If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

That is not true at all......either you've been mislead or you are lying intentionally.
He is absolutely lying. Here is a link to where I already showed him the House chamber wasn't empty...

So Rigby5 already knows there were still lawmakers & staff inside the chamber when Ashes Targetpractice was shot; meaning he's lying now when he knowingly falsely claims otherwise.
The three cops had already left when Byrd (not Byrne. At least know the name of the person you're talking about) shot Benedict Babbitt.

They were standing to the side, to the right of the door and window to the right of the doors.
They were right next to Ashli when she went through the window.
They would have been right behind Ashli in the line of fire from Bryd.
They were still there when Ashli was shot and fell back through the window.
They were the ones who rushed to her aid.

Watch the video sometime.
Philando Castile comes to mind. He was curteous, followed orders.

Wound up with a bunch of bullets in his chest bleeding out in front of his girlfriend streamed live on Facebook.
What percentage does that incident comprise of all the unarmed Black suspects under arrest?
Some of the comments on this thread say that Babbitt was shot because she was disrupting the Democratic process. Wow…. Talk about a slippery slope. Based on that logic, leftist protesters in the chamber disrupting a State of the Union, a conservative justice confirmation hearing, or an abortion bill debate need to be shot.
The women in the red costumes? Yeah, works for me; let's do that.
It was a mob of people that were tryng to get through that window. The kill was deemed clean. You're just upset one of your traitor buddies was killed. What is it you animals say....if she would have obeyed the rules she wouldnt have gotten shot? It was a clean kill. One less trumpanzee that society has to tolerate.
You worthless leftist traitor human scum would deem it hunky dory for leftist garbage to burn down our cities, however. And God forbid if one of you was killed during these riots...
You are human garbage to tolerate an unarmed female veteran to be shot dead in protest.
Go ahead, dumbass. Defund those police.
They were standing to the side, to the right of the door and window to the right of the doors.
They were right next to Ashli when she went through the window.
They would have been right behind Ashli in the line of fire from Bryd.
They were still there when Ashli was shot and fell back through the window.
They were the ones who rushed to her aid.

Watch the video sometime.
You've been outed as a liar. Nothing you say matters.
You worthless leftist traitor human scum would deem it hunky dory for leftist garbage to burn down our cities, however. And God forbid if one of you was killed during these riots...
You are human garbage to tolerate an unarmed female veteran to be shot dead in protest.
Go ahead, dumbass. Defund those police.
Hundreds of leftists have been arrested for rioting. I realize you are unaware of that because the daily caller and breitbart dont report it.

We cant defund the police. Too many criminal trumpanzees out there like yourself that need to be locked up. I think we've got over 700 traitors from Jan 6th arrested. Each day they are sentenced is a great day for real Americans.
The Capitol was closed to the public that day. She broke into the Capitol and the officer deemed the group behind the window they broke as a threat. End of story, traitor.
Actually Xi, people were invited into the Capitol that day to stroll around and take a look.
Sort your lies out.

Did Michael Byrd panic, soil his pants and shoot someone, unarmed and behind a door that could not be breached because she was a "threat"? Bullshit!

YOU are the traitor that belongs in Beijing where people are run over by tanks and sent to die in China's
gulag work camps when they displease the authorities.

I used to think we were far superior to China, partially due to the way we treat our citizens vs. how the CCP
does things. But seeing the small virulent cadre of blood thirsty assholes here and the way this killing was
hushed up and handled entirely behind closed doors I begin to doubt we are superior at all.
You're wrong. You can sit here and cry and whine about it for however long you won't. The fact is a trumpanzee traitor is dead and the cop was ruled to have made a clean kill. Nothing you say will change that. History will judge you animals as traitors as well.

It is all the cops who well pay the price for your lie, in the future.
Now all cops will have a bullzeye on their backs, since we now know who is the real danger, and who is turning this government into an authoritarian dictatorship that murders people who have different political beliefs.
Not protesting wrongful murders, like the 3 million we killed in Vietnam, the half million we murdered in Iraq, etc., is irresponsible.
When government uses our tax money to commit murder, we are required to riot or we then are complicit.
We have a right to PEACEFUL protest only. Anything other than that, you get whatever comes to you.
Many of you have parroted that nonsense in this thread yet not one of you have posted a link to prove that “lawmakers & staff were still holed up” right where the filthy blacktivist agent was.
Post #461 contains a link to such a video. You'll note I posted it months ago to Rigby5 who's here, still lying that there were no lawmakers still inside the chamber.
"No one "secured in place". The exits for congress people is through a special subway system, that is always totally secure, so there would be no reason for anyone to ever "secure in place", and no one did that.
Everyone left before Babbit was allowed through the window."
Now that I do like that one. After all, words can be fun.
"Babbit was allowed through...."

Well, to be clear...when clarity is helpful.....Babbit wasn't "allowed" all the way through.
Or so it seemed to me.

That poor duped & snookered gal. She paid with her life for her naivete' (did you see the YouTuber of her doing her in-the-car rant? You should. It kinda sorta give us an idea of how far into dupery & snookery she had gotten herself.)
May her family find peace in her unfortunate death.....and the cirumstances of it.
But, Ashli's dead because of....Ashli.

"Ashli Bobbitt was an unarmed person who disobeyed a law enforcement officer’s orders to cease what she was doing AND, more importantly, was a threat to the officer who discharged the weapon as well as other law enforcement officers. The Left ignores the fact that when officers shoot Blacks it is because they - like Babbitt - are not complying with the officer’s commands and they represent a threat to the officer’s life.
Some of the comments on this thread say that Babbitt was shot because she was disrupting the Democratic process. Wow…. Talk about a slippery slope. Based on that logic, leftist protesters in the chamber disrupting a State of the Union, a conservative justice confirmation hearing, or an abortion bill debate need to be shot."
Well, LoL, I ain't exactly sure your logic should lead you to shooting the State of the Union assembly, or at confirmation hearings, or even abortion debates.
Really, I don't think that would work for you if that is what you are suggesting.

Rather, I'd suggest you re-calibrate your logic this way:

  • Violently smash through a barricade erected by duly sworn and oath-bound police to keep you away from a sensitive and important area.
  • Then, when loudly told to quit, to desist, to leave.....you instead charge towards the armed police who are aiming a gun at your head.
  • Therefore, I would suggest there is an understandable logic to getting a bullet deposited within you.
  • IMHO

"Interesting....so a public employee is not allowed to hide from those intent on hurting or killing them. You come from a very interesting place there.................:heehee:"

You know, poster bodecea, I did not see that particular quote from the good poster Rigby. (hell, it's a long thread, and there's stuff to do)....anyway, of the many Cloud Cuckoo Land postings our good poster Rigby has offered on this entertaining thread....well, his suggestion that public employees should not take measures to avoid people who want to hang 'em, beat 'em, stomp on 'em, maybe even....as they did to the nearby walls.....smear their poo on 'em.

I find that pretty remarkable. After all, I would expect that in good poster Rigby's MAGA-istan, it has got to be really reallly tough to find postmen, policemen, city garbagemen, street cleaners, hell, conservation officers or meter maids. In his MAGA-istan, being a tackling-dummy is a required duty. I suppose.

But, I missed the original post about it......so nice catch, Bodecea. A hat-tip.
Actually Xi, people were invited into the Capitol that day to stroll around and take a look.
Sort your lies out.

Did Michael Byrd panic, soil his pants and shoot someone, unarmed and behind a door that could not be breached because she was a "threat"? Bullshit!

YOU are the traitor that belongs in Beijing where people are run over by tanks and sent to die in China's
gulag work camps when they displease the authorities.

I used to think we were far superior to China, partially due to the way we treat our citizens vs. how the CCP
does things. But seeing the small virulent cadre of blood thirsty assholes here and the way this killing was
hushed up and handled entirely behind closed doors I begin to doubt we are superior at all.
So what are you saying.....that we outsmarted you yet again? How does this keep happening that we outsmart you?

You sound like you're becoming unhinged. Your hyper reality is coming crashing down on you and it sounds like your cognitive dissonance is breaking down.

Fact is a conspiracy believing, trumpanzee traitor was shot and killed for breaking the law.
If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

That particular officer panicked
Hundreds of leftists have been arrested for rioting. I realize you are unaware of that because the daily caller and breitbart dont report it.

We cant defund the police. Too many criminal trumpanzees out there like yourself that need to be locked up. I think we've got over 700 traitors from Jan 6th arrested. Each day they are sentenced is a great day for real Americans.
I said killed - fool. Shot dead - dingus. Not arrested. Learn to read dumbass.
It is all the cops who well pay the price for your lie, in the future.
Now all cops will have a bullzeye on their backs, since we now know who is the real danger, and who is turning this government into an authoritarian dictatorship that murders people who have different political beliefs.
She wasnt murdered for her political beliefs, you psycho. What you should be surprised about is the fact more of your traitor friends werent killed that day by cops.

But please, try it again. I have a feeling next time this happens, it'll be more than 1 right wing traitor that ends up 6 feet under for believing in some dumb conspiracy.

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