If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

The other police heard the glass breaking. They heard the door being breeched. They may have been busy with the rest of the mob, so they didn't see an immediate threat, or because they weren't on the other side of the house chamber barricade.

The 3 cops who moved aside from the barricade were the only ones who could see anything.
It was Bryne who could not see and did not know that all the congressmen had left.
It was Bryne who could not see that he was aiming directly at the 3 cops who previously had been in front of the door barricade, but had moved aside.
Wouldn't that depend on where they were. If they were inside the fence in Area-51, they can point to the "deadly force authorized" sign. And if an intruder so much as twitches, they can blow them straight to mars.

A side saying deadly force is likely to be used, does not justify the use of deadly force if not necessary.

For example, if a person has a car accident and takes a shortcut across Area 51 to get to a phone, shooting them would be murder and prosecuted as such.
Government has no additional authority beyond that which every single individual has inherently.
Government has a delegated authority from us, that is inferior to our inherent authority due to our defense of inherent rights.
Your problem is that you confuse protection of people from protection of property. We place much higher value on human life than we do on material things.

While I support the BLM riots because I think they were about saving future lives from being illegally shot by police, the riots most definitely were a threat to life at the moment as well.
But the Capital riot was not.
There was no intent by any rioter to harm anyone, so had much less justification for the use of force.
A protester, among the crowd shouting to hang the Vice President. Others shouting to kidnap or kill members of congress. They even built a gallows to show they meant it. Now they broke through layer after layer of congressional security, until they reached where the capitol police set up a "safe room" for several of the evacuated members of the house.

Now you have someone with a backpack containing who knows what (can you say suicide bomber) trying to get into the gallery by force.


Terrorist organizations use females because:
Most importantly, females have the element of surprise!!

There was no "safe room" as that would have lead to the rioters being able to essentially hold congressmen hostage.
All of Congress had safely left before Ashli was allowed through the window, by the 3 cops stepping aside.

And you can NOT start shooting people with backpacks, because in theory there could be a bomb inside.
With that mentality everyone should start shooting every cop they see, because some cops have committed murder, and all cops are armed.
You can't justify actions due to some rare theoretical events might be true.
Since congress had totally evacuated by then, a suicide bomber would be irrelevant.
Backpacks are not searched every single day when visitors tour Congress.
If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?
Because she was the only one e to attempt to climb past the police barricade between Trump's violent mob and lawmakers & staff still holed up in the House chamber.
Anyone else breach that area after she was shot, traitor? No. The rest of the cowardly traitors retreated. When you cant reason with animals, you have to use force. It's all you animals seemingly understand.

Only an insane animal shoots an unarmed female when there is a room full of other people as backdrop.
Yet, I've never been to a BLM protest or rioted.

I guess you're just a nasty asshole making nonsensical accusations.

Is this because I hurt your feelings at some point in the past? Poor butt hurt Azog...always defiling yourself!

Not protesting wrongful murders, like the 3 million we killed in Vietnam, the half million we murdered in Iraq, etc., is irresponsible.
When government uses our tax money to commit murder, we are required to riot or we then are complicit.
Only an insane animal shoots an unarmed female when there is a room full of other people as backdrop.
If she gets through, they all get through. You notice nobody went through that broken window after her. The officer was justified in shooting the traitor and was deemed as such. What you have to say here about the matter is meaningless.
Not protesting wrongful murders, like the 3 million we killed in Vietnam, the half million we murdered in Iraq, etc., is irresponsible.
When government uses our tax money to commit murder, we are required to riot or we then are complicit.
Go riot then, traitor. End up in a jail cell. You wont though, will you coward?
Assuming everything you said is accurate (which i doubt), did the officer that shot Babbit know that? In any case, one less POS trumpanzee traitor to deal with. She got what was coming to her.

He should have known.
If he was out of the loop, then he should have not fired at the room full of people, including other cops.
He should not have barricaded himself in a side room, and instead gone over to the House chambers to ask if all the congress people were out yet.
Shooting when you are not sure, at such as horrifically dangerous target, is criminal by any measure.
He should have known.
If he was out of the loop, then he should have not fired at the room full of people, including other cops.
He should not have barricaded himself in a side room, and instead gone over to the House chambers to ask if all the congress people were out yet.
Shooting when you are not sure, at such as horrifically dangerous target, is criminal by any measure.
Well fortunately for sane America, you have absolutely zero say in the matter. LOL you second guessing in that split second what he should have done is lol priceless. You sound like a complete idiot. His kill was deemed clean. And there is nothing you can do about it except sit behind your computer and talk abour rioting.
So you can waltz into any military base (public property)? Cool....try it.

People do it all the time.
It is easy to get lost and die of thirst in the desert.
There is no military base that does or can refuse to help people.
There also is nothing to see near the outer perimeter that has the inductive alarms system.
People are easily intercepted without violence, before they get to the inner fences.
That is not true at all......either you've been mislead or you are lying intentionally.

Nope, you are lying is you claim congress was not totally cleared out by then.
In no way would any congress person allow themselves to be cut off from the subway system.
It did not take them long to totally evacuate.
Why would they have deliberately stayed when they could easily have left?
Interesting....so a public employee is not allowed to hide from those intent on hurting or killing them. You come from a very interesting place there.................:heehee:

No one ever threatened anyone.
But of course public employees can do what ever they want.
It is just it would be STUPID and give the rioters more power and coverage members of congress would have allowed themselves to be held hostage by trying to hide inside Congress.
The only people who would do that would be those who deliberately wanted to give the rioters leverage and headlines.
The 3 cops who moved aside from the barricade were the only ones who could see anything.
It was Bryne who could not see and did not know that all the congressmen had left.
It was Bryne who could not see that he was aiming directly at the 3 cops who previously had been in front of the door barricade, but had moved aside.
The three cops had already left when Byrd (not Byrne. At least know the name of the person you're talking about) shot Benedict Babbitt.
They don't. As far as we know Breonna Taylor had never broke any law. Her boyfriend had a legal right to shoot at people breaking into their home.

What Ashli was doing was illegal.
He had the right to shoot police officers? LoL

yeah they do. Idiot. Dismissed

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