If the country divided along political afflilation poll

Which "Country" would be the most viable? Productive?

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The bottom line is that you're just a fascist asshole who believes you're entitled to shoot people for doing anything you don't approve of despite what the law or the Constitution says. You have made it perfectly clear you don't give a damn what the Constitution says.

Sorry, Bribaby, but the Constitution doesn't give you the right to keep slaves. Try again.

It did in 1860, you stupid fascist asshole.

So what? It also didn't permit women to vote. Are you going to cry about that too, you sorry little sack of shit? I mean seriously, you're bitching that low-life scum who wanted to keep people as slaves got their 'livelihood' taken from them. Should I break out the viloin for those poor bastards? Again, fuck you and definitely fuck the Confederacy.
I think most independent polls think the conservatives out number liberals almost two to one...

40% conservative....35% moderate and only 21% consider themselves liberal.

And yet the CONS claim that a socialist has been elected president. Sounds like either someone's numbers or someone's characterization of the president is off base. :eusa_eh:
I think most independent polls think the conservatives out number liberals almost two to one...

40% conservative....35% moderate and only 21% consider themselves liberal.

And yet the CONS claim that a socialist has been elected president. Sounds like either someone's numbers or someone's characterization of the president is off base. :eusa_eh:
Is that WHY we're sliding into obscurity as a power? WE reflect Europe's Socialism...trying so desparately to be like them Obama and the Statists are...so YOU would be wrong as usual.
Considering moderates make up a larger percentage of the population (moderates made up the largest voting bloc in 2012) and know that it takes compromise to be successful, I opt for country for the open-minded!
*I* OPT for the rule of LAW.

Hey T, explain yourself. Thanks.
And *HEY* right back.

You stated 'largest voting block'...for you 'middle of the roaders'. Correct?

WHAT is there to be in the middle of?

A political fight?

Rule of law?

If you don't like a LAW? press to change it. Takes guts, perserverance...determination...WHAT is middle of the road of that, and principle(s)?

THAT is what I meant my friend.

The T...~OUT
*I* OPT for the rule of LAW.

Hey T, explain yourself. Thanks.
And *HEY* right back.

You stated 'largest voting block'...for you 'middle of the roaders'. Correct?

WHAT is there to be in the middle of?

A political fight?

Rule of law?

If you don't like a LAW? press to change it. Takes guts, perserverance...determination...WHAT is middle of the road of that, and principle(s)?

THAT is what I meant my friend.

The T...~OUT

As a bonafide Middle of the Roader/moderate, I will give you my answer. First of all, there are moderate conservatives and moderate liberals and those groups dominate who moderates are. We don't have an ideology that dictates our view. Each issues is separate for us and not a block of issues. Sometimes I agree with the right and sometimes with the left. I always consider how an issue effects the Middle Class/the Working Class.
Rule of law? I have no problem with rule of law. Laws get changed all the time and that is good because the world changes all the time.
Hey T, explain yourself. Thanks.
And *HEY* right back.

You stated 'largest voting block'...for you 'middle of the roaders'. Correct?

WHAT is there to be in the middle of?

A political fight?

Rule of law?

If you don't like a LAW? press to change it. Takes guts, perserverance...determination...WHAT is middle of the road of that, and principle(s)?

THAT is what I meant my friend.

The T...~OUT

As a bonafide Middle of the Roader/moderate, I will give you my answer. First of all, there are moderate conservatives and moderate liberals and those groups dominate who moderates are. We don't have an ideology that dictates our view. Each issues is separate for us and not a block of issues. Sometimes I agree with the right and sometimes with the left. I always consider how an issue effects the Middle Class/the Working Class.
Rule of law? I have no problem with rule of law. Laws get changed all the time and that is good because the world changes all the time.
YES, LAWS change all the time...but the standing query is: should principle(s)?

YES, LAWS change all the time...but the standing query is: should principle(s)?
Principles? You have principles?

Are you really an American? · · :lol:


BORN and BRED. I have direct Relatives that fought under Washington, and have Counties named after them in their honour.

My Family shed blood and served this Republic. Can YOU say the same?


Get lost creep.

The T ~ OUT
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Progressives have a long history of being violent and nonproductive.
And the "Old South" was a bastion of peace and productivity?

The old south was run by democrats....
Yes. Conservative Democrats. How convenient it must be to ignore your own political ideology when party politics provides such flimsy cover. You don't suppose those Democrats were the Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, Progressive variety of Democrat do you?

Nope! They were the typical Conservative hard headed, hard hearted variety who grabbed the truncheon and fire hose whenever folks asked for freedom and liberty.
I think most independent polls think the conservatives out number liberals almost two to one...

40% conservative....35% moderate and only 21% consider themselves liberal.

And yet the CONS claim that a socialist has been elected president. Sounds like either someone's numbers or someone's characterization of the president is off base. :eusa_eh:

depends on who shows up to vote. a large % of conservatives stayed home in 08 and 12.

Obama is not a socialist--------he is a marxist collectivist.
Redfish has no idea what "Marxist collectivist" means.

Other than Redfish's pronouncements mean that we can see he knows nothing.

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