If the 2A is abolished, will the gun confiscation extend to police, private security, secret service, FBI, DEA, border patrol?

They'll all die in the process...

Once there is a confiscation order, we can all consider the republic failed, and get ready for the coming civil war.

TEXIT will happen within a few weeks, and the fighting will really depend on how greedy the political elite become.

I've already seen plans for 50+ year insurgency. I've even seen and heard plans for how to disrupt the fucking shit out of any attack with nothing more than dirt bikes and deer rifles.

The next federal action against law-abiding Americans and their ownership possession of firearms should result in the deaths of millions.

This should be punitive to the end of America.

We should tolerate not one cock sucking motherfucking dick licking aardvark pounding yak taint sucking restriction going forward.
The racism and misogyny shown by the cult is astonishing.

They want to prevent minorities and women to be able to protect themselves from cops and rapists.
NO, and not the military.

No one needs an AR-15 and 45 (who cares what they are called) nor any semi assault weapons and holding of more than 10 round mag is not needed too.

”No one” includes alot of people.

You just parrot what your cult leaders tell you. Its weird.

Were you against gay marriage when Obama and Hillary were against it? Did you cancel yourself?
Why worry about the 2nd?

If Joe has his way, 9mm ammo will be banned.

and after that is no longer on the shelves, he will try to get .45 ammo banned.

Then .40.


Without ammo, a firearm is just a strange looing paperweight.
You guys see how cultists like Penny Loap just absolutely parrot word for word exactly what their puppet masters tell them.

Full on thought police.
There won't be a gun confiscation. Are you struggling with the concept of gun regulations?

Not if people stop the cult.

The cult wants all guns gone. They want to repeal 2A.

They will not stop.

Biden said 9mm is now a HIGH CALBER.

It will never end. The cult wants to be China, Cuba, Venezuela, Cambodia….they love communism.

So if I am not allowed to defend myself..neither should anyone in government.
Not if people stop the cult.

The cult wants all guns gone. They want to repeal 2A.

They will not stop.

Biden said 9mm is now a HIGH CALBER.

It will never end.
No, you have an ever increasing population in America that wants the 2A scrapped and replaced with strict gun control and regulations. The kinda same system that developed nations have. Those same countries still have guns. It's not a tricky subject, the sky is not falling.

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