If the Dem, whoever it is, wins in Nov. he will be faced with a monumental task


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Because everything Capt. Chaos has done needs to be undone.

First, the US needs to re-engage with the rest of the world in fighting climate change. Every other issue pales in comparison to this one in importance since the survival of the planet hinges on how aggressively we take on the problem.

It's going to be very difficult to put the tax cut genie back in the bottle but taxes will have to be raised. The increase in the deficit (which is the one thing supporting this economy) is unsustainable. It may take some time as a recession is inevitable. Typically that's when tax cuts are enacted and stimulative interest rate cuts are made. These measures have already taken place to keep Baby Donald's fragile economy afloat. So the government will be severely hamstrung when the recession comes.

Civility and integrity must be restored to the office of the POTUS. Pathological lying must end, indifference to policy details must end, the end of pep rallies, the end of boorish tweets, the end of thin skinned attacks on any critic, the end of the degradation of foundational institutions, the end of nepotism, the end of profiteering from holding the office, the end of purging civil servants based on loyalty tests...........it all has to stop.

The endless sabotage of the ACA must cease. The original goal of democratizing the cost of health insurance by expanding the pool of those insured is fundamentally sound. Beyond that, medical cost inflation must be brought under control. The free market has failed miserably in that endeavor and so by necessity government controls need to be instituted as they are, successfully, in the rest of the industrialized world.

We must repair international relations. Enemies like China and Russia are most effectively taken on by building coalitions with like minded countries. Not by putting "America first." Idiotic, jingoistic slogans like "globalists" need to give way to realization alliances make us stronger, not weaker.

Gun violence is arguably the top public safety issue after climate change. There are no perfect solutions to eliminating gun violence but measures must be taken to do what we can to reduce it based on empirical data. To that end, a national commission should be organized to study the problem and make recommendations to be considered.

Immigration reform along the lines of the bipartisan bill passed by the Senate in 2013 (and killed by the coward known as John Boehner in the House) needs to be enacted. A Guide to S.744: Understanding the 2013 Senate Immigration Bill

Obviously, this is just a partial list. The damage to the country brought on by the reign of corruption and incompetence by the ignorant fool known as President Shithole and his enablers is extensive and can not be reversed over night. Naturally, efforts at repair will be fought be the remnants of the cult of Trumpery. The Following's blind devotion to the fact free construct Don and right wing media has created will not be easy to extinguish since the media cohort spewing lies and distortions of the truth will remain even after the Orange Fraud is gone off the stage. But they must be marginalized. Reduced to the whining bar stool cranks and bigots that they are. Hopefully, the GOP will make a comeback as the principled conservatives they once were. Before the rise of extremism, fueled by Faux and right wing talk radio, radicalized the party in to an angry mob intolerant of anyone not like them.
Just to take a reality break...
1. The senate will likely stay GOP based on the fact that Doug Jones is toast in AL, and the 4 toss-ups all won't go democrat.
2. The House will likely swing back to the GOP because the 31 seats the dems won in 2018 in Trump districts will most likely swing back to the GOP since Trump has a 95% approval rating among Republicans
3. So even if Joe ekes out a presidential win he won't be able to do much damage.
More likely Trump will win re-election, just based on Joe being so old and obviously has dementia.
Because everything Capt. Chaos has done needs to be undone.

First, the US needs to re-engage with the rest of the world in fighting climate change. Every other issue pales in comparison to this one in importance since the survival of the planet hinges on how aggressively we take on the problem.

It's going to be very difficult to put the tax cut genie back in the bottle but taxes will have to be raised. The increase in the deficit (which is the one thing supporting this economy) is unsustainable. It may take some time as a recession is inevitable. Typically that's when tax cuts are enacted and stimulative interest rate cuts are made. These measures have already taken place to keep Baby Donald's fragile economy afloat. So the government will be severely hamstrung when the recession comes.

Civility and integrity must be restored to the office of the POTUS. Pathological lying must end, indifference to policy details must end, the end of pep rallies, the end of boorish tweets, the end of thin skinned attacks on any critic, the end of the degradation of foundational institutions, the end of nepotism, the end of profiteering from holding the office, the end of purging civil servants based on loyalty tests...........it all has to stop.

The endless sabotage of the ACA must cease. The original goal of democratizing the cost of health insurance by expanding the pool of those insured is fundamentally sound. Beyond that, medical cost inflation must be brought under control. The free market has failed miserably in that endeavor and so by necessity government controls need to be instituted as they are, successfully, in the rest of the industrialized world.

We must repair international relations. Enemies like China and Russia are most effectively taken on by building coalitions with like minded countries. Not by putting "America first." Idiotic, jingoistic slogans like "globalists" need to give way to realization alliances make us stronger, not weaker.

Gun violence is arguably the top public safety issue after climate change. There are no perfect solutions to eliminating gun violence but measures must be taken to do what we can to reduce it based on empirical data. To that end, a national commission should be organized to study the problem and make recommendations to be considered.

Immigration reform along the lines of the bipartisan bill passed by the Senate in 2013 (and killed by the coward known as John Boehner in the House) needs to be enacted. A Guide to S.744: Understanding the 2013 Senate Immigration Bill

Obviously, this is just a partial list. The damage to the country brought on by the reign of corruption and incompetence by the ignorant fool known as President Shithole and his enablers is extensive and can not be reversed over night. Naturally, efforts at repair will be fought be the remnants of the cult of Trumpery. The Following's blind devotion to the fact free construct Don and right wing media has created will not be easy to extinguish since the media cohort spewing lies and distortions of the truth will remain even after the Orange Fraud is gone off the stage. But they must be marginalized. Reduced to the whining bar stool cranks and bigots that they are. Hopefully, the GOP will make a comeback as the principled conservatives they once were. Before the rise of extremism, fueled by Faux and right wing talk radio, radicalized the party in to an angry mob intolerant of anyone not like them.

Interesting thoughts here. So you are for Massive increases in taxes for 2021, as well as destruction of America's Fossil Fuel industry for the putative purpose of fighting against the Climate. Will Sleepy Joe admit this is debates, like Walter Mondale did?
Because everything Capt. Chaos has done needs to be undone.

First, the US needs to re-engage with the rest of the world in fighting climate change. Every other issue pales in comparison to this one in importance since the survival of the planet hinges on how aggressively we take on the problem.

It's going to be very difficult to put the tax cut genie back in the bottle but taxes will have to be raised. The increase in the deficit (which is the one thing supporting this economy) is unsustainable. It may take some time as a recession is inevitable. Typically that's when tax cuts are enacted and stimulative interest rate cuts are made. These measures have already taken place to keep Baby Donald's fragile economy afloat. So the government will be severely hamstrung when the recession comes.

Civility and integrity must be restored to the office of the POTUS. Pathological lying must end, indifference to policy details must end, the end of pep rallies, the end of boorish tweets, the end of thin skinned attacks on any critic, the end of the degradation of foundational institutions, the end of nepotism, the end of profiteering from holding the office, the end of purging civil servants based on loyalty tests...........it all has to stop.

The endless sabotage of the ACA must cease. The original goal of democratizing the cost of health insurance by expanding the pool of those insured is fundamentally sound. Beyond that, medical cost inflation must be brought under control. The free market has failed miserably in that endeavor and so by necessity government controls need to be instituted as they are, successfully, in the rest of the industrialized world.

We must repair international relations. Enemies like China and Russia are most effectively taken on by building coalitions with like minded countries. Not by putting "America first." Idiotic, jingoistic slogans like "globalists" need to give way to realization alliances make us stronger, not weaker.

Gun violence is arguably the top public safety issue after climate change. There are no perfect solutions to eliminating gun violence but measures must be taken to do what we can to reduce it based on empirical data. To that end, a national commission should be organized to study the problem and make recommendations to be considered.

Immigration reform along the lines of the bipartisan bill passed by the Senate in 2013 (and killed by the coward known as John Boehner in the House) needs to be enacted. A Guide to S.744: Understanding the 2013 Senate Immigration Bill

Obviously, this is just a partial list. The damage to the country brought on by the reign of corruption and incompetence by the ignorant fool known as President Shithole and his enablers is extensive and can not be reversed over night. Naturally, efforts at repair will be fought be the remnants of the cult of Trumpery. The Following's blind devotion to the fact free construct Don and right wing media has created will not be easy to extinguish since the media cohort spewing lies and distortions of the truth will remain even after the Orange Fraud is gone off the stage. But they must be marginalized. Reduced to the whining bar stool cranks and bigots that they are. Hopefully, the GOP will make a comeback as the principled conservatives they once were. Before the rise of extremism, fueled by Faux and right wing talk radio, radicalized the party in to an angry mob intolerant of anyone not like them.

You are nuts if you think China or Russia cares about any Western or Asian Coalition!

China is an enemy of the World and when you realize this the better off you are!

Gun violence is overhyped like the Coronavirus and when put in the correct perspective you realize you have a better chance of dying by some idiot driver than a mass shooter and owning a gun is a constitutional right while driving is not!

The ACA was setup to fail knowing Republican States would not opt in and with that knowledge Obama, Pelosi and Reid knew they were driving the Nation to a Public Option system!

Schooling is a State to State issue that should be left to the States and not idiots in DC that believe California program is the only one that works...

Immigration Reform was killed by Boehner and the GOP House because that is what they were elected to do.

Obama had his first year in 2009 to get something passed but punted it until Democrats lost the House.

So your political party will do nothing as usual!

So if Democrats win then expect to get little while they blame everyone for their failure...
Just to take a reality break...
1. The senate will likely stay GOP based on the fact that Doug Jones is toast in AL, and the 4 toss-ups all won't go democrat.
2. The House will likely swing back to the GOP because the 31 seats the dems won in 2018 in Trump districts will most likely swing back to the GOP since Trump has a 95% approval rating among Republicans
3. So even if Joe ekes out a presidential win he won't be able to do much damage.
More likely Trump will win re-election, just based on Joe being so old and obviously has dementia.
With the exception of the POT taking back the House what you said is possible. The OP was really just a list of things that need to be put back on track if the country is to thrive going forward. Cuz........you know.........4 more years of this debacle will just make it more difficult to come back from.
Just to take a reality break...
1. The senate will likely stay GOP based on the fact that Doug Jones is toast in AL, and the 4 toss-ups all won't go democrat.
2. The House will likely swing back to the GOP because the 31 seats the dems won in 2018 in Trump districts will most likely swing back to the GOP since Trump has a 95% approval rating among Republicans
3. So even if Joe ekes out a presidential win he won't be able to do much damage.
More likely Trump will win re-election, just based on Joe being so old and obviously has dementia.

Joe is the Democrats John McCain in 2020...
Because everything Capt. Chaos has done needs to be undone.

First, the US needs to re-engage with the rest of the world in fighting climate change. Every other issue pales in comparison to this one in importance since the survival of the planet hinges on how aggressively we take on the problem.

It's going to be very difficult to put the tax cut genie back in the bottle but taxes will have to be raised. The increase in the deficit (which is the one thing supporting this economy) is unsustainable. It may take some time as a recession is inevitable. Typically that's when tax cuts are enacted and stimulative interest rate cuts are made. These measures have already taken place to keep Baby Donald's fragile economy afloat. So the government will be severely hamstrung when the recession comes.

Civility and integrity must be restored to the office of the POTUS. Pathological lying must end, indifference to policy details must end, the end of pep rallies, the end of boorish tweets, the end of thin skinned attacks on any critic, the end of the degradation of foundational institutions, the end of nepotism, the end of profiteering from holding the office, the end of purging civil servants based on loyalty tests...........it all has to stop.

The endless sabotage of the ACA must cease. The original goal of democratizing the cost of health insurance by expanding the pool of those insured is fundamentally sound. Beyond that, medical cost inflation must be brought under control. The free market has failed miserably in that endeavor and so by necessity government controls need to be instituted as they are, successfully, in the rest of the industrialized world.

We must repair international relations. Enemies like China and Russia are most effectively taken on by building coalitions with like minded countries. Not by putting "America first." Idiotic, jingoistic slogans like "globalists" need to give way to realization alliances make us stronger, not weaker.

Gun violence is arguably the top public safety issue after climate change. There are no perfect solutions to eliminating gun violence but measures must be taken to do what we can to reduce it based on empirical data. To that end, a national commission should be organized to study the problem and make recommendations to be considered.

Immigration reform along the lines of the bipartisan bill passed by the Senate in 2013 (and killed by the coward known as John Boehner in the House) needs to be enacted. A Guide to S.744: Understanding the 2013 Senate Immigration Bill

Obviously, this is just a partial list. The damage to the country brought on by the reign of corruption and incompetence by the ignorant fool known as President Shithole and his enablers is extensive and can not be reversed over night. Naturally, efforts at repair will be fought be the remnants of the cult of Trumpery. The Following's blind devotion to the fact free construct Don and right wing media has created will not be easy to extinguish since the media cohort spewing lies and distortions of the truth will remain even after the Orange Fraud is gone off the stage. But they must be marginalized. Reduced to the whining bar stool cranks and bigots that they are. Hopefully, the GOP will make a comeback as the principled conservatives they once were. Before the rise of extremism, fueled by Faux and right wing talk radio, radicalized the party in to an angry mob intolerant of anyone not like them.
Awesome rhetoric you have there, you appear to have bought it hook, line and sinker. :thup:

radicalized the party in to an angry mob intolerant of anyone not like them.

The irony is hilarious. :rofl:

Oh and before you resort to the typical us vs them "you're a Trumpbot" retort I can't stand Trump, didn't vote for him last time, won't vote for him this time...........
You are nuts if you think China or Russia cares about any Western or Asian Coalition!
Alliances can put more long lasting pressure on China to adhere to international norms while not doing self-inflicted damage to the world economy than tariffs can. Unfortunately, our colossally ignorant prez thinks China is paying for the tariffs he imposed and educating him on the issue has proved futile.
.4 more years of this debacle will just make it more difficult to come back from.

If you haven't been doing well in the last 4 years, you probably should be voting for one of the wackdoos who promises "free" stuff because you obviously aren't capable of succeeding on your own merits. Stealing from others is a last resort.
Just to take a reality break...
1. The senate will likely stay GOP based on the fact that Doug Jones is toast in AL, and the 4 toss-ups all won't go democrat.
2. The House will likely swing back to the GOP because the 31 seats the dems won in 2018 in Trump districts will most likely swing back to the GOP since Trump has a 95% approval rating among Republicans
3. So even if Joe ekes out a presidential win he won't be able to do much damage.
More likely Trump will win re-election, just based on Joe being so old and obviously has dementia.
With the exception of the POT taking back the House what you said is possible. The OP was really just a list of things that need to be put back on track if the country is to thrive going forward. Cuz........you know.........4 more years of this debacle will just make it more difficult to come back from.
“Thrice going forward”. So the country is suddenly doing poorly by your standards?
You are nuts if you think China or Russia cares about any Western or Asian Coalition!
Alliances can put more long lasting pressure on China to adhere to international norms while not doing self-inflicted damage to the world economy than tariffs can. Unfortunately, our colossally ignorant prez thinks China is paying for the tariffs he imposed and educating him on the issue has proved futile.
Alliances with whom?
Awesome rhetoric you have there, you appear to have bought it hook, line and sinker.
What is "it?"
Apparently reading comprehension is not your strong point, not surprising. "It" = partisan rhetoric.........

I figure you're either part of the political smear machine (the DNC in this instance) or you're the typical gullible voter.
Because everything Capt. Chaos has done needs to be undone.

First, the US needs to re-engage with the rest of the world in fighting climate change. Every other issue pales in comparison to this one in importance since the survival of the planet hinges on how aggressively we take on the problem.

It's going to be very difficult to put the tax cut genie back in the bottle but taxes will have to be raised. The increase in the deficit (which is the one thing supporting this economy) is unsustainable. It may take some time as a recession is inevitable. Typically that's when tax cuts are enacted and stimulative interest rate cuts are made. These measures have already taken place to keep Baby Donald's fragile economy afloat. So the government will be severely hamstrung when the recession comes.

Civility and integrity must be restored to the office of the POTUS. Pathological lying must end, indifference to policy details must end, the end of pep rallies, the end of boorish tweets, the end of thin skinned attacks on any critic, the end of the degradation of foundational institutions, the end of nepotism, the end of profiteering from holding the office, the end of purging civil servants based on loyalty tests...........it all has to stop.

The endless sabotage of the ACA must cease. The original goal of democratizing the cost of health insurance by expanding the pool of those insured is fundamentally sound. Beyond that, medical cost inflation must be brought under control. The free market has failed miserably in that endeavor and so by necessity government controls need to be instituted as they are, successfully, in the rest of the industrialized world.

We must repair international relations. Enemies like China and Russia are most effectively taken on by building coalitions with like minded countries. Not by putting "America first." Idiotic, jingoistic slogans like "globalists" need to give way to realization alliances make us stronger, not weaker.

Gun violence is arguably the top public safety issue after climate change. There are no perfect solutions to eliminating gun violence but measures must be taken to do what we can to reduce it based on empirical data. To that end, a national commission should be organized to study the problem and make recommendations to be considered.

Immigration reform along the lines of the bipartisan bill passed by the Senate in 2013 (and killed by the coward known as John Boehner in the House) needs to be enacted. A Guide to S.744: Understanding the 2013 Senate Immigration Bill

Obviously, this is just a partial list. The damage to the country brought on by the reign of corruption and incompetence by the ignorant fool known as President Shithole and his enablers is extensive and can not be reversed over night. Naturally, efforts at repair will be fought be the remnants of the cult of Trumpery. The Following's blind devotion to the fact free construct Don and right wing media has created will not be easy to extinguish since the media cohort spewing lies and distortions of the truth will remain even after the Orange Fraud is gone off the stage. But they must be marginalized. Reduced to the whining bar stool cranks and bigots that they are. Hopefully, the GOP will make a comeback as the principled conservatives they once were. Before the rise of extremism, fueled by Faux and right wing talk radio, radicalized the party in to an angry mob intolerant of anyone not like them.
Climate Change is a Homo-Erotic-Globalist-Communist Wet Dream.
There is no greater fraud than "Climate Change" sans maybe "Russian Collusion"

If you want to read up on "Climate Change" read The Book of Revelation. If you want to be saved from The Book of Revelation and all the Judgments to come, You Need Change.

China and Putin can kiss each other's asses. America does not need either one of them and we should just pull out from China, and build everything we need here in America.
You are nuts if you think China or Russia cares about any Western or Asian Coalition!
Alliances can put more long lasting pressure on China to adhere to international norms while not doing self-inflicted damage to the world economy than tariffs can. Unfortunately, our colossally ignorant prez thinks China is paying for the tariffs he imposed and educating him on the issue has proved futile.

Following the lead of the failed allies in Western Europe is a huge mistake.

Remember it was Germany that led the world into 2 world wide cataclysms in the 20th Century. Hardly someone to follow. The rest of western Europe is in steep decline. They don't even procreate enough to maintain their population nowadays and will soon be part of the Islamonazi sphere of influence. More people in France attend islamic masses than Catholic masses each week.
You are nuts if you think China or Russia cares about any Western or Asian Coalition!
Alliances can put more long lasting pressure on China to adhere to international norms while not doing self-inflicted damage to the world economy than tariffs can. Unfortunately, our colossally ignorant prez thinks China is paying for the tariffs he imposed and educating him on the issue has proved futile.

Yeah, because that worked so well from the 1990s to today.

If Trump loses, China will be EMBOLDENED and they will go even HARDER against the West. Infiltrating political parties, agendas and economies to deny another Trump-like, America First president from ever winning.

So, be ready for real open borders, abuses of your constitution and socialism. These processes were already starting rapidly before Trump won, it will be worse if he loses.

I don't know your angle here. America has decreased emissions the most. Go out and vote for self interests for once, before the rest of the West crumbles without a strong America.
Last edited:
Because everything Capt. Chaos has done needs to be undone.

First, the US needs to re-engage with the rest of the world in fighting climate change. Every other issue pales in comparison to this one in importance since the survival of the planet hinges on how aggressively we take on the problem.

It's going to be very difficult to put the tax cut genie back in the bottle but taxes will have to be raised. The increase in the deficit (which is the one thing supporting this economy) is unsustainable. It may take some time as a recession is inevitable. Typically that's when tax cuts are enacted and stimulative interest rate cuts are made. These measures have already taken place to keep Baby Donald's fragile economy afloat. So the government will be severely hamstrung when the recession comes.

Civility and integrity must be restored to the office of the POTUS. Pathological lying must end, indifference to policy details must end, the end of pep rallies, the end of boorish tweets, the end of thin skinned attacks on any critic, the end of the degradation of foundational institutions, the end of nepotism, the end of profiteering from holding the office, the end of purging civil servants based on loyalty tests...........it all has to stop.

The endless sabotage of the ACA must cease. The original goal of democratizing the cost of health insurance by expanding the pool of those insured is fundamentally sound. Beyond that, medical cost inflation must be brought under control. The free market has failed miserably in that endeavor and so by necessity government controls need to be instituted as they are, successfully, in the rest of the industrialized world.

We must repair international relations. Enemies like China and Russia are most effectively taken on by building coalitions with like minded countries. Not by putting "America first." Idiotic, jingoistic slogans like "globalists" need to give way to realization alliances make us stronger, not weaker.

Gun violence is arguably the top public safety issue after climate change. There are no perfect solutions to eliminating gun violence but measures must be taken to do what we can to reduce it based on empirical data. To that end, a national commission should be organized to study the problem and make recommendations to be considered.

Immigration reform along the lines of the bipartisan bill passed by the Senate in 2013 (and killed by the coward known as John Boehner in the House) needs to be enacted. A Guide to S.744: Understanding the 2013 Senate Immigration Bill

Obviously, this is just a partial list. The damage to the country brought on by the reign of corruption and incompetence by the ignorant fool known as President Shithole and his enablers is extensive and can not be reversed over night. Naturally, efforts at repair will be fought be the remnants of the cult of Trumpery. The Following's blind devotion to the fact free construct Don and right wing media has created will not be easy to extinguish since the media cohort spewing lies and distortions of the truth will remain even after the Orange Fraud is gone off the stage. But they must be marginalized. Reduced to the whining bar stool cranks and bigots that they are. Hopefully, the GOP will make a comeback as the principled conservatives they once were. Before the rise of extremism, fueled by Faux and right wing talk radio, radicalized the party in to an angry mob intolerant of anyone not like them.

1. Climate change means that the US wastes $billions and the rest of the world does nothing. The US is 15% of the problem, China and India are the main culprits.

2. We agree on raising taxes, but need to do it smartly. Raising the top rate 7% and adding a 3% VAT is a start. Then add a financial "transaction tax" to punish high frequency traders will do a lot to stabilize the stock markets.

3. Trump is a real estate mogul, he exaggerates. He needs to know that fact-checkers will beat him over the head if he tells whoppers.

4. Obamacare always was a disaster. I prefer healthcare before the ACA. You buy insurance and you get healthcare. With the ACA, you pay premiums AND you pay deductibles up to $10,000 before getting any healthcare. That is extortion.

5. NATO is stronger now that Trump enforced financial commitments. We are stronger with fair trade agreements. "Alliances" need to benefit both parties, don't they?

6. How do you figure gun violence is the top public safety issue? I need a link on that.
Hint: The 2nd Amendment protects gun owners' rights, and it is not going anywhere.
Number of deaths for leading causes of death: FastStats

  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
  • Diabetes: 83,564
  • Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173

7. Immigration reform will be passed. We like these policy changes:

  • No catch & release, wait in Mexico
  • No diversity lottery
  • No asylum claims unless pre-approved
  • No chain migration
  • Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
  • No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies from Russia & China.
  • DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship
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You are nuts if you think China or Russia cares about any Western or Asian Coalition!
Alliances can put more long lasting pressure on China to adhere to international norms while not doing self-inflicted damage to the world economy than tariffs can. Unfortunately, our colossally ignorant prez thinks China is paying for the tariffs he imposed and educating him on the issue has proved futile.
You might want to watch "Pippen"

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