If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?


All the juicy rationalizations in the world aren't going to save you(r side) in
THIS matter.

The traitors of January 6, 2021 are now paying the price for their disloyal traitorous un-American villainy.

"Lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up..."
:laughing0301: Yeah, most for disorderly conduct.

Go get 'em, Tiger
:laughing0301: Yeah, most for disorderly conduct.

Go get 'em, Tiger
So long as the Big Fish get nailed, the minnows don't matter much...

Your Orange Baboon-God is sweating the release of the records of that day...

Stay tuned for some genuine fun when SCOTUS tells him (again) to pi$$-off... :auiqs.jpg:


Doesn't matter... she chose to participate in violent Insurrection and paid the ultimate price. Thurs be it ever to traitors.

According to law, if someone is attacking you without any weapons, you can't shoot them unless you are an invalid.
But clearly Ashli attacked no one.
The fact she was mistaken about the elections does not at all make her motives or actions criminal.
I'm generally on the side of the picnickers at the Capitol Jan. 6 --- it looked like a lot of fun for the most part, and innocent.

HOWEVER, that was one scary woman. And I didn't like Zip Tie Guy, either. If you watch the video you see Ashli Babbitt grimly demolishing the door between herself and all her followers and the rank of gun-pointing Secret Service all yelling, "Stop! Go back!" It really amazes me that she didn't believe they'd shoot her ----- I think she was in a sort of trance, got carried away. She just kept on beating down that door! Darn. They had all kinds of congresspeople hiding in there!

I'd 'a shot her, too.

All the juicy rationalizations in the world aren't going to save you(r side) in
THIS matter.

The traitors of January 6, 2021 are now paying the price for their disloyal traitorous un-American villainy.

"Lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up..."

You are totally wrong.
I am far left of you, and the whole point of a democracy is the protection of ALL political views.
According to law, if someone is attacking you without any weapons, you can't shoot them unless you are an invalid.
But clearly Ashli attacked no one.
The fact she was mistaken about the elections does not at all make her motives or actions criminal.
She participated in a violent group assault upon the Capitol Building and upon the Congress of the United States.

At some point in time the pressure of the rioters grew so great that one or more Capitol Police officers felt it necessary to open fire.

Your "heroine" had the bad luck to be the one hit by such fire.

Her "bad luck" was in effect the result of her own stupidity in believing the Big Lie and subsequently participating in the Insurrection crowd violence.

If it's any comfort to you, call her Collateral Damage.

She took her chances... and she won a toe-tag... zero sympathy... you can' t fix Stupid... and Nature de-selected her.

Capitol Police fired in defense of the Capitol against the traitorous scum who assaulted it.

Tough $hit... sux to be them... next time, stay away from the Orange Kool-Aid.
Garland did not say there was no insurrection.
His actions have said it for him.
Stop and think for a moment, if you are able.

If the Washington Capitol was crawling with multitudes of "insurrectionists" on Jan. 6th, why wasn't one single person charged with the crime of insurrection?

The question answers itself.
From your source:
Asked by Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) whether any of the individuals arrested in connection with the events of January 6th were charged with "insurrection," Garland answered "I don't believe so."
Educate yourself instead of making up the meanings of real words with that have real specific meanings.

Just because no one was charged with it does not mean it wasn’t an insurrection. If that is all you got, you are clutching at straws.
Yes. The fact that Merrick Garland will charge absolutely no one with insurrection is "all I've got".
And it's all I need have.
Obviously if Garland could successfully charge rioters in a court of law
with the very serious charge of "insurrection" he would!
But that bit of information seems to have completely gone right by you. Why is that, do
you suppose?

You must be extra special stupid to not grasp why Garland will not improperly charge many, many people
with a crime for which he cannot get a single conviction.

Or is it you think you know something that our courts and top law enforcement official do not know?

That's a sign of mental illness, by the way.
I'm generally on the side of the picnickers at the Capitol Jan. 6 --- it looked like a lot of fun for the most part, and innocent.

HOWEVER, that was one scary woman. And I didn't like Zip Tie Guy, either. If you watch the video you see Ashli Babbitt grimly demolishing the door between herself and all her followers and the rank of gun-pointing Secret Service all yelling, "Stop! Go back!" It really amazes me that she didn't believe they'd shoot her ----- I think she was in a sort of trance, got carried away. She just kept on beating down that door! Darn. They had all kinds of congresspeople hiding in there!

I'd 'a shot her, too.
Perhaps you don't realize that law enforcement officers have many remedies for mob control
(tear gas, stun grenades, tasers, bean bag guns, etc.) before they reach the draconian level of
an extra judicial execution from which there is no appeal and no reversal?

Did Michael Byrd and other Capitol Police officers, knowing they had a riot on their hands, simply
forget or ignore ALL the other options they could have employed, but chose not to?
One single tear gas canister lobbed into the mob would have driven them away.

By the way, there were NO Congresspeople cowering in their offices, hiding behind desks and waiting for
their doors to be broken down. All members of Congress had already been hustled away through
specially designed tunnels to a safe location a distance away from the Capitol itself designed
specifically for just such special emergencies.

Ironic isn't it? Instead of murdering people to save our beloved MOC, there were no MOC's (members
of Congress) around to be saved.

But I understand for a certain small portion of the public, like you, shooting Ashley Babbitt was a thrilling
and cathartic experience well worth the little tempest our government had to go through.

Not that their little closed door secret session where Michael Byrd was exonerated after murdering
someone under the color of federal authority caused them much stress at all.
Michael Bryd still remains on the Capitol Police rolls and draws his salary and benefits until retirement,
it seems. And Ashely Babbitt still remains dead and separated from her family and loved ones.
That's "justice" in America. And like other anti civil libertarians you don't seem to mind at all.
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I'm generally on the side of the picnickers at the Capitol Jan. 6 --- it looked like a lot of fun for the most part, and innocent.

HOWEVER, that was one scary woman. And I didn't like Zip Tie Guy, either. If you watch the video you see Ashli Babbitt grimly demolishing the door between herself and all her followers and the rank of gun-pointing Secret Service all yelling, "Stop! Go back!" It really amazes me that she didn't believe they'd shoot her ----- I think she was in a sort of trance, got carried away. She just kept on beating down that door! Darn. They had all kinds of congresspeople hiding in there!

I'd 'a shot her, too.
Ashli was not one of the pipe wielders who smashed the window out.
There were no Secret Service there.
Bryn was just plainclothes cop, and said nothing,
Other protestors were shouting warnings.
All congress people had already left.
She participated in a violent group assault upon the Capitol Building and upon the Congress of the United States.

At some point in time the pressure of the rioters grew so great that one or more Capitol Police officers felt it necessary to open fire.

Your "heroine" had the bad luck to be the one hit by such fire.

Her "bad luck" was in effect the result of her own stupidity in believing the Big Lie and subsequently participating in the Insurrection crowd violence.

If it's any comfort to you, call her Collateral Damage.

She took her chances... and she won a toe-tag... zero sympathy... you can' t fix Stupid... and Nature de-selected her.

Capitol Police fired in defense of the Capitol against the traitorous scum who assaulted it.

Tough $hit... sux to be them... next time, stay away from the Orange Kool-Aid.
More or less exactly the message Xi jinping had for the Tienanmen Square protestors.
A message delivered not so much in words but with CCP tanks and remandment to the gulags and
work camps of Xi.
I.e. it sucks to be you, we'll take your internal organs and freedom now, etc. Thanks for your cooperation.
Ashley Babbitt, let me introduce you to Michael Byrd's bullet, etc.

Your "love" for civil rights and the public's right to express their dissatisfaction with their leaders
is so cute and touching.
According to law, if someone is attacking you without any weapons, you can't shoot them unless you are an invalid.
Thats not the law in Texas and a majority of states. Please review self defense laws before you make such statements.
So long as the Big Fish get nailed, the minnows don't matter much...

Your Orange Baboon-God is sweating the release of the records of that day...

Stay tuned for some genuine fun when SCOTUS tells him (again) to pi$$-off... :auiqs.jpg:
"Big fish" as those who were charged with sedition? Those "Big Fish"?
How many "Big Fish" have been charged with sedition, anyways?

Your ilk always ends up with egg on their face when the facts are actually revealed.
More or less exactly the message Xi jinping had for the Tienanmen Square protestors.
Bull$hit false equivalency, in a weak, embarrassingly-obvious attempt to deflect from the seriousness of the Insurrection of January 6, 2021. No Sale.
A message delivered not so much in words but with CCP tanks and remandment to the gulags and
work camps of Xi.
Blah... blah... endless f(bleep)ing blah...
I.e. it sucks to be you, we'll take your internal organs and freedom now, etc. Thanks for your cooperation.
Biggest pile of right-wing -centric self-excusing bull$hit I've heard in quite some time. Nonsense. But it D-O-E-S suck to be you who broke faith.
Ashley Babbitt, let me introduce you to Michael Byrd's bullet, etc.
Don't want to get shot? Don't participate in a violent assault upon the US Capitol and the Congress of the United States. Problem solved.
Your "love" for civil rights and the public's right to express their dissatisfaction with their leaders
is so cute and touching.
Protest? No problem. Assaulting the Capitol and Congress and attempting a coup? Die, for all I care.
"Big fish" as those who were charged with sedition? Those "Big Fish"?
How many "Big Fish" have been charged with sedition, anyways?

Your ilk always ends up with egg on their face when the facts are actually revealed.
Then we'll know soon enough, once Trump's records (and those of his minions) are released and examined, and you can say "I told you so."

In the meantime... this will be pursued vigorously with all the persistence and force required to wring information from the records of those traitorous fools.
Perhaps what we have here is another case of Alec Baldwin syndrome. The cop has his finger on the trigger and the weapon pointed at the protestors. The weapon discharges and the result is a dead woman.
Your "love" for civil rights and the public's right to express their dissatisfaction with their leaders
is so cute and touching.
Is this a serious response?

The capitol rioters weren't bashing in windows and beating up cops. They were "expressing dissatisfaction".
"Big fish" as those who were charged with sedition? Those "Big Fish"?
How many "Big Fish" have been charged with sedition, anyways?

Your ilk always ends up with egg on their face when the facts are actually revealed.
This is a common line i've heard too many times. I remember people saying in officer Derick Chauvin did anything wrong, he would have been charged. Or saying that Trump did so much better than Obama/Biden because 14,000 people died from H1N2, and nowhere near that died of COVID-19 (at the time).

All I can say with all of those claims is "just wait". I know we don't count our chickens before they hatch, but we don't ignore the eggs are stacking up.
If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?

You're right!

The Capitol police should have cleared the building with heavy machine guns!

Too bad only one got shot!
Perhaps what we have here is another case of Alec Baldwin syndrome. The cop has his finger on the trigger and the weapon pointed at the protestors. The weapon discharges and the result is a dead woman.
I would call it a Kyle Rittenhouse case.
People violently breaking and entering, and being in danger of harm from them. Self defense / defense of others.

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