If Texas goes blue, is America done for?

They're saying in the news that Texas is going blue, apparently five GOP Congressmen have resigned because they don't think they'd win re-election in 2020.

Texas has been a solid Republican state ever since the South switched over during the Nixon years.

If Texas goes blue, we lose every election I think. It would be hard to pull off a Republican victory without all those electoral votes.

Is it time to panic?

It is time for Democrats to put on the feather headpiece, beat the drums, and do a victory dance?
A darker shade of purple at first and slowly getting more blue. You can blame Trump and how fucking useless the GOP in general is.

IDK but having a two party system is important and if Texas goes blue then we have essentially a one party system and that would be disaster for the country IMO.
They're saying in the news that Texas is going blue, apparently five GOP Congressmen have resigned because they don't think they'd win re-election in 2020.

Texas has been a solid Republican state ever since the South switched over during the Nixon years.

If Texas goes blue, we lose every election I think. It would be hard to pull off a Republican victory without all those electoral votes.

Is it time to panic?

It is time for Democrats to put on the feather headpiece, beat the drums, and do a victory dance?

Well, here's a crazy idea. Get rid of the Electoral College, then you might have a chance of winning the popular vote.

You could also- get this- stop finding ways to alienate women, minorities, gays and other people to pander to the 30% of the population who are angry white males.

Sadly, given that the South is full of people made stupid by centuries of inbreeding, you will always have enough voters down there to keep the GOP alive as a regional party.
This supposed to be an republic, not a shit eating democracy... a pure popular vote in presidential elections is nothing more than mob rule...
It could be just another media lie. It's hard to know what's true and what isn't true when the media lies so much.
O’Rourke lost by a tiny margin. There’s your first clue.
O'Rourke has a problem in Texas. The last time he and Trump spoke on the same day, Trump's speech was attended by tens of thousands of Texans. O'Rourke organized his own speech the same evening, and 20 people showed up. My vague recollection is that they both talked on border issues, and Trump received the A-oks, and Texans were saying Beto who? :rolleyes:

You know, it’s less about Beto himself and more about how goddamn shitty republicans are. Any ole’ dem would have had the same results.

It is about partisan politics and not being civil. People like you make people like me despise the Left and lean Right. And lose all civility.
They're saying in the news that Texas is going blue, apparently five GOP Congressmen have resigned because they don't think they'd win re-election in 2020.

Texas has been a solid Republican state ever since the South switched over during the Nixon years.

If Texas goes blue, we lose every election I think. It would be hard to pull off a Republican victory without all those electoral votes.

Is it time to panic?

It is time for Democrats to put on the feather headpiece, beat the drums, and do a victory dance?

No. Just assholes that vote Republican will be done for. America will be just fine.
Maybe repubs should find policy that actually works. Remember when they pretended to be fiscally responsible?
It's almost certainly going to happen. And the country is almost certainly going to be changing over the next few generations.

Profoundly. It is what it is.

So American conservatives have a pretty important decision to make here. They can fight hopelessly against it, or they can find a way to run with it.

That's up to you. I'm guessing that bitching and moaning in impotent rage won't be terribly productive, though.
We could probably use more than 2 parties. Two party system too easy to corrupt.
They're saying in the news that Texas is going blue, apparently five GOP Congressmen have resigned because they don't think they'd win re-election in 2020.

Texas has been a solid Republican state ever since the South switched over during the Nixon years.

If Texas goes blue, we lose every election I think. It would be hard to pull off a Republican victory without all those electoral votes.

Is it time to panic?

It is time for Democrats to put on the feather headpiece, beat the drums, and do a victory dance?

Well, here's a crazy idea. Get rid of the Electoral College, then you might have a chance of winning the popular vote.

You could also- get this- stop finding ways to alienate women, minorities, gays and other people to pander to the 30% of the population who are angry white males.

Sadly, given that the South is full of people made stupid by centuries of inbreeding, you will always have enough voters down there to keep the GOP alive as a regional party.
This supposed to be an republic, not a shit eating democracy... a pure popular vote in presidential elections is nothing more than mob rule...

Exactly how would it fundamentally change us from a Representative Democracy? People voting for a representative is a Republic isn't it?
The Dems can only win with a massive turnout of criminal illegal alien votes,
your strict govt photo id laws in Texas, don't stop any illegal from voting? Then WHY did your state put in to law these restrictive gvt voter ID laws?

guess what Picaro? Illegals can't vote... and it is such a disingenuous claim, that they can....
They're saying in the news that Texas is going blue, apparently five GOP Congressmen have resigned because they don't think they'd win re-election in 2020.

Texas has been a solid Republican state ever since the South switched over during the Nixon years.

If Texas goes blue, we lose every election I think. It would be hard to pull off a Republican victory without all those electoral votes.

Is it time to panic?

It is time for Democrats to put on the feather headpiece, beat the drums, and do a victory dance?

The D's will not yet do a victory dance. Texas and N. Carolina have large tech industries, and these businesses require well educated employees with backgrounds in Science, Technology Engineering and Math. They are known thinkers, and the Republican Party's success has been built on emotional issues (abortion, guns, hate and fear).

Intelligent people understand good health requires affordable and good health care, and the efforts by the Republican Party to repeal and replace the ACA has failed; the D's will continue to fix what Trump has destroyed and the missteps in its roll-out.

And of course the R's and their fellow travelers will continue to call the ACA Socialism which it is not, but some of the people can and will be fooled by the lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and of course character assassinations which are employed by Trump&Co., the Republican Party and the trolls on social media.
They're saying in the news that Texas is going blue, apparently five GOP Congressmen have resigned because they don't think they'd win re-election in 2020.

Texas has been a solid Republican state ever since the South switched over during the Nixon years.

If Texas goes blue, we lose every election I think. It would be hard to pull off a Republican victory without all those electoral votes.

Is it time to panic?

It is time for Democrats to put on the feather headpiece, beat the drums, and do a victory dance?

Well, here's a crazy idea. Get rid of the Electoral College, then you might have a chance of winning the popular vote.

You could also- get this- stop finding ways to alienate women, minorities, gays and other people to pander to the 30% of the population who are angry white males.

Sadly, given that the South is full of people made stupid by centuries of inbreeding, you will always have enough voters down there to keep the GOP alive as a regional party.
This supposed to be an republic, not a shit eating democracy... a pure popular vote in presidential elections is nothing more than mob rule...

Exactly how would it fundamentally change us from a Representative Democracy? People voting for a representative is a Republic isn't it?
we are a democratic Republic, with a constitution.

voting for your representative is a democratic process...the citizens, through popular vote, pick their representatives, they also ...through the popular vote, choose their mayors, and governors, and state legislators and state senators and commissioners and sometimes sheriffs etc etc....

All of those positions, are filled by people who won the popular vote.

There is no elected position in our govt that does not take the popular vote to win.... yet we still are a representative democratic Republic, with the exception of President and vice president, which is the electoral college that votes for those...
They're saying in the news that Texas is going blue, apparently five GOP Congressmen have resigned because they don't think they'd win re-election in 2020.

Texas has been a solid Republican state ever since the South switched over during the Nixon years.

If Texas goes blue, we lose every election I think. It would be hard to pull off a Republican victory without all those electoral votes.

Is it time to panic?

It is time for Democrats to put on the feather headpiece, beat the drums, and do a victory dance?

Well, here's a crazy idea. Get rid of the Electoral College, then you might have a chance of winning the popular vote.

You could also- get this- stop finding ways to alienate women, minorities, gays and other people to pander to the 30% of the population who are angry white males.

Sadly, given that the South is full of people made stupid by centuries of inbreeding, you will always have enough voters down there to keep the GOP alive as a regional party.
This supposed to be an republic, not a shit eating democracy... a pure popular vote in presidential elections is nothing more than mob rule...

Exactly how would it fundamentally change us from a Representative Democracy? People voting for a representative is a Republic isn't it?
we are a democratic Republic, with a constitution.

voting for your representative is a democratic process...the citizens, through popular vote, pick their representatives, they also ...through the popular vote, choose their mayors, and governors, and state legislators and state senators and commissioners and sometimes sheriffs etc etc....

All of those positions, are filled by people who won the popular vote.

There is no elected position in our govt that does not take the popular vote to win.... yet we still are a representative democratic Republic, with the exception of President and vice president, which is the electoral college that votes for those...
The infection is here. The Republic means nothing if the politician is not what the constitution meant if it was followed. So we are not a Republic. We went from Republic to Democracy. We are moving from Democracy to tyranny and we already have fascism in different ways of living. But we will still elect our authoritarian leaders.
They're saying in the news that Texas is going blue, apparently five GOP Congressmen have resigned because they don't think they'd win re-election in 2020.

Texas has been a solid Republican state ever since the South switched over during the Nixon years.

If Texas goes blue, we lose every election I think. It would be hard to pull off a Republican victory without all those electoral votes.

Is it time to panic?

It is time for Democrats to put on the feather headpiece, beat the drums, and do a victory dance?

Well, here's a crazy idea. Get rid of the Electoral College, then you might have a chance of winning the popular vote.

You could also- get this- stop finding ways to alienate women, minorities, gays and other people to pander to the 30% of the population who are angry white males.

Sadly, given that the South is full of people made stupid by centuries of inbreeding, you will always have enough voters down there to keep the GOP alive as a regional party.
This supposed to be an republic, not a shit eating democracy... a pure popular vote in presidential elections is nothing more than mob rule...

Exactly how would it fundamentally change us from a Representative Democracy? People voting for a representative is a Republic isn't it?
we are a democratic Republic, with a constitution.

voting for your representative is a democratic process...the citizens, through popular vote, pick their representatives, they also ...through the popular vote, choose their mayors, and governors, and state legislators and state senators and commissioners and sometimes sheriffs etc etc....

All of those positions, are filled by people who won the popular vote.

There is no elected position in our govt that does not take the popular vote to win.... yet we still are a representative democratic Republic, with the exception of President and vice president, which is the electoral college that votes for those...
The infection is here. The Republic means nothing if the politician is not what the constitution meant if it was followed. So we are not a Republic. We went from Republic to Democracy. We are moving from Democracy to tyranny and we already have fascism in different ways of living. But we will still elect our authoritarian leaders.
unfortunately, money talks and he who has the most money, gets the ear of congress and our administration and the ear of the people through deceiving advertising, pushing what these select few wealthy or Industries want....
Oh, when you mentioned O'Rourke I didn't know who you were talking about. Everyone always calls him Beto.

I think a man who runs for President should have something more on his resume than that he ran for Senate and lost.
Oh, O'Rourke has plenty on his resume, but it likely doesn' say what a blueprint of communism his ideas are. He's one scary dude whose aims are the same as the rest of the rad lefties--get rid of guns in America, give people's hard-earned tax money to illegals, have no checks at the open border, the same old yappity yappity yappity as AOC and her gang of pot-stirrers freak show.
Double, double, Toil and Trouble
They're saying in the news that Texas is going blue, apparently five GOP Congressmen have resigned because they don't think they'd win re-election in 2020.

Texas has been a solid Republican state ever since the South switched over during the Nixon years.

If Texas goes blue, we lose every election I think. It would be hard to pull off a Republican victory without all those electoral votes.

Is it time to panic?

It is time for Democrats to put on the feather headpiece, beat the drums, and do a victory dance?

It will only be temporary.

Just long enough to flush the danger to the Republic out of the White House.
The Dems can only win with a massive turnout of criminal illegal alien votes,
your strict govt photo id laws in Texas, don't stop any illegal from voting? Then WHY did your state put in to law these restrictive gvt voter ID laws?

guess what Picaro? Illegals can't vote... and it is such a disingenuous claim, that they can....

What are you babbling about? That was just implemented in 2018, as far as court ruling are concerned, and then there is the fact that without E-Verification and the proliferation of fake Id's and driver's licenses from other states being used to get new ID's here, and polling places in the barrios being effectively dominated by barrio hacks, it's only a mild hindrance at this point. You still have the ongoing mail-in ballots fraud to deal with as well. Just admit you don't really know what you're talking about and just wanted to parrot whatever the DNC tells you to. Most of the fraud will only turn up in recounts and investigating the voter rolls, a very expensive process in a large state.
The Dems can only win with a massive turnout of criminal illegal alien votes,
your strict govt photo id laws in Texas, don't stop any illegal from voting? Then WHY did your state put in to law these restrictive gvt voter ID laws?

guess what Picaro? Illegals can't vote... and it is such a disingenuous claim, that they can....

What are you babbling about? That was just implemented in 2018, as far as court ruling are concerned, and then there is the fact that without E-Verification and the proliferation of fake Id's and driver's licenses from other states being used to get new ID's here, and polling places in the barrios being effectively dominated by barrio hacks, it's only a mild hindrance at this point. You still have the ongoing mail-in ballots fraud to deal with as well. Just admit you don't really know what you're talking about and just wanted to parrot whatever the DNC tells you to. Most of the fraud will only turn up in recounts and investigating the voter rolls, a very expensive process in a large state.
What we need is all State voter Registration agencies, to vet their applicants, before they are added to the voter rolls.... they can do this, through the system we want employers to use to verify new hire citizenship, E-verify.

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