If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

Will you feel the same if the cops start shooting BLM and Antifa rioters who are throwing bricks and Molotov cocktails at them?
Yep... hell, tell the Guard 'weapons free' as soon as the violence from those barbarians becomes life-threatening...
You might, unless you happened to own one of the stores burned to the ground. Sure insurance will pay for the damage but then the cost of insurance will skyrocket until most store owners can’t afford it. Then when the mob burns their store down they will be out of luck and possibly out of income.
Indeed. Which raises an interesting point. Why didn't Rump come-down more harshly on the riotous scum of mid-2020?
In the long run there will be very few stores in the downtown areas of major cities and less money from taxes to run the cities.
Yep... inner-city Barbarians have turned many of our cities into Third World $hithole$...
Yep... hell, tell the Guard 'weapons free' as soon as the violence from those barbarians becomes life-threatening...

Indeed. Which raises an interesting point. Why didn't Rump come-down more harshly on the riotous scum of mid-2020?

Yep... inner-city Barbarians have turned many of our cities into Third World $hithole$...
he actually did 'come down harshly'...

and yes, there are 3rd world shitholes in the inner cities, but that was before BLM. its just there were the pre-existing criminal opportunists that sometimes took advantage of the protests to do their crimes.
If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?

How many people tried to jump through the window like Babbitt after her neck got blown open?
This is just like out of a movie. Where the good guy is facing a crowd of dozens of bad guys, holding them off with a six shooter. The leader tells him "You don't have enough bullets to shoot all of us." to which he answers, "I don't have to kill everyone, I just have to kill YOU".
Bull$hit false equivalency, in a weak, embarrassingly-obvious attempt to deflect from the seriousness of the Insurrection of January 6, 2021. No Sale.
No sale. Not unlike your post. It's amazing you don't find it to be a serious matter when a citizen is murdered
by a Capitol cop but apparently your standards are not like everyone else's.
Blah... blah... endless f(bleep)ing blah...

Biggest pile of right-wing -centric self-excusing bull$hit I've heard in quite some time. Nonsense. But it D-O-E-S suck to be you who broke faith.
Your personalized invective doesn't deserve a reply. You've posted nothing of interest.
Don't want to get shot? Don't participate in a violent assault upon the US Capitol and the Congress of the United States. Problem solved.
When were the laws against murder revoked for Nan Pelosi's private police?
I missed that part.
Sounds like Xi jinping though. Don't want to be crushed by a CCP tank?
Don't walk on our streets. No respect for civil rights from goons like you.

Protest? No problem. Assaulting the Capitol and Congress and attempting a coup? Die, for all I care.
Whether you approve of a protest or not is immaterial. Unarmed people should not be gunned down
in cold blood for being in the wrong place. We have laws that address issues like this
whether you recognize them or not, authoritarian pile of garbage.

Finally, this long arduos thread which ain't funny enough often enouch...... is starting look out beyond good poster Rigby's belief that no Capitol policeman was ever in any danger of anything. Or something like that.

Now....finally.....we get back to Ms. Dead Babbitt.
Or as I've read here: "Ashli Target Practice" ...."DOA Babbitt"'.

Whatever terms of endearment one wishes to apply to the shoot or to Righteous Patriot Ashli......there is an off-ramp for those who think there wasn't enough righteous justice to enough of the insurrectionists.

So, I would hearken y'all back to good poster otto in that Jonathan Turley thread. His post (#105)....where he offers to all the opportunity to re-live the righteousness of that speeding bullet.
So, hat-tip to poster 'otto'.
Ever the pragmatist....he offers a solution that offers peace to some and really can't do much harm.

otto105 said:

"think we should dig her up and shoot her again."
Trying once again to prove to everyone what a miserable piece of shit you are?

We already know.
A protester, among the crowd shouting to hang the Vice President. Others shouting to kidnap or kill members of congress. They even built a gallows to show they meant it. Now they broke through layer after layer of congressional security, until they reached where the capitol police set up a "safe room" for several of the evacuated members of the house.

Now you have someone with a backpack containing who knows what (can you say suicide bomber) trying to get into the gallery by force.


Terrorist organizations use females because:
Most importantly, females have the element of surprise!!
Perhaps some of those people you mention were FBI agents trying to incite the riot.

How many people tried to jump through the window like Babbitt after her neck got blown open?
If states allow looters to be shot we would have far less looting during riots. That does not mean shooting looters is a great idea.
How many people tried to jump through the window like Babbitt after her neck got blown open?
While Babbitt was being murdered hundreds more were breaking in at entrances all around the capitol, entrances manned by capitol agents that didn’t shoot anyone.
This confirms that Michael Byrd was the only grossly incompetent agent at the capitol that day.
Coincidentally, he was the only BLM blacktivist behind a gun that day…..weird huh?
"Perhaps some of those people you mention were FBI agents trying to incite the riot."
Or, perhaps not?

But after watching a bit of the Tucker Carlson clip the good poster Batcat offered us.....well, I'm left with a question.

Meaning, if....as we have heard infinitum on this forum....but if the attackers were "unarmed", well then, what's really going on with this alleged arms-distributor, "RedFace 45"?

After all, as is said right there on the Tucker show......'RedFace' was filmed handing out weapons to the attackers!
Sledge hammers, steel poles, Mace.

Did the MAGA attackers check those weapons in at the door before entering? That is if they were really "unarmed"?

What's up with that?
Perhaps the cops should use machine guns on BLM and Antifa rioters who are busy looting and burning down city blocks.

Perhaps the government should roll tanks on BLM and Antifa
like the Chinese did in the Tiananmen Square protests.

View attachment 580488

People who riot in the area of BLM protests are not an immediate threat to democracy. They are not attempting to overthrow our government and install a fascist dictator, like the Capitol mob was.

They DO deserve severe treatment by police - and imprisonment.

Those rioters are NOT doing any service to the cause of BLM or Antifa. They are most likely anarchists - if they have any political philosophy at all. Most are probably just disruptive, violent scum who are just taking advantage of the fact that the police are preoccupied by the protests.
If states allow looters to be shot we would have far less looting during riots. That does not mean shooting looters is a great idea.
It's a GREAT idea!! And shoot all rioters who attack police. First.
The argument is that those who defended the shooting of someone like Breonna Taylor really have no standing to be complaining.
BT was with a criminal who shot at police officers first. Not the same circumstances
People who riot in the area of BLM protests are not an immediate threat to democracy. They are not attempting to overthrow our government and install a fascist dictator, like the Capitol mob was.

They DO deserve severe treatment by police - and imprisonment.

Those rioters are NOT doing any service to the cause of BLM or Antifa. They are most likely anarchists - if they have any political philosophy at all. Most are probably just disruptive, violent scum who are just taking advantage of the fact that the police are preoccupied by the protests.
You mean people like you. I agree. You are scum.
She was white and shot by a black. Liberal media doesn't give a shit.
Anyone else breach that area after she was shot, traitor? No. The rest of the cowardly traitors retreated. When you cant reason with animals, you have to use force. It's all you animals seemingly understand.
Actually this is what I heard when I went to traffic court. The person said he was on a road where everybody was speeding, but they only pulled him over. And the judge said, "yeah.... but they caught YOU". Failure to catch everybody doesn't impact your case.

The judge is wrong.
It is correct to go the speed of traffic.
Those going faster or slower than the average speed of traffic are the ones making it more dangerous.
If everyone is speeding, then the speed limit is too low.
They set speed limits for the worst-case scenario, like at night in the rain, so people normally SHOULD be driving faster than that.
You mean people like you. I agree. You are scum.

Yet, I've never been to a BLM protest or rioted.

I guess you're just a nasty asshole making nonsensical accusations.

Is this because I hurt your feelings at some point in the past? Poor butt hurt Azog...always defiling yourself!

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