If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

Assuming everything you said is accurate (which i doubt), did the officer that shot Babbit know that? In any case, one less POS trumpanzee traitor to deal with. She got what was coming to her.
Exactly what Xi jinping and his generals thought as they rolled over protestors in Tienanmen Square
in their tanks and send people off to die in their gulag work camps.

What separates you and your asshole buddies from the other authoritarian butchers in the CCP?

Nothing, it looks like.
Because she was the only one e to attempt to climb past the police barricade between Trump's violent mob and lawmakers & staff still holed up in the House chamber.
Many of you have parroted that nonsense in this thread yet not one of you have posted a link to prove that “lawmakers & staff were still holed up” right where the filthy blacktivist agent was.
However also required to be protected equally to anyone.
If you do not protect political opinions you dislike or don't agree with, then there is no safety for any political opinions.
LOL you think this was about shooting someone over their political beliefs? You're nuts.

She was a domestic terrorist breaking into the Capitol. She got what she deserved. End of story.
Does not matter.
Any person with a firearm is REQUIRED to know before they can justifiably pull the trigger.
The 3 cops in the room were right behind Ashli when Bryne shot directly at them.
We get it. You think you know more than the people that cleared the officer. You don't.
She was an unarmed protester dumbass. A Taser would have worked just fine.
Exactly! I guess Michael Byrd and the other Pelosi Capitol Cops never heard of tear gas or tasers.

I suppose it was just more fun to shoot an unarmed Air Force veteran in cold blood than incapacitate her.

Lots of anal orifices here think putting a slug in Babbitt was the right thing to do.
If she gets through, they all get through. You notice nobody went through that broken window after her. The officer was justified in shooting the traitor and was deemed as such. What you have to say here about the matter is meaningless.

Shooting to prevent access to the Speaker's Lobby is illegal murder.

The 3 cops in the room with the rioters were easily able to prevent Ashli or anyone from crawling through the window.
But they stepped aside instead.
So then clearly they knew there no longer was any point in defending the Speaker's Lobby.
Exactly what Xi jinping and his generals thought as they rolled over protestors in Tienanmen Square
in their tanks and send people off to die in their gulag work camps.

What separates you and your asshole buddies from the other authoritarian butchers in the CCP?

Nothing, it looks like.
The Capitol was closed to the public that day. She broke into the Capitol and the officer deemed the group behind the window they broke as a threat. End of story, traitor.
She was an unarmed protester dumbass. A Taser would have worked just fine.
It was a mob of people that were tryng to get through that window. The kill was deemed clean. You're just upset one of your traitor buddies was killed. What is it you animals say....if she would have obeyed the rules she wouldnt have gotten shot? It was a clean kill. One less trumpanzee that society has to tolerate.
Only an insane animal shoots an unarmed female when there is a room full of other people as backdrop.
Nah, she was off to the side. There was no chance of hitting anyone else. You're just bitter.
Go riot then, traitor. End up in a jail cell. You wont though, will you coward?

When a government commits murder, those who do not riot are guilty of being complicit and deserve to be murdered as well.
Rioting can be required when you are paying for the weapons that are murdering innocents.
And yes, I have rioted dozens of times if not hundreds, when necessary.
There were the riots in 67 over civil rights, the Vietnam riots in the 70s, the draft riots, etc.
There should be riots against the War on Drugs, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, the invasion of Iraq, the murders in Syria, etc.
There should even be riots over no public health care, mandated insurance, etc.
We get it. You think you know more than the people that cleared the officer. You don't.
You have no idea who it was behind closed doors that white washed this murder and what they
thought of Michael Byrd's one man execution squad.

You have no idea yourself, so fuck off!
Shooting to prevent access to the Speaker's Lobby is illegal murder.

The 3 cops in the room with the rioters were easily able to prevent Ashli or anyone from crawling through the window.
But they stepped aside instead.
So then clearly they knew there no longer was any point in defending the Speaker's Lobby.
You're wrong. You can sit here and cry and whine about it for however long you won't. The fact is a trumpanzee traitor is dead and the cop was ruled to have made a clean kill. Nothing you say will change that. History will judge you animals as traitors as well.
Well fortunately for sane America, you have absolutely zero say in the matter. LOL you second guessing in that split second what he should have done is lol priceless. You sound like a complete idiot. His kill was deemed clean. And there is nothing you can do about it except sit behind your computer and talk abour rioting.

I would bet if you asked the cops next to Ashli when she was murdered, they would have an entirely different opinion, based on truth instead of your insane lies.
It is NEVER "clean" to pull the trigger on an unarmed woman.
Anyone who would think that is a monster.
There was no one in the House chamber to protect.

You've been shown this before yet here you are, still lying about it. Now you proven liar...

I would bet if you asked the cops next to Ashli when she was murdered, they would have an entirely different opinion, based on truth instead of your insane lies.
It is NEVER "clean" to pull the trigger on an unarmed woman.
Anyone who would think that is a monster.
LOL all you've done is lie. I'm sure any cops in the vicinity were not interviewed, right? You wont stop crying about this traitor. Now get back to talking about rioting while you remain behind your keyboard, coward.

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