouldn't qualify as a "natural born citizen," one of the constitutional requirements for a U.S. president.

Sounds like he misspoke to me....

Is that what you reassure yourself whenever Trump says anything you call a "RINO" statement from anyone else?

Is the man perfect? OR just better than anyone else, including a lying, corrupt, criminal, murderous bitch on your side of the aisle!

Why are you calling Trump a bitch? That isn't nice.

No- Trump is not perfect- he is the candidate the GOP deserves- the Birther the GOP deserves.

I see you still need a 2nd grader to explain what people wrote! He'll be your next president! :321:

LOL- if Trump the 'bitch' is elected by the voters, I will wish him success as a President.

Because unlike the traitorous Birthers- I always wish every President a successful Presidency- because unlike Birthers- I actually care about the United States.
BTW, Stupidly Ted told me, to tell you....


And Trump told me to tell you


Mine is better! :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
Sounds like he misspoke to me....

Is that what you reassure yourself whenever Trump says anything you call a "RINO" statement from anyone else?

Is the man perfect? OR just better than anyone else, including a lying, corrupt, criminal, murderous bitch on your side of the aisle!

Why are you calling Trump a bitch? That isn't nice.

No- Trump is not perfect- he is the candidate the GOP deserves- the Birther the GOP deserves.

I see you still need a 2nd grader to explain what people wrote! He'll be your next president! :321:

LOL- if Trump the 'bitch' is elected by the voters, I will wish him success as a President.

Because unlike the traitorous Birthers- I always wish every President a successful Presidency- because unlike Birthers- I actually care about the United States.

That's one a hell of a mighty lie! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::asshole:
Rafael Eduardo Cruz is a communist plant. His father was like family to Fidel Castro.

Oh, sure, now you don't like communist plants.
I've always been against communist plants. That's why Obama shouldn't be President and neither should Rafael Eduardo Cruz! We can't make the same mistake twice! Where's the birth certificate?! Stand with me!

Right here.

"One day after Sen. Ted Cruz released his birth certificate to the media, showing that he was born in Canada, he said he would renounce his Canadian citizenship.
The Texas Republican shared his birth certificate Sunday with The Dallas Morning News. It shows his place of birth as Calgary, Alberta, to an American mother, a fact which conferred upon him American citizenship."

Read more: Cruz rejects Canadian citizenship
I want to see the official long form birth certificate. Not the shoddy conjob his people drew up to satiate the masses.

If you will click on the link I gave you and then click on the Dallas Morning News in blue you will see it.
Really? Because I just did a check, and the word 'parents' doesn't appear anywhere in the constitution.

Here, you try:

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

How did George Romney, John McCain, and Barry Goldwater qualify to run for President? None were born in the US, AND both of their parents were US citizens.

It certainly wasn't by quoting the word 'parents' in the constitution. Which, of course, never occurs. A fact you seem reluctant to admit. So much for your claims about what the 'constitution stated', eh?

And then there is President Chester Arthur. Who was born in the US. But whose father wasn't, instead being born in Ireland. An explicit contradiction of your assumptions.

This is the law. Read it an weep!

U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

(d) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States;
Is that what you reassure yourself whenever Trump says anything you call a "RINO" statement from anyone else?

Is the man perfect? OR just better than anyone else, including a lying, corrupt, criminal, murderous bitch on your side of the aisle!

Why are you calling Trump a bitch? That isn't nice.

No- Trump is not perfect- he is the candidate the GOP deserves- the Birther the GOP deserves.

I see you still need a 2nd grader to explain what people wrote! He'll be your next president! :321:

LOL- if Trump the 'bitch' is elected by the voters, I will wish him success as a President.

Because unlike the traitorous Birthers- I always wish every President a successful Presidency- because unlike Birthers- I actually care about the United States.

That's one a hell of a mighty lie! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::asshole:

Well I hesitate to disagree with such an expert at telling lies like you are.

But no lie- unlike you- and the rest of the Birthers I always wish every President a successful Presidency- because unlike Birthers- I actually care about the United States
Is the man perfect? OR just better than anyone else, including a lying, corrupt, criminal, murderous bitch on your side of the aisle!

Why are you calling Trump a bitch? That isn't nice.

No- Trump is not perfect- he is the candidate the GOP deserves- the Birther the GOP deserves.

I see you still need a 2nd grader to explain what people wrote! He'll be your next president! :321:

LOL- if Trump the 'bitch' is elected by the voters, I will wish him success as a President.

Because unlike the traitorous Birthers- I always wish every President a successful Presidency- because unlike Birthers- I actually care about the United States.

That's one a hell of a mighty lie! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::asshole:

Well I hesitate to disagree with such an expert at telling lies like you are.

But no lie- unlike you- and the rest of the Birthers I always wish every President a successful Presidency- because unlike Birthers- I actually care about the United States

Doubling down on a LIE.... Good play!
U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

(d) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States;

So, theoretically, a man who is a US soldier, who knocks up a Russian woman while he is abroad, and she gives birth and raises his child in Russia for his formative years...that child can become a US President because we consider that child "a natural born American"?
U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

(d) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States;

So, theoretically, a man who is a US soldier, who knocks up a Russian woman while he is abroad, and she gives birth and raises his child in Russia for his formative years...that child can become a US President because we consider that child "a natural born American"?

This is the law. Read it an weep!

U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

(d) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States;

This is the newest law. The law that would be relevant is the law that applied at their births respectively.

Which recognized Cruz's mother as able to confer citizenship on her son at his birth in 1970.

And recognized that Obama's birth in Hawaii confirmed citizenship on him at his birth in 1961.
So, theoretically, a man who is a US soldier, who knocks up a Russian woman while he is abroad, and she gives birth and raises his child in Russia for his formative years...that child can become a US President because we consider that child "a natural born American"?

Holy Crap! And Iran too, N. Korea...anywhere. A youngster raised on hating America could tuck it under and run "as a patriotic American" for our Top Seat.

Time to revisit this law because it will be abused by our enemies. They're already 7/8ths of the way in our door with the loophole in Citizens United. This will be the last 1/8th. Enjoy America while you can...
We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.
This issue is not governed by the Constitution, it is an issue addressed in Immigration code and regulations.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a parent who is a U.S. citizen. That makes him a natural born citizen. Anyone who makes an issue of this is engaged in Democratic propaganda.
So, theoretically, a man who is a US soldier, who knocks up a Russian woman while he is abroad, and she gives birth and raises his child in Russia for his formative years...that child can become a US President because we consider that child "a natural born American"?

Holy Crap! And Iran too, N. Korea...anywhere. A youngster raised on hating America could tuck it under and run "as a patriotic American" for our Top Seat.

Time to revisit this law because it will be abused by our enemies. They're already 7/8ths of the way in our door with the loophole in Citizens United. This will be the last 1/8th. Enjoy America while you can...

Anywhere at all. They could be born in orbit. If a person is a citizen at birth and retains that status upon being elected to the presidency, they're qualified to be president. As there's only natural born (citizen at birth) or naturalized (citizen after birth).

With the notable exception of Puerto Ricans, who are 'naturalized at birth'. But since Cruz isn't Puerto Rican, that has no relevance to this discussion.

Remember, you don't actually know a thing about constitutional law. Anymore than you do contract law. You're just telling us what you *imagine* the law is. And your imagination has no legal relevance.

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