If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

The officers and agents where Babbit got shot were protecting the last exit corridor for the congress people. That was as far as they were going to allow the mob to get.

The police in front of the barricaded door to the Speaker's Lobby heard on their radio that all the Congress people had left.
That is why they moved aside.
They no longer cared if Babbitt went through the window or not.
And the shooter, Bryn, was totally irresponsible.
If he had missed by a fraction of an inch, then the bullet would have likely hit one of these cops out front, in the back of the head.
He did not have a reasonable target.
He was shooting towards a room full of people, including cops.
He could not see well because he was extending his arm through his own barricade.
That is extremely irresponsible.
You never shoot unless you can see exactly what the backdrop is.
He most certainly should be punished for such reckless conduct, regardless of life, and without any need at all.
The officer was protecting Congressmen. The traitor got what she deserved.

If there were still any congressmen in the House, then the police in front of the door would have maintained their post.
They stepped aside and let Babbit through the window because unlike Bryn, they were aware all the congressmen had existed and there no longer was any point to the barricades.
Yet, I've never been to a BLM protest or rioted.

I guess you're just a nasty asshole making nonsensical accusations.

Is this because I hurt your feelings at some point in the past? Poor butt hurt Azog...always defiling yourself!
You have never been to a protest? Racist!
If there were still any congressmen in the House, then the police in front of the door would have maintained their post.
They stepped aside and let Babbit through the window because unlike Bryn, they were aware all the congressmen had existed and there no longer was any point to the barricades.
Assuming everything you said is accurate (which i doubt), did the officer that shot Babbit know that? In any case, one less POS trumpanzee traitor to deal with. She got what was coming to her.
True. They put up barricades to protect the gallery and the congress members inside. They were being evacuated, but like with the Mike Pence evacuation, there were protesters everywhere, so many people were secured in place.

No one "secured in place".
The exits for congress people is through a special subway system, that is always totally secure, so there would be no reason for anyone to ever "secure in place", and no one did that.
Everyone left before Babbit was allowed through the window.
Did you notice that when Sen. Schumer was running away from the mob, there were security people on both sides of him? One had a shotgun and the other had a submachine gun.

Makes me wonder what happened in the tunnels between the Capitol and the connected office buildings. Did the mob really just stop at the Senate and House chambers?

They showed the tunnels.
The were easily blocked by even a few police, but there were 10 times more cops than they needed, as back up.
What? It’s not a lie. You said Sanctuary Cities don’t exist so you’re dismissed. Idiot.

They don't. As far as we know Breonna Taylor had never broke any law. Her boyfriend had a legal right to shoot at people breaking into their home.

What Ashli was doing was illegal.
Well after they put that dumb bitch down, none of the other cucks wanted any. They surrendered pretty quickly after that. Cosplaying got real, real fast for those clowns. :lmao:
Here's another worthless leftist traitor that supports ending human life. Doesn't matter if it's inside or outside the womb. Absolute human waste.
Ashli Bobbitt was an unarmed person who disobeyed a law enforcement officer’s orders to cease what she was doing AND, more importantly, was a threat to the officer who discharged the weapon as well as other law enforcement officers. The Left ignores the fact that when officers shoot Blacks it is because they - like Babbitt - are not complying with the officer’s commands and they represent a threat to the officer’s life.

Some of the comments on this thread say that Babbitt was shot because she was disrupting the Democratic process. Wow…. Talk about a slippery slope. Based on that logic, leftist protesters in the chamber disrupting a State of the Union, a conservative justice confirmation hearing, or an abortion bill debate need to be shot.
The Left ignores the fact that when officers shoot Blacks it is because they - like Babbitt - are not complying with the officer’s commands and they represent a threat to the officer’s life.
Philando Castile comes to mind. He was curteous, followed orders.

Wound up with a bunch of bullets in his chest bleeding out in front of his girlfriend streamed live on Facebook.
Depends on why the break in.
If it is to steal stuff, that is a crime.
If it is to express political dissatisfaction that is not a crime and instead is the correct means of addressing what is perceived as a congressional crime.
Oh really? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
That is the difference between private property and public property.
You can not deny access to public property to anyone.
So you can waltz into any military base (public property)? Cool....try it.
For context read ALL of poster "batcat's" post in #368.
But for our purposes let us just quote the quote that the good poster offered us...from a website called "unwokenarrative.com"...
...where the pulled quote asserts this:

"...Byrd was seen improperly handling his weapon, pointing it at other officers with his finger on the trigger. According to an outside investigation, many officers agreed that Byrd was not up to the job. This degree of incompetence is dangerous and alarming.....

Well, yes.

If true.

However another perspective could be what the good poster Mr.Clean observed.
To wit:

"Pissed off the wrong cop".
It happens.
And bad luck happens.

T'was bad luck Ashli decided she would be the first to breach the violently smashed barrier.
T'was bad luck Ashli decided to join that chohort of mobsters in their attempt to violently destroy and vandalize a door/window/barrier erected to keep them out.....in the Capitol Building of the United States of America.
T'was bad luck Ashli decided to NOT just stay outside the Capitol and shout "F*ck Biden"...or "Trump Won".....and other Rightfield rallying cries.

So there it is.
No mendacity.
No assassination.
No murder.
No insurrection.
No sedition.

Just plain 'ol bad luck.

May her family find peace.

Why are you ignoring the fact Bryne was shooting directly at the 3 cops who had just moved aside from the barricade inside their doorway?
If he had not hit Babbitt the neck, and the bullet has been an inch to the left, it would have gone right past Ashli and likely killed one of these cops by hitting them in the back of the head.
That is NOT bad luck on Ashli's part, but criminal conduct regardless of life, by Bryne.
No sane or rational person shoots towards a room full of people.
That is not a reasonable backdrop.
And if you can't see the backdrop, then you do NOT shoot.

In fact, Bryne makes no sense at all.
He was in a side room that was totally empty and pointless.
If he wanted to defend that Speaker's Lobby hallway so badly, then he should have been IN that hallway.
That way he could have just pushed Ashli back to her side of the doorway.
Shooting from across the hall was totally irresponsible, childish, dangerous, and something only a very frightened person would do.
Actually no.
Congress, the president, etc., who are public employees do not have the right to hide from a disgruntled public.
Interesting....so a public employee is not allowed to hide from those intent on hurting or killing them. You come from a very interesting place there.................:heehee:
Sure. That's what I read, too. Well done, IMO. That woman was over the line.

The protestors were using the cops as a gauge as to where the "line" was, and by stepping aside, the cops inside were telling the crowd there no longer was any line as long as they did not have weapons.

Ashli had no weapon, so had not crossed any line.
There was no reason at all to shoot her.
There was nothing down that hall that needed protecting.
Wouldn't that depend on where they were. If they were inside the fence in Area-51, they can point to the "deadly force authorized" sign. And if an intruder so much as twitches, they can blow them straight to mars.

But unlike Area 51, Congress is supposed to be owned by, of, and for the people, with a guarantee of access to express your views.
F. Lee Bailey tried to explain Texas law on an old Tonight Show (Johnny Carson) episode. Where he talked about why they hang horse thieves.

Deadly force in defense of private property is legal because it does harm your life to have it ruined by the theft of the things you paid for to improve your life.
That does not mean you can use excessive force and kill someone who is running away empty handed.

The capital police used excessive force in shooting Ashli because it was not private property, there was no one at risk, and people had a right to express their opinion, even though that opinion was totally wrong in my opinion.

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