If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

By the way, slick, how many have been charged with sedition? That might be a clue that
you really don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Slick, that's cute.

How many have been brought to trial?
Uhhhhh, NONE so far.

They have all pleaded guilty.
Probably to a lesser charge.
That's how it works dude.

You have no idea what the original charges are/were.
Do you.

Please point out where I'm wrong^^^^^^^.
A shit ton, they were all waiting for her to make it though and open the door, a couple were even helping her into the window. Had she made it though and opened the door they would have all rushed into the opening, that is what they were waiting for
Murdered before she ever had that chance. Exonerated in a closed door white wash
sham hearing before anyone representing Babbitt had the chance to defend her.

Just like in Russia or the CCP. It must fill you with pride and swell your dark heart with joy.
Slick, that's cute.

How many have been brought to trial?
Uhhhhh, NONE so far.

They have all pleaded guilty.
Probably to a lesser charge.
That's how it works dude.

You have no idea what the original charges are/were.
Do you.

Please point out where I'm wrong^^^^^^^.
You just keep telling yourself that.
The FBI said their wasn't an insurrection, nobody was charged with sedition.
Usually, a person is charged with a higher crime and then pled down.
That's how it works dude. :smoke:
Babbitt fucked around and found out. She got what she deserved.

What if someone really does have evidence of massive election tampering in the future, and some cops just shoots them to cover it up?
Shooting people is not at all a good precedent.
It means anyone can be shot and killed for no reason.
Once you accept murder with no repercussion, you are going cause a whole lot of murders.
I'm sorry but maybe you were thinking of the People's Republic of China where protestors are run down by tanks
Those weren't "protestors"... they were Insurrectionists... attempting to overthrow the government of the United States.
and have their internal organs removed for violating law and order in Xi jinpings worker's paradise.
Erroneous and dishonest attempt at false equivalency.
Maybe someday you will get your wish if Brandon Biden and the DNC gets their way
and shooting down protesters becomes more acceptable and common practice, as you
seem to like.
The death of even a single American at the incitement of your cowardly Orange Baboon-God is tragic.
But as things stand, there is still a Bill of Rights
Indeed... and the Capitol Police were protecting just that, and did a fine job of it, once they overcame their shock and surprise...
and murdering citizens for breaking trespassing laws,
1. there was no murder
2. these were not trespassers... these were dangerous rioters clamoring for the deaths of elected officials... these were Insurrectionists.

and the like, is not yet a feature of your dream government. I feel your pain.
My dream government consists of Democrats and Republicans working together for the betterment of the Republic.

One in which beer-belching pot-bellied ignorant myopic gullible Orange Kool-Aid drinking trailer-trash do not control a political party.
It makes me really happy to see that LefTards no longer require cops to positively identify a deadly threat before using deadly force….THAT’S AWESOME!
I can’t wait for the next jungle savage to get smoked in the hood by cops…we’ll be able to remind all the filthy tards of the Babbitt murder.
Mistakes made in defense of the US Capitol Building and the Congress of the United States can be winked-at.

Re-tards who participated in a stupid, doomed, traitorous assault on the Capitol and the US Congress, who end-up with a toe-tag, get zero sympathy.
Those weren't "protestors"... they were Insurrectionists... attempting to overthrow the government of the United States.

Erroneous and dishonest attempt at false equivalency.

The death of even a single American at the incitement of your cowardly Orange Baboon-God is tragic.

Indeed... and the Capitol Police were protecting just that, and did a fine job of it, once they overcame their shock and surprise...

1. there was no murder
2. these were not trespassers... these were dangerous rioters clamoring for the deaths of elected officials... these were Insurrectionists.

My dream government consists of Democrats and Republicans working together for the betterment of the Republic.

One in which beer-belching pot-bellied ignorant myopic gullible Orange Kool-Aid drinking trailer-trash do not control a political party.

Regardless I think there is zero chances there was election fraud, it is obvious people like Babbitt believed there was, so then shooting them is not just illegal murder, but an attempt to prevent fair elections.
The shooter had no idea if there was any election fraud or not.
They just wanted to kill an unarmed and harmless woman.
Mistakes made in defense of the US Capitol Building and the Congress of the United States can be winked-at.

Re-tards who participated in a stupid, doomed, traitorous assault on the Capitol and the US Congress, who end-up with a toe-tag, get zero sympathy.

Without weapons, it was neither traitorous or an assault.
Anyone suggesting it was, is in violation of the first amendment, which is treason.

I am very left wing and anti-Trump, but congress is the main risk.
The more people try to make congress accountable, the better.
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Regardless I think there is zero chances there was election fraud, it is obvious people like Babbitt believed there was, so then shooting them is not just illegal murder, but an attempt to prevent fair elections.
Worst piece of convoluted self-serving bull$hit I've read around here in quite some time... and that's going some... given some of the right-wing retards around here.
The shooter had no idea if there was any election fraud or not.
Doesn't matter... the officer fired to prevent the violent mob from progressing further into the building and harming the officials that he was sworn to protect.
They just wanted to kill an unarmed and harmless woman.
Bull$hit... the dumb-$hit participated in a traitorous and violent abandonment of the sacred American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power... and paid the price for it.
The political games being played, is not the facts of reality in this matter. It Was Not INSURRECTION. Get over it.
Automatic gainsay is NOT debate... the House Committee calls it thus... good enough for me... and the Republic... sux to be walkin' your side of the fence now.
Usually, a person is charged with a higher crime and then pled down.
Now you are just repeating me.
So you agree that I was correct. Nice.

So, again, you don't know the original charges, you just know what they pled too.
Without weapons, it was neither traitorous or an assault.
That's amazing you still believe that ^^^^^^ 'no weapons' with all that video proof.

Denying the 'video proof' in 3.....2......1......... go.

Worst piece of convoluted self-serving bull$hit I've read around here in quite some time... and that's going some... given some of the right-wing retards around here.

Doesn't matter... the officer fired to prevent the violent mob from progressing further into the building and harming the officials that he was sworn to protect.

Bull$hit... the dumb-$hit participated in a traitorous and violent abandonment of the sacred American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power... and paid the price for it.

The police in front of the doorway to the Speaker's Lobby, moved aside and let Babbitt through because there was no longer anyone in the House.
Shooting her accomplished nothing and defended no one, so was criminal.
Now you are just repeating me.
So you agree that I was correct. Nice.

So, again, you don't know the original charges, you just know what they pled too.

No we do know the original charges, as that is what bail is based on.
And no one was charged with treason, sedition, terrorism, or anything like that.
Those weren't "protestors"... they were Insurrectionists... attempting to overthrow the government of the United States.
You should choose your words more carefully so your claims don't clash with reality and make you look
like a real clown. AG Garland Debunks Democrat 'Insurrection' Claims About January 6th
Erroneous and dishonest attempt at false equivalency.
What is the real difference between running dissidents over with tanks and sending them to
Xi jinping's gulags where people are worked to death, and have their organs harvested
as you and your ilk are cheering and hooting because Ashley Babbitt was murdered by Capitol
police officer Michael Byrd?

I'm very certain the CCP can justify what they did to dissidents in Tienanmen Square just in the way
you and your fellow anti civil liberties cretins can justify killing Ashley Babbitt in cold blood.

So what separates you and your fellow troglodytes from the CCP butchers? Beats me. I see no
real difference when it comes to erasing the civil rights of American citizens.

Those weren't "protestors"... they were Insurrectionists... attempting to overthrow the government of the United States.
Let me point out again no one has been charged with insurrection and the Merrick Garland Justice Department has positively ruled out your charges and agitprop. So GFY with your absurd claims & anti civil rights hyperbole. This is still America where the Bill of Rights is supposed to mean something, fascist!
Though not to scum like your and your small band of fascists.
The death of even a single American at the incitement of your cowardly Orange Baboon-God is tragic.
Not as tragic as your fact free hyperbolic bullshit.
Indeed... and the Capitol Police were protecting just that, and did a fine job of it, once they overcame their shock and surprise...
Not counting the cold blooded murder of Ashley Babbitt by Michael Byrd, a crooked cop still
in hiding. Why is that, I wonder?

It's funny how St. George Floyd has been martyred by Nan Pelosi and the media
for what Derek Chauvin did but the murder of Ashley Babbitt just doesn't merit any
outrage or legal charges whatsoever.
The double standards in this nation are criminal and shamelessly corrupt thanks to real
anal orifices like you and your ilk.
1. there was no murder
2. these were not trespassers... these were dangerous rioters clamoring for the deaths of elected officials... these were Insurrectionists.
No murder? The video tells another story.
How did Ashley Babbit die then? If not by the gunshot from the gun of Michael Byrd?

And this makes the third time I have to point out that every time you call
those protestors at the Capital on 1/6 "insurrectionists" you are just propagating a lie and demonstrating
what a real imbecile you are.
My dream government consists of Democrats and Republicans working together for the betterment of the Republic.

One in which beer-belching pot-bellied ignorant myopic gullible Orange Kool-Aid drinking trailer-trash do not control a political party.
Good luck with that dream. You are hitting the "Fool Aid" pretty hard yourself.
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What if someone really does have evidence of massive election tampering in the future, and some cops just shoots them to cover it up?
Shooting people is not at all a good precedent.
It means anyone can be shot and killed for no reason.
Once you accept murder with no repercussion, you are going cause a whole lot of murders.
We've accepted murder with no repercussion in this country long before Babbitt got hers.
"Let me point out again no one has been charged with insurrection and the Merrick Garland Justice Department has positively ruled out your charges and agitprop. So GFY with your absurd claims & anti civil rights hyperbole. This is still America where the Bill of Rights is supposed to mean something, fascist! Though not to scum like your and your small band of fascists."
Yes, it was my avatar who underlined the above section of poster Arthur's statement.
He did that because that is the most relevant (to our discussion) item he offers in that paragraph.

Personally, my avatar doesn't think for one second that "...Justice Department has positively ruled out..." (charges of insurrection)....

I think, but don't know for sure, that our good poster Arthur is using as his source the Townhall piece he links us to in post #318. Which says "Garland's admission that no insurrection charges are being brought in no way absolves those being charged with different crimes —"

"No insurrection charges are being brought....." (to date). (to date). (to date)

This cake is still baking.
Testimony is still being recorded. Witnesses are still being sworn and are testifying. Revelations are still being revealed.

So, speaking for my poor avatar......... we are not wholly sure that an 'insurrection' charge doesn't lurk in the future.

After all, they are edging awfully close to it when they got some Perp to plead guilty to 'conspiracy'.

'Conspiracy'......to do what?
To what end?
Time will tell.
Let the cake bake.

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