If the country divided along political afflilation poll

Which "Country" would be the most viable? Productive?

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Redfish hates being corrected for his mistakes, which is almost all the time.

Watch Ernie S. almost immediately post underneath because he is smarting from yesterday's treatment of him by the Board members.
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Reactionary Jake is the flip side of Rdeans broken record

put them both on ignore, it will greatly improve your experience on USMB

It does raise the average IQ of thread participants.

(now Fake will mumble something about "reactionary" and toss in a couple pejorative adjectives someone else brought to the discussion. There will be no original thought whatever.)
Every nation is progressive or it does not survive. The only question is what nations fare best, those that are extremely progressive, mildly or scarcely progressive? What is America's rate of progressiveness compared to the rest of the world?
How on earth can things be more productive using Conservative policies? All the wealth would be sequestered among a very few and none of it would ever trickle down to the majority. Investment would be seen as a far greater way to produce wealth and actual work in production would be either exported or exploited.

How would the society be more peaceful and freer? Conservatives throw liberty around as if it was manhole covers. Same sex marriage? Stop and frisk? Reproductive freedom? Workplace safety? All these things and more are adamantly opposed by Conservatives! Why? Because assuring safety and freedom costs money and warped morals are used to justify political decisions.

Do you want Conservative rule? Try Iran or Somalia where the governments are either repressive or non-existent.
How on earth can things be more productive using Conservative policies? All the wealth would be sequestered among a very few and none of it would ever trickle down to the majority. Investment would be seen as a far greater way to produce wealth and actual work in production would be either exported or exploited.

How would the society be more peaceful and freer? Conservatives throw liberty around as if it was manhole covers. Same sex marriage? Stop and frisk? Reproductive freedom? Workplace safety? All these things and more are adamantly opposed by Conservatives! Why? Because assuring safety and freedom costs money and warped morals are used to justify political decisions.

Do you want Conservative rule? Try Iran or Somalia where the governments are either repressive or non-existent.
"Warped morals" aye... you mean like two men fucking each other up the ass? Isn't that the pet love of the left and progressives? Why yes, yes it is.

Now tell me again about "warped morals" without sounding like a complete hypocrite.
How on earth can things be more productive using Conservative policies? All the wealth would be sequestered among a very few and none of it would ever trickle down to the majority. Investment would be seen as a far greater way to produce wealth and actual work in production would be either exported or exploited.

How would the society be more peaceful and freer? Conservatives throw liberty around as if it was manhole covers. Same sex marriage? Stop and frisk? Reproductive freedom? Workplace safety? All these things and more are adamantly opposed by Conservatives! Why? Because assuring safety and freedom costs money and warped morals are used to justify political decisions.

Do you want Conservative rule? Try Iran or Somalia where the governments are either repressive or non-existent.
"Warped morals" aye... you mean like two men fucking each other up the ass? Isn't that the pet love of the left and progressives? Why yes, yes it is.

Now tell me again about "warped morals" without sounding like a complete hypocrite.
I actually wrote:
warped morals are used to justify political decisions

Bible thumpers gleaning the most extraneous phrases to get on the political bandwagon. As if we would EVER allow narrow Biblical interpretations to provide a scaffolding for secular law!
Every nation is progressive or it does not survive. The only question is what nations fare best, those that are extremely progressive, mildly or scarcely progressive? What is America's rate of progressiveness compared to the rest of the world?

How does welfare or socialized medicine help a nation survive?
Every nation is progressive or it does not survive. The only question is what nations fare best, those that are extremely progressive, mildly or scarcely progressive? What is America's rate of progressiveness compared to the rest of the world?
Well, that is a question easily answered.

This horse-and-buggy Republic doesn't even use the metric system !!

How on earth can things be more productive using Conservative policies? All the wealth would be sequestered among a very few and none of it would ever trickle down to the majority. Investment would be seen as a far greater way to produce wealth and actual work in production would be either exported or exploited.

AH, so no one but the very rich owned a motor car in the 1920s? A refrigerator? Radio?
House? What other way is there to produce wealth than by investment? What do investors do with their money other than use it to create factories and businesses were production occurs? Was it all exported in the 1920s?

The historical evidence just doesn't seem to support your lame-assed Marxist economic theories.

How would the society be more peaceful and freer? Conservatives throw liberty around as if it was manhole covers. Same sex marriage? Stop and frisk? Reproductive freedom? Workplace safety? All these things and more are adamantly opposed by Conservatives! Why? Because assuring safety and freedom costs money and warped morals are used to justify political decisions.

When have conservatives ever proposed to eliminate "reproductive freedom?" "Stop and Frisk" is the policy of a liberal New York mayor. Same-sex marriage has nothing to do with freedom. Assuring freedom would only cost about 10% of what we currently spend on government. Safety can easily be achieved without the vast regulatory bureaucracies that currently terrorize American business.

Do you want Conservative rule? Try Iran or Somalia where the governments are either repressive or non-existent.

Government is non-existent in Iran?
YES, LAWS change all the time...but the standing query is: should principle(s)?
Principles? You have principles?

Are you really an American? · · :lol:
BORN and BRED. I have direct Relatives that fought under Washington, and have Counties named after them in their honour.

My Family shed blood and served this Republic. Can YOU say the same?
Yawn. Well, Mr. Johnny-come-lately, my ancestors were among the earliest settlers near Jamestown, and are mentioned in histories of the First Families of Virginia.

One of my black sheep ancestors was an officer in the Revolutionary Army of Insurrectionary Terrorists who so blighted the future history of America. Being more intelligent than your ancestors, my ancestor did not fight or shed his blood, but stayed behind the lines practising graft and corruption -- thereby founding the family fortunes.

"It is not reasonable that a wise man should hazard himself for his country, and endanger wisdom for a set of fools."
---Theodorus of Cyrene

Every nation is progressive or it does not survive. The only question is what nations fare best, those that are extremely progressive, mildly or scarcely progressive? What is America's rate of progressiveness compared to the rest of the world?

How does welfare or socialized medicine help a nation survive?

How does it not, bripat? Make sure you comparative analysis of cost, longevity, and accessibility of other countries while analyzing this.
How on earth can things be more productive using Conservative policies? All the wealth would be sequestered among a very few and none of it would ever trickle down to the majority. Investment would be seen as a far greater way to produce wealth and actual work in production would be either exported or exploited.

How would the society be more peaceful and freer? Conservatives throw liberty around as if it was manhole covers. Same sex marriage? Stop and frisk? Reproductive freedom? Workplace safety? All these things and more are adamantly opposed by Conservatives! Why? Because assuring safety and freedom costs money and warped morals are used to justify political decisions.

Do you want Conservative rule? Try Iran or Somalia where the governments are either repressive or non-existent.
"Warped morals" aye... you mean like two men fucking each other up the ass? Isn't that the pet love of the left and progressives? Why yes, yes it is.

Now tell me again about "warped morals" without sounding like a complete hypocrite.
I actually wrote:
warped morals are used to justify political decisions

Bible thumpers gleaning the most extraneous phrases to get on the political bandwagon. As if we would EVER allow narrow Biblical interpretations to provide a scaffolding for secular law!
Whatever your context was using "warp morals," "warp morals" is and always will be "warped morals." The term is a blanket term that defines a great many things.

You want a second shot at explaining how the left is in love with sexual perversions, yet you feel the need to lecture on "warped morals?"

Hypocritical no smoking, hypocritical, no matter how fancy your song and dance gets at trying to obfuscate your post.

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Mississippi most conservative state. Vermont most liberal.

Where would you rather live?

Mississippi, the women are better looking, weather is better, taxes are lower and you dont have a bunch of stinky hippes everywhere.
How on earth can things be more productive using Conservative policies? All the wealth would be sequestered among a very few and none of it would ever trickle down to the majority. Investment would be seen as a far greater way to produce wealth and actual work in production would be either exported or exploited.

AH, so no one but the very rich owned a motor car in the 1920s? A refrigerator? Radio?
House? What other way is there to produce wealth than by investment? What do investors do with their money other than use it to create factories and businesses were production occurs? Was it all exported in the 1920s?

The historical evidence just doesn't seem to support your lame-assed Marxist economic theories.

How would the society be more peaceful and freer? Conservatives throw liberty around as if it was manhole covers. Same sex marriage? Stop and frisk? Reproductive freedom? Workplace safety? All these things and more are adamantly opposed by Conservatives! Why? Because assuring safety and freedom costs money and warped morals are used to justify political decisions.

When have conservatives ever proposed to eliminate "reproductive freedom?" "Stop and Frisk" is the policy of a liberal New York mayor. Same-sex marriage has nothing to do with freedom. Assuring freedom would only cost about 10% of what we currently spend on government. Safety can easily be achieved without the vast regulatory bureaucracies that currently terrorize American business.

Do you want Conservative rule? Try Iran or Somalia where the governments are either repressive or non-existent.

Government is non-existent in Iran?
Following the Regan regime where the rich were coddled and taxes on them cut, the vast majority in the American middle class began lo9sing ground. Can you deny that? The income disparity relegated wealth to the few while it drained it from the many. And, in theory, that wealth was supposed to precipitate back down to those who actually did the work.

But today, the way to get really really wealthy is not to produce a damn thing. Wealth does not trickle down to the innovators and inventors. The way to become really really wealthy is to play the casino on Wall Street. To divest, to invest, to build a portfolio.

Stop and frisk was initiated by Guilliani. Read before you criticize (a sentiment as useful to a Conservative ideologue as dust in the breeze)

And just how on earth do you expect workplace safety to happen without regulation and enforcement? Or are you of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company school of thought? "terrorize American business"! In the Conservative universe, you're just supposed to terrorize workers and turn a blind eye toward business.

From a political ideology that champions the rich and does everything in their power to assure the rich that their marginal tax rate will be lower than that of teachers and firemen and police officers and the receptionist at the front desk we get absolutely no understanding of what a vibrant middle class means to America. Why should we get on board with that?

And if marriage equality has nothing to do with freedom, one must wonder what "freedom" means to you and your ilk.
Mississippi most conservative state. Vermont most liberal.

Where would you rather live?

Mississippi, the women are better looking, weather is better, taxes are lower and you dont have a bunch of stinky hippes everywhere.

Mississippi where the schools suck all the way up to the university level, you can expect to find unmounted car tires used as landscape accents and where you can find a bunch of ignorant hayseed rednecks making decisions.
Following the Regan regime where the rich were coddled and taxes on them cut, the vast majority in the American middle class began lo9sing ground. Can you deny that? yes, b/c the economy vastly improved. Especially when compared to what Carter did to all of us. The income disparity relegated wealth to the few while it drained it from the many. lie And, in theory, that wealth was supposed to precipitate back down to those who actually did the work.

But today, the way to get really really wealthy is not to produce a damn thing. Wealth does not trickle down to the innovators and inventors. lie The way to become really really wealthy is to play the casino on Wall Street. trueish. you can get rich by investing in companies that make things, w/o these companies... To divest, to invest, to build a portfolio.

Stop and frisk was initiated by Guilliani. Read before you criticize (a sentiment as useful to a Conservative ideologue as dust in the breeze) and it worked. shitty thing, but it worked

And just how on earth do you expect workplace safety to happen without regulation and enforcement? people refusing to work unsafe. fyi, I have to wear safety gear I don't need.Or are you of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company school of thought? "terrorize American business"! In the Conservative universe, you're just supposed to terrorize workers and turn a blind eye toward business. crack is whack

From a political ideology that champions the rich and does everything in their power to assure the rich that their marginal tax rate will be lower than that of teachers and firemen and police officers and the receptionist at the front desk we get absolutely no understanding of what a vibrant middle class means to America. Why should we get on board with that? b/c it's complete bullshit. Why should anyone pay more taxes than anyone? and I noted that you had to use a type of tax, and not income tax, since head to head, you'd have to admit you're full of it.

And if marriage equality has nothing to do with freedom, one must wonder what "freedom" means to you and your ilk. :thup:
Mississippi most conservative state. Vermont most liberal.

Where would you rather live?

Mississippi, the women are better looking, weather is better, taxes are lower and you dont have a bunch of stinky hippes everywhere.

Mississippi where the schools suck all the way up to the university level, you can expect to find unmounted car tires used as landscape accents and where you can find a bunch of ignorant hayseed rednecks making decisions.

I lived in Arkansas under Clinton. we had a saying during his tenure; "Thank God for Mississippi!"

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