If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?
Actually this is what I heard when I went to traffic court. The person said he was on a road where everybody was speeding, but they only pulled him over. And the judge said, "yeah.... but they caught YOU". Failure to catch everybody doesn't impact your case.
Correction - they should have used submachine guns to reduce damage to the building.
When I watched the video of the shooting, shortly after Ashli Babbit was shot, a police officer in riot gear, carrying a sub-machine gun, showed up on the scene.
Which shows somebody made a call for some heavily armed backup due to the house gallery being broken into.
When I watched the video of the shooting, shortly after Ashli Babbit was shot, a police officer in riot gear, carrying a sub-machine gun, showed up on the scene.
Which shows somebody made a call for some heavily armed backup due to the house gallery being broken into.

The officers and agents where Babbit got shot were protecting the last exit corridor for the congress people. That was as far as they were going to allow the mob to get.
The officers and agents where Babbit got shot were protecting the last exit corridor for the congress people. That was as far as they were going to allow the mob to get.
True. They put up barricades to protect the gallery and the congress members inside. They were being evacuated, but like with the Mike Pence evacuation, there were protesters everywhere, so many people were secured in place.
True. They put up barricades to protect the gallery and the congress members inside. They were being evacuated, but like with the Mike Pence evacuation, there were protesters everywhere, so many people were secured in place.

Did you notice that when Sen. Schumer was running away from the mob, there were security people on both sides of him? One had a shotgun and the other had a submachine gun.

Makes me wonder what happened in the tunnels between the Capitol and the connected office buildings. Did the mob really just stop at the Senate and House chambers?
I'd 'a shot her, too.
Perhaps what we have here is another case of Alec Baldwin syndrome. The cop has his finger on the trigger and the weapon pointed at the protestors. The weapon discharges and the result is a dead woman.
You're right!
The Capitol police should have cleared the building with heavy machine guns!

Too bad only one got shot!

Finally, this long arduos thread which ain't funny enough often enouch...... is starting look out beyond good poster Rigby's belief that no Capitol policeman was ever in any danger of anything. Or something like that.

Now....finally.....we get back to Ms. Dead Babbitt.
Or as I've read here: "Ashli Target Practice" ...."DOA Babbitt"'.

Whatever terms of endearment one wishes to apply to the shoot or to Righteous Patriot Ashli......there is an off-ramp for those who think there wasn't enough righteous justice to enough of the insurrectionists.

So, I would hearken y'all back to good poster otto in that Jonathan Turley thread. His post (#105)....where he offers to all the opportunity to re-live the righteousness of that speeding bullet.
So, hat-tip to poster 'otto'.
Ever the pragmatist....he offers a solution that offers peace to some and really can't do much harm.

otto105 said:

"think we should dig her up and shoot her again."
I would call it a Kyle Rittenhouse case.
People violently breaking and entering, and being in danger of harm from them. Self defense / defense of others.
How was Babbitt directly threatening the cop’s life or health. Rittenhouse‘s life or health was definitely being threatened.

Your second argument, defense of others, seems more valid to me. If the rioters had broke thorough they might have injured others. However the cop may have fired his weapon by accident. Of course he will not admit that if that is what happened.

You can watch the video of the shooting on Youtube but it requires discretion so I will not post a link.


Other officers saw no threat: The other officers in the hallway were shocked by the shooting. None of them knew of Byrd’s intention to shoot and were casually standing and walking around seconds before. The heavily armed officers that were with Babbitt and the mob also saw no immediate threat.

Babbitt and others were unarmed: Like many of the other rioters in the room, Ashli Babbitt was unarmed. This can explain why officers beside her were unconcerned. Byrd claimed that it didn’t matter to him whether the protesters were armed or not.

Byrd was incompetent: A Capitol officer was put under review after Jan 6. for leaving their handgun inside a public Capitol bathroom. It was initially unknown who this officer was, but we now know it was Byrd. Additionally, Byrd was seen improperly handling his weapon, pointing it at other officers with his finger on the trigger. According to an outside investigation, many officers agreed that Byrd was not up to the job. This degree of incompetence is dangerous and alarming.
…emphasis added.
You're right!

The Capitol police should have cleared the building with heavy machine guns!

Too bad only one got shot!

I would call it a Kyle Rittenhouse case.
People violently breaking and entering, and being in danger of harm from them. Self defense / defense of others.
Hahaha…that’s awesome, I love it.
I’m happy to see the left agree that officers can shoot the next jungle savage without first identifying a weapon and the deadly threat.
We finally agree…let cops shoot at will.
For context read ALL of poster "batcat's" post in #368.
But for our purposes let us just quote the quote that the good poster offered us...from a website called "unwokenarrative.com"...
...where the pulled quote asserts this:

"...Byrd was seen improperly handling his weapon, pointing it at other officers with his finger on the trigger. According to an outside investigation, many officers agreed that Byrd was not up to the job. This degree of incompetence is dangerous and alarming.....

Well, yes.
If true.

However another perspective could be what the good poster Mr.Clean observed.
To wit:

"Maybe she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and pissed off the wrong cop?"
"Pissed off the wrong cop".
It happens.
And bad luck happens.

T'was bad luck Ashli decided she would be the first to breach the violently smashed barrier.
T'was bad luck Ashli decided to join that chohort of mobsters in their attempt to violently destroy and vandalize a door/window/barrier erected to keep them out.....in the Capitol Building of the United States of America.
T'was bad luck Ashli decided to NOT just stay outside the Capitol and shout "F*ck Biden"...or "Trump Won".....and other Rightfield rallying cries.

So there it is.
No mendacity.
No assassination.
No murder.
No insurrection.
No sedition.

Just plain 'ol bad luck.

May her family find peace.
The officers and agents where Babbit got shot were protecting the last exit corridor for the congress people. That was as far as they were going to allow the mob to get.
Sure. That's what I read, too. Well done, IMO. That woman was over the line.
Then we'll know soon enough, once Trump's records (and those of his minions) are released and examined, and you can say "I told you so."

In the meantime... this will be pursued vigorously with all the persistence and force required to wring information from the records of those traitorous fools.
What about the "Big Fish"? :smoke:
You're right!

The Capitol police should have cleared the building with heavy machine guns!

Too bad only one got shot!
Perhaps the cops should use machine guns on BLM and Antifa rioters who are busy looting and burning down city blocks.

Perhaps the government should roll tanks on BLM and Antifa
like the Chinese did in the Tiananmen Square protests.

Other officers saw no threat: The other officers in the hallway were shocked by the shooting. None of them knew of Byrd’s intention to shoot and were casually standing and walking around seconds before. The heavily armed officers that were with Babbitt and the mob also saw no immediate threat.

The other police heard the glass breaking. They heard the door being breeched. They may have been busy with the rest of the mob, so they didn't see an immediate threat, or because they weren't on the other side of the house chamber barricade.
Hahaha…that’s awesome, I love it.
I’m happy to see the left agree that officers can shoot the next jungle savage without first identifying a weapon and the deadly threat.
We finally agree…let cops shoot at will.
Wouldn't that depend on where they were. If they were inside the fence in Area-51, they can point to the "deadly force authorized" sign. And if an intruder so much as twitches, they can blow them straight to mars.
Perhaps the cops should use machine guns on BLM and Antifa rioters who are busy looting and burning down city blocks.

Perhaps the government should roll tanks on BLM and Antifa
like the Chinese did in the Tiananmen Square protests.
Your problem is that you confuse protection of people from protection of property. We place much higher value on human life than we do on material things.
She participated in a violent group assault upon the Capitol Building and upon the Congress of the United States.

At some point in time the pressure of the rioters grew so great that one or more Capitol Police officers felt it necessary to open fire.

Your "heroine" had the bad luck to be the one hit by such fire.

Her "bad luck" was in effect the result of her own stupidity in believing the Big Lie and subsequently participating in the Insurrection crowd violence.

If it's any comfort to you, call her Collateral Damage.

She took her chances... and she won a toe-tag... zero sympathy... you can' t fix Stupid... and Nature de-selected her.

Capitol Police fired in defense of the Capitol against the traitorous scum who assaulted it.

Tough $hit... sux to be them... next time, stay away from the Orange Kool-Aid.
Will you feel the same if the cops start shooting BLM and Antifa rioters who are throwing bricks and Molotov cocktails at them?
Your problem is that you confuse protection of people from protection of property. We place much higher value on human life than we do on material things.
You might, unless you happened to own one of the stores burned to the ground. Sure insurance will pay for the damage but then the cost of insurance will skyrocket until most store owners can’t afford it. Then when the mob burns their store down they will be out of luck and possibly out of income.

In the long run there will be very few stores in the downtown areas of major cities and less money from taxes to run the cities.

Texas law on protection of property is interesting but complicated.

The other police heard the glass breaking. They heard the door being breeched. They may have been busy with the rest of the mob, so they didn't see an immediate threat, or because they weren't on the other side of the house chamber barricade.
Possibly. Perhaps we need a good investigation of that shooting. If it had been a black girl we would have one.
Texas law on protection of property is interesting but complicated.

F. Lee Bailey tried to explain Texas law on an old Tonight Show (Johnny Carson) episode. Where he talked about why they hang horse thieves.
Possibly. Perhaps we need a good investigation of that shooting. If it had been a black girl we would have one.
A protester, among the crowd shouting to hang the Vice President. Others shouting to kidnap or kill members of congress. They even built a gallows to show they meant it. Now they broke through layer after layer of congressional security, until they reached where the capitol police set up a "safe room" for several of the evacuated members of the house.

Now you have someone with a backpack containing who knows what (can you say suicide bomber) trying to get into the gallery by force.


Terrorist organizations use females because:
Most importantly, females have the element of surprise!!

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